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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. Poster for The Walking Dead on funeral parlour wall An advertising firm has apologised for placing a billboard for a TV show called The Walking Dead on the side of a funeral parlour. The unintended, "unfortunate juxtaposition" caused raised eyebrows in Consett, County Durham.
  2. And of course reading the whole report : Shock horror. Johnny-no-mates are only half as satisified! But it is not religion but working usefully with others that makes for satisfaction. : ) I could have told them that : ) Incidentally I don't wish to put a downer on this but it is only looking at Americans so there is no comparison with the happy non-religious countries in my survey. And survey wise there are some people who think they are friends with everyone - regardless of what those people actually think .... just saying. But they are going to prove it with a survey. They should just ask CM*1 players who play PBEM!
  3. 70% think of themselves as a type of Christian, ties in rather well then with this: "The 2005 Eurobarometer poll discussed above found that on total average, of the EU25 population, 52% "believe in a God", 27% believe in "some sort of spirit or life force" and 18% had neither of these forms of belief. Across the EU, belief was higher among women, increased with age, those with strict upbringing, those with the lowest levels of formal education and those leaning towards right-wing politics.[26]:10-11"Wikipedia" But perhaps we ought to consider this report also: but talking of governance and moral duty perhaps we need to look at Transparency International - most of the top countries do not seem overly religious. SO is moral worht related to chuch or is it something else. Or does religion provide a some sort of screen - a confession and absolution every week is handy if you sin. Or in Blai or Bush case it was God's will.
  4. Elmar its no good trying to pretend you are someone else. I thought by now you would have noticed that your real name is show! DUH! : ) PS I agree with you.
  5. Anyway having read the evidence that there has been a Christianising of the original constitution/society what say you of your original posting AB? I must admit to being surprised how apparently Godless the rest of the World is with their coinage - but then thinking about it I realised in fact for the US perhaps it is just sooo right. : )
  6. So would a change to the voting system improve the US system? I am beginning to believe choosing a person by lot could be no worse and potentially better. Of course there would be rules: Over 30 No lawyers : ) And had paid taxes choose ten of those per district and then put them with a potted researched biography, a brief message from the candidate, on a sheet sans picture and gender identification and give the voters a chance. A news black-out other than the official stuff. Or leave all the details to the day of polling... Could not possibly be worse than the current beg for money pay back favours model.
  7. Ah Michael. Given I remarked on a burst fire of 4 in 30 seconds you may wonder why I did not think it necessARY TO MAKE CLEAR THEY DID NOT FIRE AT 30 ROUNDS PER MINUTE, DOES THE BIG PRINT MAKE IT CLEARER : )
  8. But did nothing for his mental acuity unfortunately. A shame for him. I wondered who he beat to be elected and unfortunately she seems even a tad wackier. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cynthia_McKinney The overall feeling must be that some parts of the US are not well served by their politicians.
  9. I understand it will be displayed behind a dirty raincoat which will whip open when a visiter gets near : )
  10. An excellent article here covers the subject very well. And reading it seems to suggest that in times of war countries reach for the God cloak - well apparently just the US.! http://www.religioustolerance.org/nat_mott.htm Reading it is seems there has been a perpetual grinding down of the founding fathers wise decisions. As for architectural symbolism I suspect there are a plethora of Greek or Roman columns also in Government buildings but I do not suppose that recommends Gods of those era. And of course the American eagle must symbolise ... er....um ... a nation of bird watchers? Religious symbols seem to be adopted from prior religions - see how the Roman church endorses Baal: http://www.aloha.net/~mikesch/wheel.htm : )
  11. Fair point regarding the CMBN scoring system. I am sure with the combined brain power of the Peng board, or in fact any single contributor to this thread, could come up with a practical alternative. : ) Hell I would lay just for the joy of true FoW and I do not care who wins!
  12. Tsk an average is no good. If half the Germans score 80% and half 20% that gives the average but ignores the extreme results. AFAIR with primarily tanks to kill a few lucky/unlucky hits the score could rack up ... or mot. St. Nazaire I was very fortunate to sink quite a lot of assault boats where the attacker has no options. So depending which side I was on in each battle I could get better chances of getting a good score : ) I am not that worried as it was good fun. I think after it ended we did have a very lengthy thread on the game: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=49623&highlight=Nabla+wet so allowing for the fact that in CMBN most people will be relatively new the performance difference apart from beta-testers will be less then CMAK. : )
  13. Well of course that was the first thing I thought of - and discarded : ) I think all the problems inherent in applying it to a Nabla Tournament are self-evident.
  14. Generally i am in favour of history remaining the same unless important research raises new information. Anyway I was browsing around and came across this politician who was doing some major re-writing of her own families history. This seems wrong: http://www.talk2action.org/story/2011/4/8/121538/4990/Front_Page/Michele_Bachmann_Lies_About_Her_Own_Family_History_To_Sound_More_Iowan And you also have to wonder who is being stupid here. Does she know she is lying - in which case she is not to be trusted. Or is she too stupid to get someone to get things right for her, or is she just sure her audience will swallow anything? How far can you disrespect your electorate before they rumble you? However the real nub of the re-writing history is the often-repeated tying of God and America together from the days of the Pilgrims. Being a little foggy on American history I was surprised how categorical the destruction of the deceit: http://www.publiceye.org/magazine/v21n2/history.html
  15. The only outstanding gripe I recall from the NABLA was the valid comment that some battles were easier to get an outlier score on than others. I think Wet Triangle was cited as an example. If I recall correctly the players did not all play the same schedule of games. My solution which I think remains valid is that there are two winners - each dozen or so players have exactly the same game schedule. If one feels the necessity for an overall winner I suggest that the top two play reverse same battle where they are both allowed as much time as they wish pre-game start. Personally I prefer the more honest finish with two winners. I am a great fan of NABLA as it most honestly allows the unfair nature of battle.
  16. Well it is about Facebook and I find it very funny. Zuckerberg sued for 50% of Facebook! http://www.zdnet.com/blog/btl/paul-ceglia-vs-facebooks-mark-zuckerberg-heres-the-complaint-and-its-a-good-read/47156?tag=nl.e539
  17. I checked on the 105mm Shermans. No power traverse and no stabilsation. Fair enough given the role. Surprisingly they had a burst fire rate of 4 rounds in 30 seconds!! I assume all the available ready ammo Over 10 minutes the rate was expected to average 30.
  18. Page 184 "Assault from the Sea 1939-1945" by J D Ladd Says that the Centaurs were directed by the troop commander on the bridge. The LCT[armoured] had a raised portion where two of the Centaurs could fire. Two Centaurs and the troop commanders Sherman completed the load. There were 80 Centaurs and 20 Shermans in each of the three regiments. They also had a Porpoise No.2 type sled for carrying ashore 48 rounds of extra ammo. They reached inland as far as 10 miles and one accidentally[lost] liberated a French village and received a civic reception. Withdrawn June 24th the regiments were disbanded in October.
  19. Very good points. Particularly over identifying unit organisation. And yes remembering AFV's would seem a very logical differentiator. To be honest I am a little shocked that this has not been addressed already. One of the reasons I play fast in PBEM is to keep the flow where you remember these things.
  20. I think they were - its just they weren't German ones How common was the 105mm armed Sherman and what was its rate of fire spring to mind when suggesting it as a tank killer. HEAT in CM*1 was ridiculously accurate [given the game engine I can understand the fudge] so I wonder what CM*2 will reveal.
  21. I thought this thread needed a bump .. .But no it needs rules and as it happens I have discovered one for you Pengists *From Terry's Rules of Book Signing 3) I don't sign parts of the body, even if they're still attached. And Terry Pratchett should be recognised for spotting evil and how progress had sorted it: *Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the forces of evil...prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom, no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun. Eat leaden death, demon... A Public Service drive-by posting Of course I resisted the temptation to say anything about a Pubic Service - which may be more fun.
  22. I once absend-mindedly ordered Three Mile Island dressing in a restaurant and, with great presence of mind, they brought Thousand Island Dressing and a bottle of chili sauce. -- (Terry Pratchett, alt.fan.pratchett)
  23. All depends on the terrain, visibility, and where the interesting VP's are. I was quite fond of opponents who bought expensive tanks as they had a tendency to show them early and you could then start deducing the make-up of his force. Huge maps also diminished the value of uber-tanks as flanks became vulnerable, and uber tanks tend not to have the numbers to be everywhere. I am not a beta-tester but I imagine until the British arrive smoke, artillery, air support will be your chief weapons. When I say chief weapons I don not mean that all the kills of kittys will be theirs but the threat of them may force Kittys to less than optimal positions where infantry can attend to them. : ) I am assuming though large maps where the Allied advantages artillery etc can be deployed [safely for the US pixeltruppen].
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