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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. Check out the Frequently-Asked Questions Thread for lots of links to mods and a huge amount of useful info.
  2. Almost a true statement. At least one ST prototype was used against the uprising in Warsaw in August, 1944. That ST was then returned to Germany. Following this incident Sturmtigers were issued to only three companies, the 1000, 1001, and the 1002 Sturmmorser Companies and used against the Western Allies. </font>
  3. Sort of. It's one of those curious items of Royal Marines' slang for different movement modes, which AFAIK go as follows: Yomping -- long moves out of contact, often over difficult terrain. Bimbling -- normal tactical movement. Snurgling -- "sneaky beaky" tactical movement making maximum use of cover. Dismounted advance or attack operations in CM will often be seen to fall clearly into yomp, bimble and snurgle phases as the attackers get closer to the enemy. All the best, John. </font>
  4. It looks good. I can't see that anything's missed out, and the style matches. I particularly like the way the layout of the snow on the wheels matches the layout of the snow on the tracks.
  5. Groovy work, Tracer I'll have that one. The way that the snow is built up on the exposed tank parts is most impressive!
  6. That's true, but with squads you always take at least some casualties, and the survivors are usually rattled (just depends on what hit you, and if small arms fire opens up on you as well). I've never tried this with a sharpshooter, but you only have one man lose! [/QB]</font>
  7. It's an interesting idea, albeit risky. A crack sharpshooter is a powerful scouting tool, but putting it in a vehicle makes it an easy target. The idea is good, but it makes me a bit nervous. One "key-hole" sight from an AT gun and you lose the vehicle and the sharpshooter. [/QB]</font>
  8. I understood what you meant. Beleive me, I wish it was faster too. The message I was trying to get across to everyone is that this is the best it's gonna get. The next level is to somehow generate enough income to pay for a seperate box and ISP connection ($1000 for new box, min $900/yr for ISP). Also, I just don't have the time or energy to dedicate to it. I do have a real job and a life outside of CM. I'm glad you're getting what you want out of it. That's why it's here. COG </font>
  9. Forgive my lack on telepathy, you have to admit there is a lot of trolling that goes on in here. Yes of course infantry are always the best scouts, but there are circumstances when you don't have the time luxery to scout with infantry and react appropriatly. I only buy mobile recon when I'm pressed for time. They can speed up the scouting process. So with that in mind in the question remains. "fast" from tree patch to tree patch has thus far been most effective, but as someone pointed out, you often die before you get any important info. [/QB]</font>
  10. Groovy to see you back, baby. Hope you feel better soon. MasterGoodale might have become a more experienced player, but he still sucks like a 10$ whore.
  11. How peculiar - I've now shipped you turn 88 of MG's masterpiece on the 24th, 27th and 28th. I've not had any indication that there's been any problem with them and my two other PBEM games are progressing nicely. Any ideas? Teddy </font>
  12. What kind of bullsh*t is that. . . . Herr Troll? </font>
  13. I'm sure you are correct in your assumption that the three minute reload time is for playability. However, when reload times for other weapon systems more accurately reflect reality, the ST times skew its power off the scale. In order to compensate, somewhat, for this issue, I reduce the load-out for ST's to less than half. This forces the player to use the ST more conservatively. </font>
  14. . . . the rumpy pumpy that always takes place in the Peng Thread Orgies - just too horrible to contemplate. And yet, one can't help oneself . . .
  15. Where the smeg are my turns? I have one from Hortlund but sod all else from anyone else? I shipped mine out days ago. I need my fix!
  16. Oh yes, plenty of success. I have put together a scenario which will let you try it out in ideal conditions for flamethrower units. It's playable vs the AI. If you're interested in a copy, drop me a line. Edited to correct sucky spelling caused by shortage of sleep and excess of caffeine. [ January 29, 2003, 05:39 AM: Message edited by: Soddball ]
  17. You're right. There should be more TNT chucking. Give it 15 turns and see whether you think there is inadequate TNT
  18. Whatever the highest res is. I play on a 17" Iiyama TFT monitor with a 128MB GF4 and it looks fantastic. The monitor's good enough that even playing Unreal Tournament I don't get any visible slow down.
  19. My game versus MasterGoodale has finally kicked off. At this rate of turn exchange, I predict completion by doomsday. Unfortunately, our first turn is a 600k file - and I haven't moved anything. Lordy knows what the later ones are going to be like. :eek: Still, looking on the bright side, there's few joys greater than the knowledge that shortly before the end of the world, MasterGoodale will be able to add my name to the (by then) infinitely long list of people who have kicked his molten TNT arse!! Interestingly, I received an invitation to a wedding today. One of my school friends is marrying a warthog. I may have left it too late to warn him off, I think. Anyone ever seen a warthog wrapped in 2 acres of white silk? Urhhhhh. Hortlund and I are still slogging it out even though he should have won by now. Wretched game. I want dry ground conditions in future or I'm going to sulk. Teddy Windsor has clearly been so terrified by my last turn that he can't send the next one.
  20. ". . . my darling Clementine, I have missed your chunks and your thick wrinkled skin!". Now this wierdness did not help Yalka out of his predicament, and he pondered what to do next. Suddenly, he had an idea . . .
  21. Perhaps you are a froth-spouting loon who needs to have his chuddies handed to him on a sparkly silver platter - the game in hand will show you how we masters of GreySkull do it. So that's where I've been going wrong. You muppet. I sent you that Kneiber Dam scenario for you to kick arse and chew bubblegum, and you turn round and tell me you're all out of gum? I've had used johnnies with more spunk than you.
  22. Goodale, old babe, old hunnybunch, believe me when I tell you that no 3,000 point Quick Battle can match the TNT chucking, arse-thrashing perversity of this new scenario. There will be howls of righteous screaming and the sound of faces melting from here to Vladivostok when those poor buggers finally reach the endgame. Incidentally, what happened to your game on the Kneiber Dam which I sent you? Did you have fun? Finally, and most importantly, WHERE ARE MY TURNS YOU WANKER!?
  23. The FAQ, which you should have read by now, answers all these tricky questions and alot more stupid ones which you'll probably ask over the next few months.
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