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Everything posted by Shatter

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tanks a Lot: Have you tried one of those download managers like GetRight or Download Accelerator Plus. His site does support resuming downloads.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --------------------------------------------- Ya I have download manager , but I forgot all about it. I have not used it for sometime now. I am downloading as we speak 62% complete. I am crossing my fingers.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tanks a Lot: Michlos said he test downloaded them from CMT with no problems.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --------------------------------------------- I have attempted to download the heavy building mod at least 8 times myself and another friend 4 times. We both always get download complete at between 4 to 6 meg. If you open the zip up, that is 4 to 6 meg, nothing in it at all. When you unzip, it says unable to unzip file. I guess if Manx doesn't want them, then I will just have to do with out. THAT SUCKS [ 08-19-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]
  3. Tanks a Lot are you going to send your heavy buildings to Manx when he gets back? I have been trying to download your new heavy buildings for a couple days now, but download stop at around 4Meg to 8Meg. I have tried on both of my PC's, to no avail. I could not get your small buildings from CMT either. I got them from another site. I also had a friend attempt to download them and burn them to CD for me, but he has had no luck as well. So are you planning to send them to Manx? Thanks Shatter
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by New Age Santa: yeah yeah, I know what you'll all scream "USE THE SEARCH BUTTON!" Well it doesn't work! Anyhow, can anyone show me any of the major beach assault scenarios(Omaha)?? If they even exist that is.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> -------------------------------------------- New Age Santa, I have a few if you want them. I will send them to you if you want them. E-mail me if you want them. [ 08-19-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: Yes. Since people did not fight from them, except for motor-cycles in probably rare circumstances, they are out from what I have read of BTS' statements. The same goes for horses BTW. It would be rare to find horses in the frontline.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --------------------------------------------- I heard the same thing as well Motor-cyles are out, they just have no place on the battlefield, except for maybe rare recon. How would you like to be in a motor-cycle while artillery is falling or a tank is fireing at you. :eek:
  6. Ok, here goes I have made loads of scenarios for CM,(over a hundred in my scnario folder, some DFDR). Just wanted to explain this to show I am very familar with scenario designing. The last few scenarios I have done have been rather large in map size as well as forces. My problem is that while testing these large battles, on the 1st and 2nd sometimes 3rd turn, units are retreating of the map before any fighting has started. So just to make sure this is what is happing, I turned the fog of war off to see were these units were going. Sure enough, 2 platoons of Brits ran right of the map (on turn 1 and another platoon on turn 2, while the rest of the platoons continued on to engage the opposition. The force size is a British Battalion and another understrength British Battalion. This scenario was scapped and was probably the 3rd time I have run into this. I checked the scenario parameters, everything was correct. So I thought maybe CM modeled cowards or something. Not to say that British are cowards. So tonight I am working on making a larger version of Valley of Trouble. I increased the map size a little, but not much. I change no flags no parameters, nothing but the map size and forces available. US I added 2 M1 Sherms, an additional understrength Company as well as another Engineer platoon. Nothing on the reinforcment. Germans I added 1 50mm Pak38 AT gun, 1 SPW 251/1 HT, 1 Pillbox MG, 1 platoon. So I start the game up to test it, no contact on first turn, but US goes down to 94%. So I say what the F%. I then turn the fog of war off, sure enough again, both platoons of Engineers run right off the map on turn one. So what is going on??? Anyone got any ideas?
  7. Another question by Fieldmarshall, that has been asked 50 times. I thought you weren't a newbie.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lassner: The link to Tom's page (via Battlefront) is down - does anyone have the internet address of his site?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --------------------------------------------- Here ya go ,but a lot of people have been experiencing problems acessing Tom's site. I have not had any problems http://home.nexgo.de/tcmhq/Explorer.html
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GenSplatton: Anyone know where I can get one? I know Tom's site had one, but it appears to be down. CM HQ doesn't have one for axis field guns. Combat Missions has them, but they have the guns individually. Looking for a mod pack.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --------------------------------------------- If you want I will e-mail them to you, I have 2 differnet German fieldgun mod packs as well as 2 differnet German Flakgun mod packs. I believe they are the ones from Tom's site. E-mail me if you want them Shatter [ 08-11-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ] [ 08-11-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by AndrewTF: The grass and trees are from Magua's monumental Normandy mod. --------------------------------------------- Thats what I thought but just was not sure. I guess it just was an exceptional pic. --------------------------------------------- As far as the US uniforms, I hadn't planned on changing them. The backpack is a GI musette bag and it looks like it is supposed to look. Can you tell me specifically what makes them look weird? I might be able to fix them.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --------------------------------------------- I guess what bothers me is the pack, when playing the game looks rounded at the bottom of the pack. I could be wrong but is this not the same pack as in DD's unifomrs. Viewing BMP for the uniforms, the packs look the same, but DD's is more squared at the bottom, when playing CM (not rounded). Your BMP looks squared but when playing CM it looks rounded. Maybe it's because DD's are low-res and your are high-res? I really hate to nit-pick, I just think the packs look to rounded at the bottom. Its nothing I can't live with , if you don't plan on changing them. Hope this helps Shatter
  11. Andrew TF All I can say is OH MY GOD. The splinter camo is of the best quality I have ever seen, and a must have. You have truly out done yourself this time. I have 2 questions for you first, in the pic with the wooden bunker, what trees & grass are you using? Secondly are you planning on doing any more US uniforms? I really like you new Commonwealth look. What I am getting at is, I like your US uniforms but the backpacks look a little strange to me. Now the new pics for the commonwealth, their packs looks great, could you possible redo the US troops with the same packs? Don't get me wrong you do great mods, just the packs are a little strange to me. Keeps up the excellent work Shatter
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow: Did you try entering the secret password? Seriously, the search does work better if you narrow it by using a member number. While this may restrict your search results a little, depending on the subject, it is usually possible to figure someone who would likely have posted there. For example, in seaching for the MBT use Elvis' number, as his trademark "Wankers" post has appeared in most, if not all, of the Peng Challenges. Likewise, if you are looking for something on the comparative firepower ratings of the UberPanzerWeufer Mark XXIX auf F1 as compared to the UberPanzerWeufer Mark XXIX auf F2, then use the number of the appropriate Grog. [ 08-10-2001: Message edited by: Marlow ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --------------------------------------------- Thanks for clearing that up, I believe I type 20,000 threads, not posts. Some people are just ready to be a critic. If they would only actually read what was posted, it would all be clear. Yes the Search function, I am sure is not nearly as sophisticated as a browser.
  13. You guys need to include as much info as possible, to fine tune the search. The more info you enter the less time it will take. It will eventually bring up the info you are searching for, but will take a long long time (possibly hours), if you only search for a single word. You have to remember if you don't fine tune your search, the search engine will have to go through more than 20,000 threads. I think even alot more than that if I am not mistaken. I believe there are alot of posts from the old board. I used it last night and the night before with no troubles. Hope this helps Shatter [ 08-10-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ] [ 08-10-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]
  14. I have noticed the board is very slow as off late. I think maybe if BTS throws some updates or pics for CM2 your public will return. I have even felt a degree of burn-out myself. I know you guys are really busy on CM2, but somekind of mod,updates or pics would sure be nice, at least a weekly basis. Anyways thanks for the Panther. Shatter [ 08-10-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]
  15. Good God, I sure blundered that last post of mine. What I meant to say was no tanks and very little AT. Actually this will only be a little larger than company size battle. I am going to add a couple Anitpersonel minfields, so I really only want 1 AT gun, or recoiless rifle. So I guess my question is, were the Germans using any recoiless rifles in the last months of the War, or did they even have any left?
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chad Harrison: a rarity factor on the west front would be nice for those 57mm recoiless, and the 88mm pupchen.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --------------------------------------------- Speaking of recoiless rifles, how common were the German 75mm & 105mm recoiless rifles? I am working on a scenario in which is basically a last days of the war battle. Germans out numbered badly by US troops + Armor. I do not what to give the Germans alot of AT guns and no tanks So I thought I would give them a 75mm recoiless rifle, but I am not sure this is historical. Any thoughts
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Just because he posts in the thread does not mean that he is one of us<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --------------------------------------------- Ok is this better Stalin's Organ you are just so witty, and full off such educated and useful information. Thanks for such insightful wisdom Shatter
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ: Well could you please do the decent thing and die a/ Quietly and b/ Quickly. there's people in the queue who would greatly appreciate moving up one space! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --------------------------------------------- Boy you Peng guys are just so witty, and full off such educated and useful information.
  19. I for the last six or so months have been reading more and more books on the Russian front. The info that I am researching is just making me crave CM2 that much more. Since I am in my last semester of college, I have very little time for the forum anymore. Between CM,WWII books, and studying oh yeah girlfriend too, my time all used up. Hope she doesn't walk in here and see she is last on the list. So as far as I know CM2 is to be released sometime this fall. Does anyone have anymore specific info on the release date, then sometime this fall. Yes I did do a search and could not find anymore then what I have stated. Thanks Shatter
  20. I have a Vodoo 5500 AGP just hit printscreen, esc, paste to paint program. I also have a Navidia card in my other PC. Same thing for screen shots with both card. Shatter
  21. I do not think it is possible. I also tried several times. I could be wrong but I thought a read a thread that mentioned it was just a bitmap that represent a road under a bridge, but vehicles are not actually able to pass under them. So I guess it just for looks. Again I am not 100% sure, so maybe someone else will confirm what I have stated. Shatter
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Desantnik: i am not sure if it had been ever suggested (i didnt find anything using search command) but why can't the squads shoot while riding on a halftrack or back of the tanks? In real life it was quite possible and in fact infantry did use that function as HT provided at least some protection. HTs would be really great for lightning strafes through enemy positions inflicting dissarray and panic on enemy infantry. Any thoughts or comments?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --------------------------------------------- You watching Kelly's Hero's too? I figure you saw the guys firing from Halftracks and came up with this. In fact about six months ago I was watching Kelly's Heros and came up with same question. Icm1947 is correct Shatter
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bog: Ok, I have looked, and the only winter Jpz IV I've found was on CMHQ, and it's low-res. Is there a hi-res version to be found anywhere?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --------------------------------------------- Nope I too was also on a quest to find a Hi-res Winter Jagdpanzer mod and struck out. I spoke with several others from the board and they also knew of no such mod. I also searched every site for this mod and still nothing. Sorry Shatter [ 07-30-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]
  24. Hey Jeff I can't wait for those Sherms to hit my HD. So what is in the works for upcoming DFDR mods? Six more weeks and I graduate, then back to my mods. College can be such a drag, but in long run it is worth it. Shatter
  25. I totally agree Franko The whole time I was reading the thread you are reffering to (and I certainly wasn't taking the time to read it all.) I was saying to myself damn don't these people have any thing better to do. I never partake in these flame threads. In my oppinion they are a waste of time. I could be getting laid or playing CM, washing my car, watching paint dry. Anything else, than arguing over some damn bitmap that should or should not be moded. I enjoy CM very much, but not to the extent that I going to argue a point for hours or days. Tiger you will be missed, but it is kind of a sissy thing to do, to announce you are leaving because of others pissing you off. Tiger just say hey F?CK IT, who cares. Actually all in question of the thread should of just said F?CK IT who cares. Tiger don't get me wrong if you are gone, you will be missed. So basically people, lighten up, I surely do not know everything, and neither do you. My 2 cents Shatter [ 07-26-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]
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