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Everything posted by Shatter

  1. I need winter bunker, need it now!!! Where is it? I have been looking at Tom's site, with no luck. Guess I will have to wait until tomorrow. Unless Tanks A Lot would send it my way? If not, I understand, because everbody and brother would want you to send it them too.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rommel22: Damn thats awesome! I really like the bullet holes and the schorched wood. Really good work!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --------------------------------------------- Rommel22 Did you get the summer version of this Bunker it is the same but with out the snow and icicles. It is also very nice. It is at Tom's Site
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Clubfoot: Shatter, Jeff's PZII clinched the decision to ask Jeff to help out. And we're not sorry! My original intention for the desert vehicles coloration was something like this... It's just someone else's Tiger recolored and I never released it. However, the point may be moot soon with the coming of Jeff's pale mods. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --------------------------------------------- Hey Clubfoot What Tiger mod is that. It does not look like one from any of the DFDR packs, or any other Tiger mod I have(and I have a lot of them). Could you tell me where this Tiger mod is, or could you send it to me? Thanks Shatter [ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]
  4. Hey Tanks A Lot Where can I download your new Winter Bunker? I downloaded your Summer Bunker and I love it. Great job on the new bunker, I look forward using it. Thanks Shatter
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by AussieJeff: Hi Shatter, I tend to agree with you with regard to a lot of the German units. Many of them have got very bright colors (orange/yellow/greens) that do not blend at all well with any of the DFDR mod tilesets so far :cool: . I DO intend to get around to modding the Axis units to suit this latest (and dare I say it - FINAL) DFDR color scheme. I did post up a Lynx a short while ago that should look half reasonable with the new tilesets until it too gets DFDR fine-tuned! If you can hang on few a few weeks I should have finished re-coloring my complete Allied Vehicles and Guns set as well as all of the Allied Armour. Then comes the Axis units. I am also going to modify roads, stone walls, trees and rocks, rough etc.....to suit the new khaki/tan color scheme. These should be available shortly. So, hang in there and certainly drop in to the www.DFDR.net if you have a mind to!! Cheers, AussieJeff [ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --------------------------------------------- Cool, I'm glad there are plans for the Axis vehicles to be changed. Also I do have the Lynx mod you are referring to. The Lynx is one of the very few Axis mods, I like for DFDR. Thanks for the news. [ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Heinz 25th PzReg: I prefer the grass made by "The Desert Fox". It looks damn good and you can see the elevation good as well. I tried to enter his webpage, but its not available any more. "The Desert Fox", where are you? Heinz<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --------------------------------------------- Shatter here My vote is for the Desert Fox Hi-res grass as well. Matter a fact I just tried Old dogs subdued velvet, and it was a hard descision, but DF-Highres won out in the end. I just thought Desert Fox Hi-Res grass, looks a little better with DD terrain. Not to take away from Old Dogs subdued. It is definatly a very close second in my book. --------------------------------------------- Heinz 25th PzReg: Thats strange I entered Desert Fox's site couple days ago, maybe 3 days ago. [ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]
  7. Hey Jeff, Shatter again. I sure am glad to see some more mods for DFDR. I was wondering if you plan on redoing the German vehicles? DFDR really needs a new Hetzer mod, as well as half tracks. I am just not very happy with my setup for the Germans vehicles. I have a CD, I burnt with over 650Meg of Mods and another CD with all the DFDR mods. I have been up all night picking and chosing mods for the Germans. I just can't get the Germans vehicles to look very good with the terrain. I was wondering if you or someone else could give some suggestions on the mods to use for the Germans in DFDR??? What about the mono color mods(plain tan), do they go well with DFDR. My allied vehicles are pretty descent, but the German stuff, does not blend with the terrain at all. If you could throw me a few suggestions, I would appreciate it. Also would it be better for me to become a member at DFDR site, and ask these question there? Thanks Shatter [ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]
  8. Hey Jeff your new stuff looks great! I just recently started with the DFDR desert coversion. I have been playing desert style for only, a little more than a week. I must say, I am totally addicted. So I was wondering when will your new DFDR stuff be out?
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Old Dog: Now in Matt's hands (more or less, anyway, eh, Matt ) These should be available soon at CMHQ. - Old Dog<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --------------------------------------------- Sorry I guess I misunderstood this, I thought you aleady had them Matt.
  10. What happend to the Flak Trucks? I need them!!! mike8g did you give up on them? Please finish them, I have been waiting for some new flak trucks for some time.
  11. Good question, hopefully someone will give us some input.
  12. These babies gonna be ready before I die. Just kidding, just seems like all us Mod sluts have been waiting for this one for a long time.
  13. Nice, very nice I will be looking forward for these to hit a site for download. As good as these are, you should try your hand at the night skies also.
  14. Those Flak Wagons looks great. When will they be ready for me to get my hands on? I can't wait, I am working on a scenario, that has a lot of Allied airsupport. So I added several SdKfz flak vehicles to the scenario. I would love to get my hands on the new mod to use in my new scenario. Thanks for creating such a great looking mod. [ 06-11-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]
  15. Just a few minute ago, I went to the CM CD to look at a few original bitmaps. I noticed, that they were modified in the year 2032. What the heck is that all about? Did the guys from BTS go to the future and get CM, and bring it back to the past for us to play? Well if they did, their secrets safe with me. [ 06-11-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]
  16. Not really sure I never heard anything about this, and I just never thought it was possible, so I never tried it. I am going to start a TCP/IP in a few minutes, with a friend and I will try it. I let you know what I come up with.
  17. I suggested this back in August of last year. I thought it was a good idea as well. I did not get much response when I brought up the idea. I am not as new as you guys think. I changed names about 7 months ago. Still a good idea I think. [ 06-08-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ] [ 06-08-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]
  18. I too just read the article, and I have a question as well. Here is the direct quote. "The games minimum resolution will be 800X600, and Big Time is dropping support for Voodoo 1 cards, whose drivers are "buggier than an anthill", says Steve Grammont." Now does this mean all Voodoo video cards in general, or just the Voodoo 1 video cards. I have a Voodoo 5500 AGP, and certainly hope this does not included myself, because I have only had the card for about 6 months. I am pretty sure this only includes the Voodoo 1 video cards, but I just want to make sure. So if anyone knows, can you give me some feed back?
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Klink: Well, a years worth of mods shot! I do have DSL, but don't have the time to D/L a years worth of mods. If anyone knows where I can get a CD...please let me know. Thanks! Rick Klein P.S. I still have my Photoshop 6, it could have been worse.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --------------------------------------------- Shatter here: You are in luck. I just bought my Dad CM for his B-Day. I also burnt over 600 MEG worth of mods to CD, and sent that to him as well. I also burnt myself a copy of the Mods. I believe I have every single mod up through untill about 3 weeks ago. I spent several days arranging the mods in their own folders. Example: Germans,Brits,Americans,Polish Then in each of those folders, other folders labeled Uniforms,Haltracks,Panthers,Stugs and so on. All the other nationalities are ordered in the same fashion. In other words a folder for each type of mod. Let me know and we can work out an arrangement on shipping them to you. Another thing, I have every mod there is up untill 3 weeks ago. Ya by my number you probably think I am fairly new but I changed names several months ago. I have been here for well over a year now, as long as most of the other veterans, so I got all the mods your looking for. [ 06-01-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ] [ 06-01-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]
  20. I like it! Let me know when the mod is done. I sure would like to have it. Keep up the hard work guys, I sure do appreciate it.
  21. Shatter here I would like to see the MarderII,Nashorn,Hummel,Sd Kfz 7 gun tractor, Sd Kfz 7/1 Flak,Sd Kfz 7/2, and German Trucks, all redone. Perferably like Tigers latest Halftracks, and Wesp/MarderIII mods. I really like his brownish camo coloring of the German Halftracks and Wesp and MarderIII. I heard Tiger retired from the mod business, I sure hope not, but maybe somebody can add to his work. Also I would like to see a new Jagdpanzer, summer & winter mod. Lastly a new Jagdtiger summer mod. I also agree, a new Jagdpanther would be nice to see as well. Everything else, I am totally happy with. Thanks to all the mod guys out there for all the hard work and great mods. [ 05-25-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ] [ 05-25-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ] [ 05-25-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]
  22. A year or more ago, I downloaded a huge sound replacement download at Nightcrawlers site for sounds. I know that Tom's site has a lot of them, and Combatmission Hq has a large sound mod by Nightcrawler. They are not the same as what I am looking for. I just got a New PC a week ago and I want the same setup as my old PC. Unfortunatly, I have already set up the New PC, so I do not want to hassle with bring the old PC to the new and doing a Hard Transfer, because I have them both up and running. So if anyone know the URL for Nightcrawlers site, could they send it my way??? I don't even know if the site still up.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by pcpilot: Sorry it took so long to get back to you all but I found the answer I think. I simply go into the 3DFX tools manager and change the DirectX 3D and Glide settings to single chip. Thats it! The game worked fine and and experianced no slow down and I didnt have to change my screen resolution. batta BING! batta BOOM! :cool: Thanks for the help guys, it got me to thinking, a fairly rare comodity... I also found that BTS is shipping again...YAAAAAAAA!!! so I hope to battle with you guys soon. cya<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --------------------------------------------- Shatter here I mentioned before that I also have the Voodoo 5500, I can get the 4x to work but, a little box in the middle of the title screen appears, But the game itself run fine. Now if I minimize and go to desktop the game screen is all scrambled in 4x, but 4x looks alot better than single chip, I mean way better. Hope this helps Shatter out
  24. Hey fellas guess what I did. I got me backups now. It was indeed the Burner, I knew I was not that stupid, that I could not get a simple burner to work. Took it in today to Gateway, every damn Tech in the place took a crack at it. I just sat back and grinned. After more than an hour, tech comes and says, yep burner is bad. I knew it, I said. So just wanted you all to know. It wasn't me. Also I wanted to Thank everyone for all the suggestions. At the very least, I learned a lot about Burners, I will be up on the material when Burner Tech is discussed at school. Thankyou guys very much for all the input. Oh I am glad this is the end of this Thread.
  25. JMcGuire Could I send you my error messages and have you give me some input??? Here are the errors: T0100:I/O error (04/44/01) Unexpected error T7118:Track Written error-Command retry failed Here are my specs on my Burner: Phillips Recordable/Rewriteable CDRW IDE-CD R/RW 8x4x32 [ 05-03-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]
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