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Doug Williams

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Everything posted by Doug Williams

  1. Ever since Manx joined the CMHQ team, I've been anxiously awaiting for something, anything, to happen. New mods, makeover, new CMBB pics, anything. Of course, I realize that Manx probably has a life outside CM. He most likely has a job, family, and other responsibilities. So, I suppose we will all have to be patient and tolerate the waiting like the mature, intelligent, and wise adults that I know we all are. So, Manx, go ahead and take all the time you need. We are all patiently waiting like big smiling Buddah's.
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>I just upped the brightnees by 15 and contrast by 20 and they fit in with my other terrain. I find I have to lighten many mods <hr></blockquote> What software do you use to do this?
  3. That sound you heard was my jaw hitting the floor. Where, pray tell, do we download these?
  4. Yes, BTS knows about the problem. They have basically said it is totally an nVidia driver problem and the ball is in nVidia's court. I suggest e-mailing nVidia and asking when the problem will be fixed. If they can take some time out of their constant tweaking to get one more tenth of a frame per second out of Quake III, perhaps they can make a driver actually work with XP and CM.
  5. Didn't Talonsoft do a Pacific game based on their East Front/West Front engine?
  6. I'm going to vote for the three digit numbers.
  7. You know, a mod CD might not be a bad idea. It might help those people, especially those overseas, who don't have broadband connections. If it were issued by, say, CMHQ, and the mod authors' permission was given. A nominal fee could be charged, to cover duplication. Just a thought.
  8. Schrullenhaft, It was my impression that the Radeon series was unable to do fog in Combat Mission. Is this true? If so, it completely rules them out as a possible purchase for me.
  9. BTS has stated that CMBO is finished. Period. All their energies are now directed at CMBB. After CMBB, they plan to work on other theaters of the war, such as the early war, etc. They have stated that they may revisit the Western Front later on, probably with an all new game engine.
  10. Anyone tried the new nVidia Detonator version 22.50 driver for Windows XP to see if it fixes the White Transparency problem? Get it here
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Add another game having problems with Windows XP, Pools of Radiance. Turn off the fsaa to fix the really bad graphical bug that comes up. <hr></blockquote> Or better yet, don't buy it in the first place. It's a dog. Doesn't anybody read Gamespot before plunking down their $50?
  12. If you are running Windows you need the Windows patch. If you have a Mac you need the Mac patch. Welcome aboard!
  13. I once had a sharpshooter shock a tank on turn one. The tank just sat there for the rest of the game.
  14. Steve, What will happen if nVidia does not release new drivers that fix this problem before CMBB is released? Will CMBB, since it uses the same engine as CMBO, suffer from similar problems?
  15. But what's up with that guy beside of her? Has he got a dip of Skoal? --Just a pinch, between the cheek and the gum.---
  16. Matt, Let me tell you what happens on my PC. First my system: PIII 866 MHz ASUS CUSL2 motherboard 384 MB of ram Elsa Gladiac 32 MB video card (this card uses the GeForce 2 GTS chipset.) Latest nVidia drivers installed (21.83). Ok first of all, CM runs fine under W98. No problems at all. After installing XP, when I try to run CM I get a graphical problem that causes all text that is supposed to be white on the 2d screens to become transparent. The problem is to such a degree that I cannot read the mission briefing, and I cannot even select my units in a Quick Battle. ESCing out of CM and then clicking it back up did not fix the problem. I tried many times. I know what JMcGuire means. The problem was bad enough that I had to either choose to continue using XP and not play CM, or to go back to W98 and still be able to play CM. I chose the latter. A dual boot would have been a third choice, but I didn't want to fool with that. I'm glad you are talking to nVidia about this, because as soon as they release a driver that resolves this problem, I plan to reinstall XP. Edit: Oh yes, I forgot to mention this. If I rebooted my computer and ran CM, the problem disappeared for the first scenario I played. If I exited the scenario and tried to play another, the problem was back. I could even exit CM and start it again and the problem was still there. Only a reboot fixed it, and only for the first scenario. [ 10-30-2001: Message edited by: Doug Williams ]</p>
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Doug Williams was the quarterback of the Washington Redskins when they won the Super Bowl, probably before your time <hr></blockquote> Nah, I'm 35, I remember now. Never been a big fan of team sports though. I know it's the national religion here in the U.S., but not for me.
  18. (Scratching head) Super bowl ring? Well, "she" turned out to be an ass, but "her" issue remains valid. However, I'm sure it will be resolved in due time.
  19. SWEEEEEET! Yep, I like it better without the zimmerit. Looks like a "must have".
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