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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. Oz - Given the puff in the Australian newspapers I am not surprised you thought as you did. However it does seem to me over-inflated possibly by an author eager to sell his personal hero, and his book , to an Australian public. I have absolutely no doubt he was a very good general indeed. However the way one of the newspaper articles was written it did imply he was able to walk on water and save the Allies. ANd to rub it in they appear not to know the differnce between rout and route. Doh! As for it being a colonial thing. Not at all ; we all bolshy to everyone : ) If I can find the book I might very well want to read it and see if the claims are reporters over-egging or the author. And I am partial to the empire having been schooled in Canada, Australia and spent three months in NZ.
  2. I think you are taking an extremely simple game - bridge - and saying that its scoring system is suitable. There are only 52 cards and after the bidding only 26 are unknown so the play given identical hands between many pairs is likely to be very similar. Subject of course to any silliness in the bidding. In any decent RoW scenario there is the complete unknown from a possibly inadequate briefing, multiple units, different terrain features, and different results possible each time two tanks meet. Trump Ace always top King - not in the CM world. Therefore the bridge scoring system may be adequate as the variables are actually quite limited and the range of results ditto. And I suspect that a much larger number of hands are played - typically 28 or more in a session. In serious bridge play they may well play over three days and at least 64 hands. So over that many games a point difference may well emerge. In five roundsin RoW I doubt that one would feel particularly secure that the results were fair. Anyway given the simpler game and the larger number of events to let people show how good they are how does duplicate bridge resolve it: Somehow I thought it would be simpler : ). Funnily enough I recognise some of the Nabla thinking in the article. Perhaps Nabla is actually a bridge derived but tweaked system!
  3. Egg production. I would have thought that for the very reason they can be open the egg factories are optimally geared. Use of windows and natural light, the heat generated by the chickens must be considerable .... I don't think it as obviously daft. But probably a little suspect : ) Incidentally whats pounds of eggs to a chicken x one year ?
  4. Unfortunately no shed and with a thin layer of clay over chalk on an appreciable slope not much in the way of a garden. Actually that sounds lame as it depends what you are used to as what is "not much". Because of the soil we have containers for 3 blueberries, one gooseberry, one gojiberry and a raspberry. In all I bought 50 spun aluminium pots about 47cm high by 38cm across so we could grow salads and herbs etc. But we do have ceanothus, berberis, magnolia , bay , laurels, several different cotoneasters, salvias, dogwood, lavender, fuschia, blackberries, ash, fatsia, mahonia, viburnums and oak trees growing from the soil. And also succulents/sedums for the very sunny and dry front of house. The plot is about 120' x 80' and 60% lawn. Actually when I think back to Australian or Canadian gardens there are actually a lot of different plants here, more than in Sidney or Toronto gardens. I suspect gardening has grown more popular in the last few decades but those climates are not that friendly really.
  5. Unfortunately for those like myself who have an antipathy to politicians there are now more than ever in the Upper House. The effect on the culture of the Chamber has been noticeable - and not for the better. Edit for ME
  6. I have a couple of golden minutes really golden : Some scenario where my opponent lost two Churchills to a 75mm at close range and across the field a Pshrek got two more AND another scenario wher my Flammpanzer II took out a T34/85 and an enemy squad in the same turn golden memories ... and possibly on a hard drive somewhere : ) Replays are great!!
  7. This has the look of a winter scene No obvious damgae other than one tall tree which possibly could be a lightning strike. There appears to be some evergreen ivy on a couple of trees.The hedgerows do not loook particularly verdant and the landscape looks tidy. Foreword 21st August 1946. And rarely do photographers in a combat zone take photos for the record - just plain countryside. Action shots sure , important views sure but boring views not so much.
  8. I did consider whether it was as a result of action, or that like a history books it was after the event photography. Tough to say for sure as the photos are not very large. Still not that important and there is always the US army records to search if we go into May without the game!!
  9. Actually I knew that : ) OM you are apparently 6 but I am sure they did not allocate them on IQ's. Elmar is 18!! And I am 3831. It is kind of itrritating to have lost a serious chunk of my posts also when they did the transfer. Well I suppose I could count them again properly whilst we await the game Edit Other Means 2003 October
  10. Phuff! You CMSF beta-testers with your padded posting counts! And who havve only been around since 2007!. Us who remained faithful to the true game should not be scorned : ) SO does that include people looking for opponents??
  11. Well that hardly counts - it was on some forum called shock forge or something, No true blue CM WW2 player would be reading that : ) Its a shame it was not put on a useful subforum : 0
  12. It has always amazed me what a daft system it was. Thankfully at least naming them was adopted. : ) It leaves though a slight sense of dismay that an organisation could be so blind to the problems of everything being M1', 2, 3, 4 's. And what happens when they get to an M13 is it unlucky? I bet very few grogs here could say what a WW2 M13 was.!!
  13. Excellent resource. With some of the best photographs of the terrain I have seen. Some seem to have been taken in the late autumn as there is a distinct lack of leaves which may have made even more difficult for sightlines. I am slightly peeved that even knowing of the Hyperwar series I have failed to raid it for bocage pictures. : [
  14. Asking that question here on this thread might be! : ) But whilst you are here what is your view on sub-forums? As to what was included on CMBO and CMBN I do not think it really makes much sense as we all know that there will be add-ons and improvements to come. CMBN has barely a fraction of CMBO troops.
  15. http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/USA/USA-TS-CS-Combat/USA-TS-CS-Combat-15.html I actually like them also for rare shock effect - not so much the pixeltrupen as the opponent ! : )
  16. Thak you for your support Sergei. You have identified the workload that will be avoided if the sub-forums are created sooner rather than later. I am sure the moderators will appreciate it : )
  17. Where? All things are possible but the M8 \gun \carriage?
  18. Well that does sound more probable. I was talking to a friend who was a gunner on a 5.5" field piece and he was bemused. He ran through the loading procedure and novice that I am I forgot the bags of cordite added and also standing clear when it fired as the shock effect was impressive.. It did make me wonder about other tall tales like Rudel. And the landmark airpower vs tanks where apparently 68 German ground-attack aircraft stopped a Russian advance in an hour and left 50 tanks burning. Totally bogus in that case. More vehicles.... Crocodile please. i have always considered that they would have been the bocage busting weapon of choice. The US can have the E4-5 ; )
  19. Its just that there are snippets of tactical information, and controls, scenario design, and all that being mixed together currently. AND can we have the Opponents wanted in the sub-forum for CM:bn as it is a long way down to scroll for noobies : ) And would overwhelm all the other people hoping to advertise for opponents. And save on people not mentioning what game they are talking about. etc. I am Ok as I have many people to play but not everyone is as lucky.
  20. As this might fall under mis-statements: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/42653890#42653890 a little video examining some of the lies that apparently politicians are happy to accept.
  21. http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/mentalhealthinfo/problems/alcoholanddrugs/cannabis.aspx This is very useful and does explore in detail the risks - which particularly affect those under 20. However what it does not do is look at the medicinal types in isolation so one is left a little bemused as to what might be ascribed to different strengths. methods of use. I have never tried it so I cannot comment on it from personal experience. My own philosophy has always been to avoid stuff that makes me appear stupider or unhealthy [tobacco], : )
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