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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. The scenario is in your inbox. Have a groovy time. heeheehee.
  2. The problem that occurs to me is how to quantify 'better' ability to hit weak spots. If it's a Tiger you add 7%, Stug 6%? How do you calculate it. In a game based as much as it is on accurate information something like this would be pure guesswork - at least in terms of how much more likely an elite crew is to target a 'weak spot'.
  3. Strike alight. Another victim for MasterGoodale to throw hot molten TNT over :mad:
  4. What would an Englishman know about a) snow winter sports c) being "rad"? :confused: </font>
  5. Looks as though you got unlucky with that salvo from the Tigers to me. I would guess that if you replayed the scenario in a similar manner that you'd get a different result.
  6. If you wish, Mike T Wino, I have a scenario stuffed to the gills with hot, face-melting molten grrr TNT. I will drop it over to you and you can pick your opponent. :mad:
  7. He's not going to be very rad with only one foot on his snowboard.
  8. It's OK, it turned up. More of a damp squib than a hot, buttock-chafingly terrifying sack of molten TNT though. The terrain looks fabulous. If ever there were a killing ground for my tanks, this is it.
  9. Great winter mod, Andrew. Makes me want to flip out and kick my mum right in the face!
  10. Your 'ineffective' small-cal penetrations aren't ineffective at all. They will be knocking out the weapons, or hitting the tracks, or at very least upsetting the crew of the vehicle you're hitting. Unless you're playing without fog of war,how can you possibly know whether the crew is 'shocked' or 'routed'? I suggest you run some tests and generate some proof that these small calibre penetrations actually are ineffective before you make any more inaccurate statements.
  11. ". . . "wreck my rewengay!" Yalka opened up his jacket, to reveal an inflatable hammer. After 20 minutes of panting and puffing, his hammer was fully inflated. He raised the mighty weapon over his head with both arms, . . .
  12. And that shall be my weapon against thee! :mad: </font>
  13. For those next two lucky people starting a game: I have delicately crafted a scenario which is sensible (teehee), reasonable (teeheehee), historically accurate (Bwahahaahahah!) and guaranteed to be interesting whilst not reducing your brain to goo(HOOHOO!) I am looking for two homicidal volunteers whose idea of a good time is hacking one another to bits with spades. Comedy assured, sanity optional. Edited because I had my mong pants on. [ January 24, 2003, 03:07 PM: Message edited by: Soddball ]
  14. One of the most enjoyable games I played was an all-random VS the AI - I had no idea what the terrain was going to be, or my troops, or the weather. In the end, I was given a battalion of unfit conscript pioneers, no armour and no artillery and ordered to 'take that town'! It was a savage affair - dodging fire from machine guns and self-propelled guns, creeping forward, then fighting house-to-house with demo charges and flamethrowers. By the time my 45 turns were up, I had taken half the town but had only reached one of the three flags. Technically, I lost. What that game taught me is that no matter how tough a battle might be, it's always worth fighting. No ladder player would have taken up that challenge. If I went by Panzer76's rules, I'd have restarted and played something safe. However, in that 45 minutes I learned more about covering arcs, suppression, organic mortar support, fire bases and jump-off points than I'd learned in three months of playing against AI and human opponents.
  15. In that case, I salute your opponent for being brave enough to put his tank within spitting distance of your infantry. If you had been better organised, that Panzer would have been a ball of oily smoke and charred metal.
  16. . . . write a cheque for the bailiffs currently standing in the hallway, hatchets and hammers in hand. QUickly Yalka opened his pocket and pulled out . . .
  17. I haven't seen anything around yet. The best I can suggest is nipping into the scenario editor and looking at the stats through the unit and map editors.
  18. You don't have a chance anyway, you nonce. I'm going to turn you into pie. Mmmm. Pie!
  19. If you spent as much time putting your turns out as you did waffling threateningly then I might have my turn back by now.
  20. . . .odd really, seeing that Aunt Hilda hadn't had a dog for over two years. Perhaps she needed to . . . KC</font>
  21. Allow me to point you in the direction of the FAQ (which you should have read by now), which includes links to Mark Gallear's Mod advice pages.
  22. I have :mad: :mad: NO TURNS BACK! :mad: :mad: Stop pretending you have a life or sum fink!! Does anyone want to see me thrash MasterGoodale like a naughty schoolboy in a PEBM? Master re-exerting his power over the worthless slave, so to speak?
  23. The gooey cheese pizzas they had ordered. They were suffering from a vicious case of the munchies ... Eucalyptus has a narcotic effect on koalas -true-. The Roos' refused to allow the pizzas and bears to share a ride home in their pouches ...cheese sticks to their fur and burns as it clings to the flesh. So they tried to catch a ride with ... MFOS - Mouth Full of Spiders</font>
  24. :mad: :mad: :mad: Goodale, you are a pus-filled GOAT SHAGGER!! My game vs Teddy Windsor is going a treat! Not only do I have NO TANKS with decent weapons, so they are all unable to penetrate the Kraut armour, but Teddy has a frigging Brummbar to take out my handful of infantry!! What the flying arse cheeks is this scenario all about? You lunatic! When I've finished this match, I'm going to go medieval on your arse. :mad: Hortlund and I are continuing to frot all over each other. His two T-34s (one gun damaged) are cowering out of range of my tanks like the jessy vodka-sucking perverts they are. :mad: :mad:
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