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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. I was pondering this last night. We have a 'tank' symbol and a 'light armour' symbol. Should there be one for wheeled vehicles like trucks, jeeps, armoured cars? I think there should, because they will sound different to a tracked or half-tracked vehicle as they move. What do the rest of you think?
  2. For those who never played Doom, when it first came it, it was truly revolutionary. The graphics were out of this world, the sounds were clear, and it was unbelievable fun. Compare it to the closest "competitor" in a non-existent market, Wolfenstein 3D. Doom is now 5 years old. It deserves a high rating because of its revolutionary impact on the PC game marketplace (5 years ago, PC's were competing with Amigas and such), an impact that can only now be assessed. Combat Mission won't be any higher at the moment because: 1) It's a niche game. 2) It's only been out a comparatively short length of time. Unlike you, Fieldmarshall, I'm capable of enjoying games other than Combat Mission. On my desk at the moment are Call to Power 2, Quake 3, The Sims, and Combat Mission - all classics in their own right, and all fun to play. Combat Mission is good, but it isn't the only good game out there.
  3. Those planes in the second photo look Italian. Are they Saettas? MC200's?
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Before I go I would like to point out that there seems to be an eliteism on this board. Attacking "newbies" for asking "silly" questions and reading stuff into posts or just assume things or jump to conclusions seems to be an everyday occourance at this board. And also name calling. For so many "adult" and "educated" people to behave in this most childish way, is quite remarkable. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Congratulations on your rapid possession of the moral high ground. This board is 'online'. It is 100% text based. People HAVE to base their replies on what you write. It has to be 100% clear. If there is any ambiguity then these will cause confusion. Work on your semantics, your spelling and grammar. Use precise words and back up your arguments with sources. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>It seems the "elite" the ones who have been here for a long time, and know alot about WWII and WWII equipment, thinks this board is somehow "theirs". And everyone who either disagree with them or don't do as they say are stupid, and subject to attacks. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, I don't fit into the 'elite' category. I have been here for a few months, and I know buggerall about tanks etc. But I disagreed with you. Everybody disagrees with people sometimes. You're being touchy and I think that growing a thicker skin would help you. Compare these two statements: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> PPS. Yeah, bring on the flames, but I don't think you have anything constructive to say. I guess it is just the usual **** throwing. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Well, if you want the CM "familiy" to expand (but I guess you don't), maybe you should try to be a bit more open minded. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now who's being narrow minded? For heaven's sakes, stop over-reacting. You will be pulled to pieces if you go around making a stand on something. It happens to everyone sometimes, and Maximus an awful lot So grow a thicker skin, and deal with the fact that people have differing opinions. You won't convert them. I spent a week trying to convince Blades on the evolution thread. I spend longer trying to convince people on the SDI weapons thread. We had rows, (and what rows!) but it's just discussion. Maybe you aren't mature enough to handle criticism of your ideas and would be better off leaving.
  5. LOL! More than anything else, I'm enjoying the valuable use of rhetoric and waffle over organised debate on 76's part. I look forward to more wailing rubbish along the lines of "The world is so evil but I am not." Like to see HIM put a couple of asylum seekers up in his spare room for 18 months. Greetings, Mother. Nice blouse.
  6. Count me in as an industrial-strength liability for the brits. I'm crap and I've never played Tourney, but I'll give it a spin
  7. Don't confuse my words 'sound tactic' with 'realistic'. Again, 'sound tactics' can be objective to a point. For example, I may consider the sacrifice of a recon jeep early in the game to be a sound tactic. You classify it as 'gamey' because it wouldn't have worked that way in real life, and I'm taking advantage of the visibility rules of combat mission. I didn't say anything about realism or anything. That's something for people who know more about WW2 tactics than me to argue about.
  8. One of the problems, as I see them, is that "gaminess" lies in the eye of the beholder. One person's gamey is another person's sound tactic. Secondly, 'gaminess' doesn't just cover units but their use. Your tank crew just bailed out of their tank? Historically, apparently, they would have legged it back to HQ, so using them to scout the enemy lines or draw fire is 'gamey'. A problem I encountered recently is that AT units such as bazookas, PIATs and Panzershreks 'draw fire', as do flamethrowers (see my AT gun problem thread) so theoretically a person could buy a flamethrower and walk that flamethrower unit slowly across the battlefield, automatically forcing those enemy units with visibility to open fire, revealing their positions. Not such a big deal for infantry, but for hidden guns which are hard to move and can then be easily targetted it's lethal. Your idea is sound for removing 'gamey' units from individual purchase would work, but I find agreeing to codes of conduct with players beforehand also solves the problem.
  9. This 'gamey' list gets longer and longer! I'm down to regular US infantry and trucks.
  10. Interesting point. I wasn't aware that it would affect such units as AT guns. Let us pray that this issue becomes more satisfactorily resolved in CMBB. Thanks for the input.
  11. I played Perilous Realms for about a year, then lost interest when I found out how diabolical it was. I then started playing Archipelago (essex uni MUD) which mutated into Tempora Heroica, where I started building. That was about 4 years ago but I have stopped now since there were more immorts than players and I found that with a job and gf the amount of time you can distribute to yourself is limited Don't tell me you're a mudder too. Shame on you. Don't you know it's an unhealthy addiction?
  12. This afternoon I was playing a QB vs AI. AI was Axis unlimited, assaulting vs British infantry, village, moderate trees, small hills, light fog, 1,500 points. I had stashed a 6pdr AT gun on a likely path of attack (pretty predictable with the AI, I know) and was horrified to see around a company of axis infantry running past the hidden gun. Although they passed within 60 metres of the gun, they didn't detect it. However, a Panzershrek unit walked past a few seconds afterwards, at 65 metres. The AT gun targetted the shrek, missed, and rapidly became the target for the biggest concentration of lead outside the Warhammer 40k all comers wargaming convention. So - any suggestions, guesses? WTF is going on? Are they MAD? Why is my 6pdr crew attacking a casually sauntering, oblivious Panzershrek, when they've just ignored 100 soldiers that are within sneezing distance? Oh, and I drew. I took 50% losses, the other 50% made it off the board.
  13. I'm not playing in the tournaments - I'm no star, that's for sure - but I've enjoyed reading about it. I have every sympathy for Treeburst's position. He feels pretty pissed off that people have been making life difficult for him and doing everything they can to score a 'win'. Having run a number of RPG's and wargames over the last few years, and been an administrator and builder for a MUD, I can sympathise with his position - there are some industrial-strength wankers out there. You're damn right, Treeburst, to get annoyed with these people. They sometimes makes you lose interest in the whole business. I suggest you unplug your PC, put your Combat Mission CD somewhere safe, and go and get absolutely ratarsed for an evening. Stick the tournaments on hold for a week. Then, in a week's time, name and shame those people who've been making your lives a misery. At the end of the day, they're ruining it for everyone else because of their point-grabbing mentality. Don't you people realise it's not about a few points and a win? This is a damn game. No matter how much you may love it, does it really, really matter that much if you win? So, you'll get some fine South African wines. No offence Winecape - I like SA wines, but they wouldn't make me fight tooth and nail for a few points. Treeburst, stick their damn names up, and we'll mock them loud and long for being so sad that winning is all that matters to them. I've really enjoyed watching the whole tournament thing evolve. Maybe a week's break is all you need. Maybe you'll choose not to run another one (and I wouldn't blame you). But leave the decision until you've had time to think it over. We value your contribution to the happy asylum that is this board, and we've enjoyed the tournaments so far. And you bastards reading this - if you agree, then bellow YES and make the man know you love him. Man, it's a mother beautiful tournament...so many positive waves
  14. Why don't you just run Winamp aswell as CMBO? It works fine for me. I found it's a perfect solution, and it doesn't affect speed for me.
  15. Things got onto a bad footing from the word go. I suggest we drop this, let the moderators lock the thread, and forget the whole affair. Waiting for people to apologise to other people is yawnworthy. BTW - they insulted my country too. I live in the UK, if you'll check my details. I just shrug it off (mostly by remembering that Americans have terrible inferiority complexes ). I'm sure you can aswell.
  16. I think the reason you were targetted goes like this: You asked about the difference between howitzer and gun. Somebody with no specialist knowledge did their best to answer. Your reply was: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> how does bagged and fixed ammunotion factor in then and if ure not an authority on it then why the **** post it I SAID NO MESSIN ABOUT <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Compare this to a post earlier where someone is asking about fighting the Tiger tank: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Howdy, I need some tips on fighting Tigers with Sherm 5s, Fireflies and Stuarts. Also, is it worth targeting them with 25pnd barrages? I have lots of arty and I'm wondering if they would blow a track or at least get them to button up. And... has anyone taken out a Tiger with a rear shot from a Daimler? thanks Trout <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Let's see how you asked your question: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>well i wrote a friggin' huge post bout' this and then my machine flew off the handle so it's like this the definition of gun/howitzer plz and no messin about <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Can you see the difference? If you plan to keep using and posting to this board, I will offer you advice, gratis, free, for nothing. The average age of a poster to this board is 31. Almost everybody that posts here avoids swearing, uses correct grammar and punctuation as best they can, and says please and thankyou. They are good-humoured and whilst there are disagreements they are rapidly resolved. You may be used to a particular lifestyle on some other forums, but this place has a class all its own. We always welcome new members, and hope that you will choose to stay - but when you're here, you abide by the rules of the moderators. This is not a public board, it is provided by the game designers. Best of luck in your gaming.
  17. The most humiliating part about it is that this induhvidual is from the UK. Yes, you read it right here, Wallasey. Please, dear fellow, do us all a favour: 1) If you swear, you get banned. It isn't clever. 2) Stop trying to talk like an American gangster. That isn't clever either. 3) Read through a range of the posts on here, and you'll learn how people address each other. Flaming is not acceptable, if somebody upsets you, you walk away from the PC, and then walk back when you've calmed down. 4) Threatening to get your sad, "I spend 9 hours a day so I'm anally-retentive and have no mates or life" brother onto our computers isn't scary. Spending all day getting Lara Croft to jump a bit higher does not make you an IT guru. Are you really a student? What are you studying? I hope it's easy to spell or you're in real trouble. Do you also say "W00t"? We had a really witty guy who said that alot. He lasted, oh, all of two days. (I haven't fed a troll before. I thought I would before this gets locked). Greetings, mater!
  18. This Genius posted: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I've found that the way to avoid shopping or watching chick flicks is to make the experience of making me do either so unpleasant it's not worth it. Highly effective. The moment I walk into a shop I become quite grumpy and brood menacingly in the background. During chick flicks I make constant comments on how unrealistic and crappy the movie is. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I stand with you, brother, on the podium of truth! It works, oh yes. My girlfriend (of 5 years) now goes shopping without me. Our last trips to the cinema have included Blade, The Matrix, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon amongst others. She even managed to stay away through Kelly's Heroes - although she asked "why is your online name the same as the stupid one with the beard?" I had to explain "It's a mother beautiful beard!" but she shook her head and told me I was wierd. Smart girl. I have also subscribed to the 'girlfriend gets computer'. She has herself a natty little PC with cordless keyboard, cordless mouse and TFT monitor, which I put together, with the Sims and an armful of Mp3's (all legal in case the CID is reading this) and I haven't heard her usual bleatings for days. Oh, the bliss and the power of gadgets on girls. Sadly, the 'be quiet until you earn more than me' doesn't work on her, since she earns nearly twice what I do. What I can't figure out is why I'm still paying for dinner when we go out.
  19. David quite validly pointed out <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I resent the accusation that I am a skilled player!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> My sincerest apologies. What I meant was: Whilst David has hung around here long enough to be easily confused with the furnishings, he still displays the kind of tactical ability rarely seen away from the paint tray at the kindergarten. And he should still know better
  20. I see your point, Pawbroon. These arbitrary rules can stifle the fun of the game. (At least, I think that's the point). "Gameyness" is in the eye of the beholder. I would rather play without these rules, myself, and just go hell for leather at it. But the problem is that players like Aitken may want to play a 'historical' game and that can lead to needless bad feeling just because these issues weren't discussed beforehand. Let's say, for example, you decided to play a QB against someone. You picked a fully mechanised infantry company - and they picked an airfield defence force, with loads of flak guns on flatbeds. You might think they were 'gamey' but if you've discussed it beforehand and agreed that this is a 'no rules' battle, then there's no bad feeling. That's why I like to discuss 'rules' beforehand. I don't want to start rowing with someone over the implementation of a unit.
  21. When I play ME's, I always set down, in writing, what the rules and regs are. I make sure everything's discussed beforehand. I'm just starting a PBEM with Chad and specified in my email which rules we were to use, and how they affected arty, planes etc. We haven't discussed towed guns at all, but maybe that's something that, if a player feels they've been "burned", they should raise with their next opponent. If you can't agree on rules, the solution is simple - turn down the game. I know that: A) It's easy to be all-knowing after the event and; David's an experienced player; but Chad is quite a recent arrival. If he's anything like me, he's probably spent a month or two playing and reading on these boards, and isn't aware of the unwritten rules of the happy closet that is the early CM bunch. So good on you, Chad, for picking a tactic that your opponent wasn't expecting because he's used to playing in a different way. It clearly threw him and that is always an advantage in a battle. So it wasn't historical? So what? Who says the guns and crews weren't about to be over-run by a small German force which had broken through the allied lines, and that Chad's units had been ordered to push the intruders back to Berlin? I think that these things need to be clarified BEFORE the battle, so that we don't get these 'gamey' discussions. It would spare an awful lot of sour grapes. David is an experienced and skilled enough player to know that these issues can crop up and knows enough to discuss these matters beforehand.
  22. I ran some tests using the StuGIIIg(late) and Panzer IV. I created a flat piece of land divided into strips using tall pines. The board was 800m square. Each lane was 760m long and 80m wide. I used 6 lanes, and placed a StuG at one and a US tank at the other. The tank models I used were 105, M4, M4A3, Stuart, M4A1 and (can't remember 6th) - to try to simulate the types of US units I would expect to see in a Short 75 battle. I ran the test 10 times, and on average the StuGs lost 2.4 out of 6 tanks, compared to 4.7 of the US tanks. When I ran the test with the Panzer IVJ, on average I lost 2.9 Panzers out of 6 tanks, compared to 4.4 of the US tanks. It may be to do with the higher velocity of the StuG gun. Targeting was instant (less than a second) for all tanks, which started the test unbuttoned.
  23. Range and narrow arc of fire are crucial. At a decent range (700m+) The StuG will wipe the floor with any standard-armed Sherman. Letting them get close is a recipe for disaster. In a PBEM game, I raced a Sherman down a road head-on against a Stug, and blew it apart at 90m with a single shot. I don't know what the StuG was playing at, but it may well have been more intent on my accompanying infantry. Your problem isn't a new one for me though, and I sympathise because I get the same problem. Maybe it's a range issue which becomes apparent because of the short ranges CM fights at?
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