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Everything posted by gunnergoz

  1. Hmmm...perhaps a limitation in the beta? Hard to believe that they would limit modding anywhere but the hard-coded essentials. We'll know for sure in about a week or less.
  2. I'm currently reading anything I can get my hands on that was written by David M Glantz. My next purchase will be his book on Kursk.
  3. LeakyD- IRT the issue of late war Russian experience levels, I just wanted to mention that by then, the Russans were actually feeling a manpower pinch, and were no more eager to sustain unnecessary large losses than anyone else. There was a lot more experienced leadership to go around, and this is what might have enabled a green unit to avoid bloodbaths like the first years. Even a newly committed division would likely have a cadre of experienced senior officers commanding battalions and perhaps companies. They would be able to manouver troops to good effect on the battlefield without having to resort to human wave tactics. The battle for Berlin cost the Russians a lot more than they planned to pay, BTW, but they seemed to feel it was worth it.
  4. Je suis persuadé que tu es un grand connaisseur de l'âme française. Sache espèce d'andouille que la France dont tu te moques existe depuis 1500 ans alors que ton pays lui n'a guère plus de 200 ans. Nous sommes meilleurs que vous à table ? C'est indéniable. Contrairement à toi nous ne nous complaisons pas à bouffer de la merde dans le seul but de ressembler au petit bonhomme Michelin. Alors vu l'alimentation en usage dans ton pays il n'est pas vraiment difficile de se battre mieux que ce que vous mangez. J'appelle pas ca une performance. Hrolfr A furore Normannorum libera nos Domine</font>
  5. Andreas- Nice job of research. This kind of material has a way of putting to rest the sort of "in my opinion" type of argumentative reasoning we see here often. Heck, I do it myself in the absence of real supporting material. The material does underscore the fluid nature of desert fighting, doesnt' it?
  6. Salve, WereRabbit, spero che ti trovi circundato da nuovi amici. Scusate mi per la mia povera grammatica, ho imparato Italiano a casa quando ero bambino 50 anni fa. Vengo da Trieste, la Mamma Anconetana, il Babbo Americano. Adesso me trovo in California, senza opportunita di praticare la lingua italiana. Anyway, welcome! Hope you enjoy the games, the forum and that you post often!
  7. I recall Steve saying in a recent post in reply to pictures posted from the upcoming WW2 RTS (from the makers of IL-2) that he thought the rewrite would exceed their level of graphic detail. If you have ever seen screenshots from the Russian product, they are awesome. The game is limited to 16 units, apparently, so the graphic edge yields to playability... Sounds to me like Steve wants his cake and to eat it also! Fine by me.
  8. I'd heard about the weasel, but wondered what else he (or the rest of the forum) might tool around in.
  9. I was just curious to see what sort of a menagerie of former military vehicles wound up in the hands of CM fanatics. I don't currently own one, but at one time did have a '60's vintage M-151 MUTT. What a piece of junk...but fun to drive (slowly especially in turns). If I could afford it, I'd love to have a WW2 jeep and perhaps something like an M-8 or M-20 for parades and toodling around in.
  10. Legend42- As for trepidation about gaming against the Russian armor, read up as much as you can beforehand and see how these vehicles were used against the enemy. Then, once you have the game, play Russians often to see first hand what their good and bad points are. You'll soon have a better-informed view that will offset your old intimidation. [ September 15, 2002, 04:02 PM: Message edited by: gunnergoz ]
  11. Wow, I just had a flashback to ASL with the mention of the 37mm armed SPW 251's. Are those going to be in CMBB? I hope so. Chad</font>
  12. Not if it takes time away from packing CMBB for shipment! Notice that Steve's posts have reduced in frequency over the past week?
  13. IIINNNNCCOOOOOMMMINNNGGGGG..... I expect some reaction to this topic. For my part, I was fortunate enough to have access to official US Army cold-war era manuals describing Soviet/Bloc equipment in detail. I got an early appreciation for the T-34/85, the JSIII, the SU-122/152/100, etc. Not to mention some superb artillery and support weapons. In the hands of experienced, well-led troops, the Russian equipment can lead to victory. Like anything else, it has weaknesses that can be exploited by the enemy. "Invincible?" No. The only invincibility is in one's attitude towards self or others. But some of the Russian designs had a great deal of merit and value on the battlefield.
  14. I want them to get busy with the engine re-write that will give us relative spotting in it's true form. Apart from ESSENTIAL bug fix patching, that's all I want the BTS boys to be occupied with for the next year, at least. Steve seems to think that the re-write will take two years. We waited a year and a half for CMBB and it seemed like 10! No, I want my engine re-write. This time, we'll get the full treatment eye candy, improved AI, and a flexible engine that may (and I mean I HOPE) include the ability to mod vehicles or add them (a la IL-2).
  15. The matchup I want to see is the SU-100 vs any cat. Should be most interesting. I'm also looking forward to handling the 57mm AT gun and the 76mm used as a AT gun. Finally, I want to see what can be done with proper handling of the Soviet lights like the T-60 and T-70. Yep, lots of hours of gaming ahead! In fact, there may be a national economic productivity impact from the arrival of CMBB! Can you imagine the puzzled economists going over their GNP figures and asking "what in the heck happened after 9/20?"
  16. Audace- IIRC My Grandfather was a band leader attached to the 92 Regimento Fanteria. I still have his medals somewhere. He fought in WWI in the alps and between the wars he raised his family in Ancona, where my mother was born. I was born post-war in Trieste, an unplanned extension of the Marshall plan, apparently. BTW, my favorite Italian vehicles are the Fiat autoblindas that did pretty well in the desert. Too bad they won't be in CMBB.
  17. A line of AT guns along one of the long map edges worked well for me. My secret was to get all the guns firing at once, taking out 10 tanks in the first minute, the others in the next, with the loss of two AT guns. URRAH!
  18. I really care about and for the folks in this community. Thanks for reminding me why I do. Best wishes from one who has been there...
  19. KT vs JS2 is sort of like a chromed mallet vs an anvil. Either one is gonna smash you flat if you get between 'em! Talk about Jurassic!
  20. Thanks, Captain Wacky, you cleared that up nicely for me. What is Schrullenfaft's particular "in" as to this info, if you know? Was he a beta tester or is he a BTS team member?
  21. Aww Man..Now you're talking I guess the IS-3 would outclass the KT, huh?</font>
  22. One really nice thing about the game is that you can of course test such hypothetical matches out. Part of the equation has to be, what sort of engagement is envisioned? Who's attacking and who's defending? What is the terrain, time of day, weather, etc, etc. The best answer might arise out of a series of designed trials, like 3 of each tank going against each other, using different scenarios and starting ranges, terrain, etc. I'll bet the answers are ambiguous and show that, under certain circumstances, either tank could be fought to victory.
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