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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. Fuerte, can you please email me with a few lines of text telling me what you want written for your PBEM helper? Then I can include it in the FAQ. Thanks!
  2. Yes. Luckily I don't eat them. Sadly the same person had left a deposit upon my toast aswell.
  3. C'mon Soddball, the guy asked a legit question, the least you can do is explain yourself to him...</font>
  4. I was screwed by Battlefront, although I had to pay them.
  5. Pirated copy then? Good for you. Heaven forbid you might pay for your software.
  6. Multiplayer, I think. TCP/IP was included in the early patches for CMBO, Panzerfaust. Check the Battlefront.com website and you will find the patches for download there.
  7. I'm playing Hortlund in a QB, and Windsor is enjoying your scenario with me. Yeesh.
  8. Have you tried reading the FAQ? Thought not. Read and learn.
  9. My updates: Hurrah for Goodale's scenario creating abilities. I am currently facing the wrong end of a Brummbar - lots of armour and 150mm of death. Fortunately I am carving my way through Teddy Windsor's infantry because they were drunk on meths. My game vs Hortlund is proceeding with very little excitement. At the moment, I am pinging 20mm rounds off a T34 to alleviate the boredom, and my infantry are practicing their suicide rushes. Abbott, you're in charge of the new thread title. Make sure that you don't let Goodale out of his cage.
  10. Have you had a look at the long list of sites in the FAQ? Thought not.
  11. I wish that new forum members would read the ****ing FAQ instead of posting the same inane stupid questions again and again. :mad: :mad:
  12. Fionn's just highlighted one of the biggest vulnerabilities of the StuG - it can't respond quickly if you strike from the flank, turning takes an age. This is the case for all tanks, obviously, but turretless tanks like the StuG and Hetzer are slower than the turreted Panzer IVs. Tigrii obviously hasn't played against anyone with a StuG fetish
  13. . . . their refusal to serve anything but mashed Eucalyptus leaves, and the way their balls of poo clung to their fur. The worst part about all of that was . . .
  14. Have a look at the FAQ, all the details you need are in there. Link in my Sig.
  15. Perhaps - but you need two things to enjoy this forum. One is an internet connection. The other is a thick skin. Now you clearly have the first, how about growing a second? For what it's worth, Seanachai may well be a worthless sack of lemur pubes, with all the social graces of a mouldering elephant turd, but he's our waste of space - and some of the stuff he writes is funny, including what he said about accessorising. After listening to my girlfriend complain that she needed new shoes to go with the gloves and scarf she bought in the January Sales, I agree with Seanachai that mod sluts sound the same. In particular, I like to use CMMOS to do complete resprays of an entire swathe of armour, and it's important for me to match my helmet.
  16. What you're showing is a lack of understanding about the JS-2. That "lucky hit" that you describe from the StuG wasn't luck. In a recent PBEM game, I used three StuG's to carve my opponent's JS-2's to pieces. The JS-2 doesn't have the reload speed or the accuracy to mix it with Tigers, Jagdpanthers, Nashorns, Panthers, StuGs or Marders. There have been several threads about this in the last few months, search the forums and you'll see that this issue was raised (quite rightly so, since it does seem odd) and dealt with.
  17. Goodale! You have a duty to your forum colleagues which overrides anything, anywhere, ever!!! Listen to them baying for the blood!! You have the crowd in your hand, stop putting them through this misery - or forever will I consign your worthless carcass to the General Forum!
  18. Believe what you like, it's actually a sodding great cement mixer. Look, you can just about make out "Caterpillar" under all the grime.
  19. Exactly why are they going to be equal. It could be established that a Panzer IID had the sort of sights that gave it "good optics." Can you establish exactly what sort of sights? Just because it is a later design, in a different country does not mean it is better. WWB</font>
  20. Assuming you were in a ground-attack Hurricane with 30mm cannon, I'll agree. 8 .303 machine guns aren't going to do alot against a Tiger
  21. You might want to read my FAQ, towards the end, about posting your thread titles in capitals. The best person to email about this problem is Gordon Molek, the creator.
  22. Ye gods. It's less funny than an afternoon in the company of Jim Davidson. Where's the bile? Where's the foaming frotrage? Where's the aggressive smileys?
  23. I can't believe you pigs are airing all my best scenario ideas in public. :mad: :mad: grrrrRRRR MAGGOTS!!! :mad:
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