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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. Seems quite short range 75m so is it rainy or something, and I do not believe it is necessarily the same for everyone : ) Night fighting I think sucks in CM as I think infantry model is flawed anyway and the restricted sight makes naughty tactics even more effective. EDIT 200m on a clear night and yes elite and conscripts see equally well no matter whether they are tank, troopers or snipers. How realistic is it - not a lot as you see 200m in all directions regardless of where you might imagine the moon might cast shadows. [ January 05, 2008, 02:04 PM: Message edited by: dieseltaylor ]
  2. The AI has never really been that good at attacking but even given that it must have been very satisfying : ) I assume you do have some humans to practice on?
  3. Daylight? Terrrain type or we have to cater for all sorts of terrain ? Enemy air power in existence?
  4. It is interesting to consider that there is probably an optimal and recommendable method to playing CM. For instance I recall someone saying he played with the sound off which of course seems slightly lunatic if you are able to differentiate between various weapons by the sounds in game. Slightly less obvious is the regime you might have for using certain views and not playing solely at level 5, remembering to take tree off when fighting in woodland, etc etc. Going back to the graphics - I think the grids of the greatest use - I must try those recommended above! I always feel if I were smarter I would do a spreadsheet to keep track of all my units so I did not accidentally forget to use a sniper or HMG. Cycling through all the units is one method but it does break up viewing areas where units are intermingled across the battlefield - theefore not ideal.
  5. On HMG's I was surprised in a recent game to kill a Somau with a Russian 12.7mm at very close range. A fluke but very welcome. The use of M3's late in the game to turn flanks on already upset infantry is very effective. I suspect having mortars to counter HMG's discovered bythe infantry would also be smart!
  6. Seems to me that we have overdone the hiving off of the discussions to the fan sites. Anybody reading here would not realise the community has done 1400+ scenarios for player fun. You name it there is almost certainly a scenario. Though the randomly generated maps are good enough for me.
  7. Definitely a job for flame throwers - at last.
  8. The Churchill with the 152mm armour is ideal for this situation --- let me guess - you forgot to pack one? : )
  9. South Africa - SASOL kmows lots about coal to oil. Something to do with the threat of being embargoed : ) web page
  10. Well I do not play the game and have not read the other threads but it does sound like they have done the right thing for the wrong reasons! Rather worrying though if there history is a bit wonky
  11. I am surprised that this question has not got the right answer given how groggy I thought this forum was web page 4.5 million tons of Lend-Lease through Persia to the USSR. I reckon that counts for something in the way of a nod in the game design!
  12. Great thread. Is this where I say "BF fix it or sumfink"
  13. Detail pictures of a Wasp Wasps in action report http://www.irdp.co.uk/JohnCrook/normandy.htm just a history [ November 20, 2007, 10:02 AM: Message edited by: dieseltaylor ]
  14. As it is about flamethrowers I thought I would throw this in web page
  15. could this site be quotable? and wot abaht the Einstossflammenwerfer 46 Order download document Download TITLE: The Performance of the Flame Thrower, Transportable No.2, Mk.2C (Wasp) when Firing Napalm Fuel in Cold Weather PERSONAL AUTHOR: Sorensen, H. CORPORATE AUTHOR: Suffield Experimental Station, Ralston ALTA (CAN) [ November 20, 2007, 09:11 AM: Message edited by: dieseltaylor ]
  16. thewood could you contact me re auto analysis?
  17. Infantry or armour? Quality of troops? More info required. I do agree that there is something strange re spotting in fog.
  18. Little "G" means generals as in marshals the troops not General as in a rank lower than a Field-Marshal. I hope that clarifies the point I accept that there are many instances of reinforcements going astray etc but I am not sure if anyone has done a study that shows conclusively that this was more common than battles were forces actually did turn up on time at the right place. Possibly the failures are more memorable. I can distinctly remember attacks that have been assisted by lost troops turning up in the wrong sector : ) But perhaps that is going too far.
  19. I can live with some vagueness but when reinforcements are of the order of 40+ tanks it is helpful to know that approximately is what you are going to receive. How can one plan a battle with information like that being withheld from you as CO.? In this particular scenario I have some light recon and I know I have some T34's and KV's coming - but plan a battle on a large rolling area of steppe on that basis - I think not. Especially if I am told I have an equal number of tanks so no superiority as the attacker - nice proposition. The designer has decided to place me in a situation that is absurd. No battlefield general goes into battle without knowing what back-up he has - and remember that we are talking about units that cannot be more than a few miles from the action if they are actually to fight inside a 30 minute time frame. I have read the arguments advanced by MR and I can understand the thought processes even if I think they are wrong. I think if this particular scenario is revised with an idea of the forces involved, the excellent map and scenario could be a great battle. As it stands anyone playing it for the first time as the attacker is pretty well stuffed.
  20. Agreed. I see we are equally old CM players. And with experience comes wisdom : )
  21. Broompatrol Well you could provide your own examples : ) Actually I do add reviews etc but I until the last year or so I would play with choose your own games but in BoB you tend to have many scenario based tournaments. So I am getting into playtesting etc. I also play scenarios now and occasionally we have ones where you realise there has been a design error. Unfortunately there is a school of thought that thinks fair play is allowing both sides to have the scenario to play through first - which is an abomination, or that you mirror play the game. Fortunately it seems to be unpopular and NABLA for club tournaments may occur. : ) BT - Well done.: ) Anyone who, except in rare cases, thinks a CO goes into battle without any concept of his immediate force or likely reinforcements has the wrong idea of what fog of war means! : )
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