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Everything posted by Shatter

  1. Another nice one uniform by scipio, just took a look at it, and the mods looks very good. Scipio, I know you have done some winter vehicle mods. How about a new Hi-res whitewashed Jagdpanther??? The winter Jagdpanther mod I have is low-res and really is not that good. Keep up the good work [ 11-12-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]</p>
  2. Thanks Mike, I got through to Tom's site started downloading and I was knocked off. I went back and got the same 404 error. So thanks for posting the link.
  3. What ever it is it better be good. I guess I'll have to call in tomorrow. So it better be good.
  4. Just wanted to bump this up so it does not get lost in the mess. Mike8g any word on how the Jagdpanzers is coming along? Shatter
  5. You members never give a guy any clear cut info. So what does all this mean. Basically what is coming??? I can only hope it is CMBB, but I have been wishing so long, I gave up weeks ago.
  6. I thought I would throw my 2 cents in. Marco's Shermans are the best. I would have to say the muddy look is a nice change of pace from time to time, but over all I like to see the detail. As for damage, yes it does look nice but all of the same tank types and vehiles have exactly the same damage. Same goes for numbered tanks. I do like the look of all the extras, but just do not enjoy see 10 Shermans with the exact damage or 10 Panthers with same number. Maybe in the future BTS will allow more the one mod for the same unit. Shatter
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lanzfeld: I just wanted to hear what people like to do with the good men that they capture. Do you send them to a "Guard" house in the rear or do you send them off the map? Also.....do you still get double points for the prisoners if you send them off the map??? I once got really pissed at the AI for nailing my STU42 so I put all my prisoners in a house and hit it with my flamethrower. Hey...they are good for something!<hr></blockquote> Area fire those bastards and let them have it. No, seriously most often I send them back to a guard area or house. Although if I have no hope of winning I very often do blast captured soldiers [ 10-30-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]</p>
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SuperTed: It works with my Intellivision! Unfortunately, my controllers don't work anymore. <hr></blockquote> You had an Intellivision too. When ever the question comes around what was the 1st system a person has played, I say my trusty old Intellivision, and everyone looks at me like I am crazy because they never heard of it. Seriously I have never met a person who has known what one is.
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Fieldmarshall: Yes, with the white flags included. Also just a side note, in B.O.B. the froggy troops where wearing early war (or WW I) like uniforms. Anymods like that? Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!! The big 500th post...ah what a moment [ 10-29-2001: Message edited by: Fieldmarshall ]<hr></blockquote> Actually not a big moment, just show how much time you have on you hands.
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Scipio: Done. Thanx for the message.<hr></blockquote> Scipio, Thanx for fixing the link to the Tan&Water 43 uniform.
  11. Scipio, I sent you an e-mail about one of your uniform mods at Warfare HQ. I can't download the Tan&Water43 uniform. The link to it downloads the uniform mods next to it, which is the Bulgarian Sommer Forest pattern. Could you either fix it or maybe it send it to me??? Thanks Shatter
  12. My dads finally getting into CM, and now he wants mods. I sent him a disk with around 500Meg of mods, but not the most recent and those are the ones he wants. The download manager that I use is not available anymore. I did a search for some, but there is so many. When I first got one some of them really sucked. So can one of you kind soles send me link to a good download manager that is simple. He is not the most computer oriented person around.
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Michael emrys: I hate to disappoint you, Scipio, after you put in so much fine work, but that ain't what the 101st. wore when they jumped into Normandy. SFAIK, they didn't wear it at any time in the ETO. Michael<hr></blockquote> A lot of his uniforms are unhistoric, but they still kick@##. Sometimes you just need a change of pace, and its nice to throw something different on your troops. Besides not every vehicle mod out there is historic. Scipio you just keep doing what your doing, some of us like enjoy your mods alot. [ 10-27-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]</p>
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Dogface21: You know youve played too much CM when.... You want to call down artillery on that traffic jam in front of you. You try to flank that old lady for the last parking spot. You wonder if your in LOS of that cop car you just sped by. You argue insecently on wether or not the Bren had a freakin' tripod. You wonder what combat bonuses your boss has. You write a list of "You Know You've Played to Much CM When....".<hr></blockquote> I know exactly what your talking about. I just got a 2002 Explorer Limited yesterday , and I already thought" man I could put a 50cal. out the rear, and a 7.62mm or another 50cal out of the hatch (oh moon roof). [ 10-27-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]</p>
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Priest: The links are the names, I already downloaded both!<hr></blockquote> Da, I didn't scroll the screen to the right side to see the links. Thanks Priest
  16. The pics are posted at warfare HQ, in the mods section. Although I see no link to download it.
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Scipio: The Priest The Pershing<hr></blockquote> ------------------------------------------------------------ Are these mods available for download yet???
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Gen-x87H: I just setup a scenario where I had 2 14" , 2 8", 2 7.2 ", and 2 240mm FOs on a huge hill looking down on a sqaure of large buildings probably 200X200 meters. I put the flag in the middle and let the germans take it. I then reigned the arty down on the concentrated buildings. It was awesome how when the 14"s hit the buildings just crumbled. Gen<hr></blockquote> Ya almost 2 years now when I recieved CM (changed name from Shatter5O to Shatter) I played around with all the units and came across the 14inchers. I did something similar to what you did except with only 2 14inchers. One shell from these big boys will level several of the Heavy large buildings. Can you imagine what those poor German went threw when those suckers rained down on the Normandy Beaches. :eek:
  19. You guys think that the 240mm and 8inchers are deadly. Play Clubfoots Pointe du hoc scenario. Allies have 3 or 4 14inch arty spotters and 3 or 4 8inch spotters. Then a few turns later you get a British 7.2inch spotter. I thought my damn house was gonna fall down from the noise. :eek: These spotters are set up to represent the naval bombardment on D-day. I took out almost 2 companies with 1 barrage each from the spotters. Alot of people don't know about the 14inch spotters because they are only available in the first months of the campaign. [ 10-24-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]</p>
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Gpig: YO! Lemme have it, eh? jon@pixar.com Thanks, Gpig<hr></blockquote> ----------------------------------------------------- One the way, let me know what you think Thanks Shatter
  21. It is a fictional scenario a few days after the Normandy landing. Paratroopers are dropped behind enemy lines to lead an assault on German held village, that has Flak guns, which are reaking havioc on allied air missions. I have only test movements of forces and positioning of troops, but have yet to play it through. I am going to play it through now. So if anyone else wants to test it out let me know.
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