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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. Stuka said: Clearly your straw-filled brain failed to understand my inference. I referred to her not as supermodel but as psychotic, looney bitchqueen from hell. Given a choice of what to do with her, I would maroon her on a small Scottish island and force her to spend the rest of her life living off raw fish. Pompous cow. Oh, and Sod Off. My point still stands.
  2. Ye gods. It is so true that the less people have to say, the louder they say it. It's like being in a room with Naomi Campbell.
  3. I found the totally random battles ridiculously tough in some cases, and ridiculously easy in others. My worst defeat yet was when I received 2 battalions of unfit conscript partisans, both with about half their squads missing, to assault what turned out to be 2 crack SS companies with a Panzer III platoon in support. My units crawled about 150m towards the enemy lines before they broke and I gave up. All-random can throw up some real pigs of QBs, but I've turned off the random fitness and random casualties and I now pick my own units for the battle. Apart from that, it's all random, although I don't get as many snow maps as I expected to have.
  4. Hey VaderBoy, you're still a newbie to most of us. Shut yer yap - noob.
  5. Hear, hear CMPlayer. Loose and lose and the monkeys that mix up their possessives annoy me too.
  6. What I suspect happened is that the tank fired a burst of MG fire which blew up the jeep - something that you might not easily spot but which would be the only sensible explanation.
  7. Franky, if you read the section about the difference between Euro CMBB and American CMBB, you will see that the distributor is CDV. They are responsible for the CD and manual changes, not BFC. If you read carefully, you can see information about obtaining a full manual. The reason that only one CD was used was to keep costs down. Remember, there will be no charge to obtain all the patches with new BMPs in. This is a big benefit.
  8. and pus and blod and toes too!!!!! w00t!
  9. Well, that's possible, but I'd like to hear from the experts on this subject, since I'm definitely not one. It just doesn't seem logical to me that if the rockets are loaded and ready to use on turn 1, that they won't be loaded and ready to use on turn 25. If you're following one doctrine for the start of the game, why change doctrine after your first salvo?
  10. i want pus and oozing wounds to ooze pus on the batelfield and i red this boke right were guyz had pus right and no toes and like that right so pus shuld be in also wen they lose toes they shuld put toes on the batelfield and ded hosres and stuff right
  11. Whether or not the rocket chaps relocate, go to the pub, put on the dress of a Finnish ubertrooper or not makes no difference. You can see from my post on the first page that the delay is still the same, whether or not you wait five or ten turns. Now, I've just retested this wierdness. I launched a barrage a 280mm rockets on turn 1. They took 60 seconds to arrive. Turn 2, the rockets arrive, as promised. Reloading will be 6 minutes. Fine, no objections to that. I now cancel the target and fast-forward to turn 25. I retarget the rockets. Reloading and targetting will be 6 minutes.
  12. ATI cards don't include transparency tables so you don't get fog in CM. Sucky, but there we go.
  13. I don't think BFC would have done as well as they have without the forum. They are kind and fluffy to us, allowing even the Peng brigade to post their frot with impunity, but what they get is 10,000 ideas instead of 5, and that's a big benefit. See, I'm even in the credits in the manual. See? TEA BOY.
  14. All exciting suggestions, but not really what I was looking for. I think you're confusing the American mink with the Indo-European mink, which would never have fitted into a German rocket-rail or rocket-tube system.
  15. I fail to see how 'full size squads' will increase the 'realism'. If you want 'realism', go and jump in a muddy ditch and eat rats for a fortnight. Realism is the wrong word to use. It wouldn't make the game more realistic at all. It might make it more immersive. If you want to see a trail of bodies across the screen, play a different game. CM isn't for you to firm up your stiffy looking at all the corpses. I would also like to see 4, 6 or 8 player multiplayer, would be tremendous fun.
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