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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. Oh, you've finished giving oral pleasure to sailors then. Where's my turn? Oh, and you have a little bit dribbling out of the corner of your mouth. Mop it up.
  2. Doesn't Mike_the_wino already work hard enough during the week? </font>
  3. I love the idea of auto-feedback for scenarios. I'll be signing up when I have some fresh stuff to pimp
  4. I believe you can use the 'cover arc' function to keep the hull facing at an angle away from your target, thus improving the armour angle.
  5. You don't owe me a turn, but you owe me a rematch so bring on the your wooosey molten tnt magnets you will surely tout as a fighting force! :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
  6. Originally posted by MasterGoodale: Shut yer piehole and get on with dieing. Are you going to surrender now or make me wait the next 20 turns? Your sig is going to look mighty juicy when I've finished with it. Turns out to all you Maggotoros. Today's top tip for Snogrock: Panzer IVs and deep snow go together like melted cheese and precision machinery. Keke and I continue to growl and snarl at each other like two Goodalesque bitches. He has just started moving lots of tanks away from one part of the map to the part of the map where my tank is turning his infantry into pastry men. Nevermind will return soon. Until then, here is some light music. Strap-on Mike and I are glaring at each other across a few metres of run-down Russkie town. Apart from an attempted suicide by one of my - I hesitate to use the word 'tank' since it's a SUck-76 - vehicles, and the loss of a couple of my guns to total fluke on Mike's part, the real excitement is watching us level factories. Who was next on my list of challengers? I have a slot free and need someone to satisfy it. Best of luck to Jim and his wife at this difficult time.
  7. Charming. It's not like we stuck our fingers in our ears and went "lalalalalala", you know.
  8. Calloo, Callay, oh fabjulous day. MasterGoodale's turns have started appearing in my inbox again now that he has zipped them. Apparently my email company's spam filter puts into junk mail any email from someone with an IQ smaller than their shoe size. Turns out to all Maggots this morning (GMT).
  9. Goodale!! Did you actually send any turns last night? I have six (count 'em!!) turns in my inbox this morning from The Brood - Snarker, Keke, Mike the Wankstain, Teddy Windsor, Matt T and Gaylord Forker. But LO!! There is nothing from you. Neither in zipped, nor in plain text format. And you seem to have failed to send it to either of the email addresses you now have for me. If you didn't ship turns last night, then say so. If you did, then I believe you are a weaseling hoor and I will call upon The Brood to adjudicate in a manner most fair.
  10. What a strap-on. Mountains are there to be admired from the safe confines of the pub.
  11. I know you're thicker than a whale omlette, but just try to understand. I send an email to you. You receive the email. You send an email to me. I don't receive the email. Which of these two emails seems to be working - the one that arrived at its destination, or the one that didn't? :mad: If you can't work out the correct answer, I have some excellent investment opportunities in central Africa for you.
  12. I am waiting on turns from: MasterG who is going to try to resend the turn to me. If you got my email, MasterG, that tells me that my turns are getting through fine to you. It's got to be a problem at your end. PlateCommander who, having sent me a setup, went into Stealth Mode. GlobeLord Fargrilled who needs to send a turn if he expects a reply. Nevermind who will be AWOL for a while until he beats up his landlord and steals some cash. I have shipped turns to: MattT who is playtesting like a hoor. I hate being beaten on my own scenarios. Keke who is having as much fun as I am in our Somme night-time QB. No more QBs. Ever. Wike the Mino who is beating me like a dusky bathmat. Snorkel who is also whipping me like the hoor I am.
  13. I haven't received anything from you. Did you Zip the file or send it plain? Try and ply me with that gamey forfeit bollocks, Goodale, and I will summon The Brood to the Halls of Argumentativeness to debate the worthlessness of your soul. Try zipping the file and sending it, and then zip it and send it to soddball@hotmail.com
  14. Here's the link to the other thread. No need for appleogies - this should tell you what you need to know. Interesting, I think, that the problem relates to all units, including aeroplanes. I'd like to see it ironed out for future CMs. Link to HQ tank thread
  15. What do you mean, 94%? Are you talking about the scenarios on the CD? Have you been to The Scenario Depot? That should solve your lust for fighting as the Brits. I think that you'll see scenarios produced that people want to play, but I expect that the early part of the CM:AK to contain lots of plucky Brits.
  16. See the other thread on the targetting of HQs and higher point value units (eg targetting crack over regular units) for more info and Matt's statement on this.
  17. Ten. I'm just testing my email account - although given that everyone else has successfully sent me turns and received them, I know where the problem is. It's in between Goodale's keyboard and his chair. :mad: </font>
  18. Did you realise that Glumtable has achieved 900 posts within 6 months of his arrival here? There's no stopping the man.
  19. I missed this first time round. As for the BogBoy, you can keep him. He keeps offering us unearthly delights and rude stuff, and we all blush and stand in the corner like so many giggly schoolgirls when he swanks through the thread in his tight leather trousers. I feel that he would fit much better in this thread - we don't keep large enough stocks of baby oil to satisfy his needs, for a start.
  20. I know. Cretin. Why should I wait until this evening to send it? You're so stupid, it's a wonder that you rememeber to breathe.
  21. Ten. I'm just testing my email account - although given that everyone else has successfully sent me turns and received them, I know where the problem is. It's in between Goodale's keyboard and his chair. :mad:
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