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Everything posted by Radar

  1. I'm currently in a PBEM with an opponent in extremely close terrain (tall pine). Now suddenly I'm spotting units several times further than I should (he does the same BTW). I thought that this was unusual so I set up a test (this is by no means conclusive) on tall pine (normal visiblity 20-30m). By laying stings of barbwire I'm now getting clear LOS checks with greater than 75% exposures at any range (300m+)!
  2. Yes its by russelmz and is one of his unofficial FAQ posts. I found it so helpful I bookmarked it, but when I looked for it I didn't see it in his regular post, so I don't know if there is an updated list somewhere. This is a very informative piece of FAQ BTW, well done.
  3. Tip List I don't know if you've seen this or not but there are some real good tips to be found here.
  4. I found moving all of my units was evenMORE tedious before I discovered that right clicking the mouse continues the waypoint command (even works with the withdrawal function). Before that it was key press left click, key press left click..Doh!
  5. I get real good results with my half squads if I keep them in command range of the platoon leader. The company commander can take on command of the remaining platoon if separation is an issue.
  6. No, its definately NOT silly. The information about allied and axis units that you'll gather from playing CMBO in the meantime will go far in helping you to enjoy CMBB when it becomes available.
  7. That goes along with the time before I discovered the hotkey to turn off the vehicle view. Haha...I thought I found a new bug..but my buddy thought I was crazy...
  8. Be ready for being treated to the 'Windy City'..it looks like its gonna live up to its name by saterday.. Good luck to you all.
  9. Well, I can say that LOS is abstracted. You aren't seeing 'half' of nothing. LOS would be a ray (line) traced from your unit to a point in question. This visual quality can be degraded and/or blocked by terrain features like trees, hills and etcetras. The line you trace will go from several shades of blue, where its good, to red and black where its completely blocked.
  10. Tanks..could I bother you for a copy, too? I really like then , the ford is really a nice touch.
  11. Does anyone know how the dispersal pattern for those Northern Alliance truck mounted rocket artillery? I'm assuming that the mechanics of the weapon system isn't changed much from those used in WWII. :confused:
  12. I've misplaced my copy of those exposure tables done by Juju. I wanted to send a buddy a copy but I can't find mine nor do I see it on the CMHQ news board (where I found it originally). Does anyone know where I can find this excellent document?
  13. If I recall correctly, there are separate bmp's for snow and regular weather..for pretty much all.
  14. I think you must've had your weather effects turned off (if I recall correctly). I once thought the game went on the blink when all my vehicles dissapeared. It wasn't until later that I discovered what happened.
  15. Hey, I love those guys! FT teams are True Grit! From taking out tanks (oh yes, it can be done)to clearing pesky strongpoints on the attack or defense. They really get my admiration.
  16. I'd say leave the MG jeeps to police the rear echelon. IMHO, take the M3A1 scout car or M20 armored utility car. They both have good speed, light armor, and have some capacity to carry passengers. They are about less than twice the cost of the MG jeep but more than twice the value. The MG jeep is a soft skinned vehicle that can be taken out with a sharp stare. I've used the M3A1 to tow small guns and teams into battle then scout and harass to pinpoint hidden enemy positions.
  17. Now doesn't steel reinforcement actually add to the structure of concrete?
  18. Well the only way I can figure out that you can get an engineer to blow a building is if its already occupied by an enemy and then resolved as a close assault. I had that done to more than a plt that got busy pinning down the VL by fire while then being flank assaulted by several squads(partial) of Engineers, them all throwing their satchels into the building at once...BOOM! It was really quite impressive, although at that point the game changed hands, from his to his.
  19. Ok, Ok now what the heck is a JABO? :confused:
  20. I'm wondering what sort of tools can get me working on those outstanding on my own. I once tried Paint that comes with Windows..(hahaha) its about like cutting the grass with a backhoe. You can do it but it aint gonna be purty. I want to know what you mod makers prefur.
  21. I would go hog wild for that.. ...it would be great for the weekend..
  22. I'm not fully sure I understand what your indicating the problem is. Now are you trying to disembark the infantry from the transport? Try this link... http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=7&t=000640 You can place a tiny reverse order at the point you want your troops to disembark, and then put the first movement order of the transported unit close to that reverse waypoint. The transported unit will grab dirt where you need them. [ 08-03-2001: Message edited by: Radar ]
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