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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. That would be great. I have the same problem - Nvidia GEForce DDR (yes, the original) with the 27.xx drivers (I think).
  2. Final *bump* for me. I have a 'gettingloadsofcashforaneasydayswork' kind of day tomorrow, so no bumps from me.
  3. Was the PSW 234/4 (with the long 75mm gun) in line for remodelling? Could you get away with just lobbing a 75mmAT gun (minus wheels of course) on the top of the current model?
  4. 68MB!! Holy arsecheeks. That's one for the download manager and no mistake!
  5. I've run some tests at between 1.5 and 3km. Nashorns aren't especially accurate, although they are more accurate than SU-100s. However, the Nashorn, equipped with kitchen foil rather than armour, has to be almost unbelievably lucky to survive a duel against SU-100s.
  6. Delivery should take between 3 and 10 days. If you haven't already, can I suggest you download the demo and have a go. Please also read the FAQ (there is a link to it in my sig) which will answer lots of your questions and hopefully clear up any confusion Welcome aboard!
  7. Holy cow! 2,100 posts! I'm the biggest waffler since MasterGoodale's cheery waffles.
  8. Hey, look, another thread of Tigrii's which belongs in the Tips and Tricks forum. My idea is that you should be posting these questions in the Tips and Tricks forum.
  9. Hey, look, another thread of Tigrii's which belongs in the Tips and Tricks forum.
  10. Hey, look, another thread of Tigrii's which belongs in the Tips and Tricks forum.
  11. Hey, this looks like another of Tigrii's threads which belongs in the Tips and Tricks forum. How many is that now, 20 or 30?
  12. Ayayay. Here I am trying to conjure up scenarios of death and suffering, and, verily I am scuppered. What I would like is for the light and medium bridges which run across water to be made available across land. I can see those spare tile slots just begging to be filled in with nice new land bridges. Please. Please! Go on. For me. Oh all right, for mum's knuckle sandwich.
  13. Tch. If you've wandered in here in the hope that your Pengy 'witty' banter will be replicated, think again. This thread is specificially designed to ensure that MasterGoodale doesn't create twenty different topics in the forum. If you'd actually read through the thread, instead of noncing in here waving your feathers about and sniffing, you might have got that through your bovine skull.
  14. This is my MasterGoodale. See how he growls and snarls when we poke him with sticks. I have pissed him off on purpose to make him growl and show his teeth. And yes, that is the same deranged newbie that always shows up, except that one was blue. [ November 20, 2002, 09:21 AM: Message edited by: Soddball ]
  15. Music options? Have I missed something? Other than Oddball's Shermans in Kelly's Heroes, I don't recall music figuring in ANY battles in WW2. The last thing I need when I'm listening for firing on the far side of the map, or armor approaching, is some techno soundtrack blaring. Thank you, BFC, for not sticking in a feature just because the conventional wisdom says every game needs music. I was sorry to see the reviewer marked the game's sound component down substantially for lacking background music. Other than that single feature, I thought the review was very accurate, and well deserved.</font>
  16. Hubba Hubba! If there's crumpet like that there, count me in.
  17. Lordie, there's more, maybe the master of this thread could restrain all his raw recruits? KC</font>
  18. Are you talking about my sister again? Someone was talking about a slippery little patch a few days ago.
  19. Fair point. What is it the early T-34 does well, though? It has plenty of ammo for its machine guns, and its 76mm HE round and cannister round are very effective against infantry. In that respect, it's much like the Sherman 75mm - not particularly useful against tanks, but very effective as infantry support. The key, I think, is to use multiple T34s against a single German tank. It's certainly true that the early T34 had some glaring weaknesses - hence the continual upgrades Use it as infantry support rather than in an anti-tank role and I think you'll have much better luck.
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