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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. If you play quickly in TCP/IP or LAN games then every millisecond counts if playing against a time limit of 1,2 or 3 minutes. As I am a lazy devil and normally play quickly even on PBEM turns I just keep the one gridded scenery always. I would agree about looks but its the playing thats the fun. : )
  2. Thanks for the reply. I have done absolutely nothing in terms of hardware or new BMP's so a complete mystery. I will take the view it is corruption - but why all text and not some... When I locate my CmBB disk I will replace all BMP's and then look for gridded scenery etc : ( Actually on reflection I will look just for the letters and numbers to replace.
  3. I have a had a quick search but cannot see an answer . Basically on booting today everywhere other than in a briefing all letters and numerals are just blue squares. Played fine last time - a week or so I played. Any clues as to a quick fix or what would cause it? TIA CMAK is unaffected. CMBB I could reload all the files but would need to finf the disk and a] about to go on holiday b] will be moving house when we return and are partly packed already.
  4. I thought the 110556 reference was a grid reference - but then you have to wonder on which map.! This I have just found with two War Department maps of 1943. They do not solve the riddle but they are zoomable right down and may be useful for other things. http://broermapsonline.org/members/Europe/France/Normandy/
  5. I thought the 110556 reference was a grid reference - but then you have to wonder on which map.! This I have just found with two War Department maps of 1943. They do not solve the riddle but they are zoomable right down and may be useful for other things. http://broermapsonline.org/members/Europe/France/Normandy/
  6. I thought the 110556 reference was a grid reference - but then you have to wonder on which map.! This I have just found with two War Department maps of 1943. They do not solve the riddle but they are zoomable right down and may be useful for other things. http://broermapsonline.org/members/Europe/France/Normandy/
  7. Just my opinion but assault boats have featured in some of the most unenjoyable scenarios I have played. Probably because the game engine is very clunky with them. Boats are probably the worst thing to do in scenarios followed up be bridges who have some unfortunate sight lines when you are fighting around them. As eye candy away from battles they are probably fine. Just my opinion. : )
  8. Digging at WeBoB I found this: "How to make a 100% secure Battle/Scenario in CM I'm passing this along to those who may find it useful. We learned this procedure from Citizen and it has proven very useful. 1. Create the battle as normal, but DO NOT TOURNAMENT SAVE IT. Just do a normal save. 2. Now start the battle/scenario you just saved as a hotseat game and select whichever side you want, we'll call them side 1. 3. Enter the password for side 1. 4. When you get to the setup screen, do nothing but hit GO. 5. Enter the password for side 2. 6. When you get to the setup screen, save the game under any name you choose. 7. Send the saved game to side 2 along with the password you used for side 2. 8. Remember to also send an email to side 1 with the password you used for side 1. Result: Side 2 starts the game, uses the password you sent to him, and gets his entire setup phase. After he completes his setup he sends the file with his completed setup to side 1. Side 1 loads it, enters the password you sent him, and he also gets his entire setup phase. Neither side is able to see the other side's troops without that side's password. It sounds a little strange, but it really works. One further note. Before loading the battle/scenario you have just created and password protecting the sides, be sure to keep a copy of the file somewhere so that you can always load it back into the editor and correct any errors you might have made."
  9. Sebastien I can understand why you may be confused as we have all been migrated to a new board called yuku or something or other so ezboard is no longer relevant - apologies, I will speak to the management!. This is where the forums are located: http://webandofbrothers.yuku.com/ Basically I believe you sign up with yuku as a general member and then that same name is kept as your We Band of Brothers name when inducted. However this is probably best thought of towards the end of the sponsorship when you are allowed to post etc. Of course it is very onerous to play a minimum one game a quarter to stay active in the club ..... : )
  10. I have just loaded the second turn of a scenario and saved it as a .cmg file. Then choosing my new parameters for the game I have loaded the .cmg file as my map and got the same battlefield with my new troops and no troops from the original scenario. I have to admit this was a very happy trial. I was spurred on funnily enough by a similar discussion at http://webandofbrothers.de/index.htm It had me lamenting I really did not understand much of the design side of CM even after playing since CMBO. I hope this works for you.
  11. Indeed BoB it is !. Band of Brothers can be viewed at: http://webandofbrothers.de/index.htm There is a sponsorship process to , hopefully, weed out the dropper outs etc. I did say we play for fun rather than personal glory but I fear I should have said 95% of the 200+ play for fun : ) BoBster records all the games and most count for a ranking but that is not really that important. What is nice is you keep track of the many games you played as Poles or Italians .... Serious clubs/players would probably not indulge in our fun tournaments such as where you choose the best or worst force you can think of and some other sucker plays it .... there is a chance you will of course be allocated your own force. Particularly if you reach the semi-finals : )
  12. It can actually shoot them down also - points in the bag For killing rather than annoying I suggest the 37mm. BTW planes can shoot up your AA so if you expect air having more than one AA asset is useful. The us with lots of vehicle borne 0.5" HMG'S do not need additional AA. Russians, the British/ Commonwealth , and the Germans need to account for potential aircraft. The 88mm flak does not operate in an AA role nor do other countries heavy AA as they are not designed for ground attack defense. Aircraft can turn up very late, and they can bomb your troops, so they are a mixed blessing. They may also just fly in the once out of a potential five attacks. Having said that there is something nice to see when they fly over shooting up self-propelled guns which are giving you grief. There does seem a body of opinion who feel that aircraft are gamey/unrealistic and like to ban them by using perpetually overcast skies. Not having any AA defence is unrealistic also ...
  13. Fine reply. What Jason does not mention, and the reason I am not keen on night fights, is the laser range finder syndrome. One of the unfortunate facts is that in game you can establish to the yard where night makes you invisible. If I know I will be seen at 200 metres but not at 201metres you find players using this game weakness. Secondly the plentiful German HMG's are the FP equivalent of a full UK squad at, AFAIK, 100 metres. If you play around with the purchasing company's and battalions you will see that this is quite a bonus. In 1944 cheapest German company is 358points and at 100 metres its total squad and HMG fire power is 1105fp. The cheapest Brit company is 365 and its fp is 801. Cheapest US is 514 and 1077fp. This does ignore the 3 mortars the Allies have each. On a clear night viewing is about 170 and overcast 70metres. Of course a flaw with CM infantry is that all men fire at the same target so that with no split fire they can be pulled to fire at one unit and then receive fire from another - and at close range that could be fatal very quickly. Basically the game engines two main flaws are shown up together in night fighting. This is not to say you cannot have fun night battles but an expert game engine technician could really make hay using these flaws in known scenarios. IF you wish to make things as confusing as possible play night battles with random casualties on or something. This will mean that you can have understrength units but more of them which may go someway to solving the problem of only being able to shoot at a single unit and also confuse anyone who routinely practices with full strength units. Historically you will be correct as no formation ever fought at full strength. Incidentally the AA Bren for the Commonwealth troops is an LMG with a 70 ammo load, and unlike HMG's never jams. But do have some night battles they can be fun.
  14. AFAIK CMC will come with a slightly tweaked CMBB which should generate a lot of gaming. Other than that I think this scale is dead - which is a great shame/mistake. Still Les Grogs will provide the grand scale battles and that IS due this year. BTW the film of your CM games can be had through PBEMHelper. Not quite seamless as you do have a 3-5 second gap between minutes but as you are actually "replaying" the original film you can change your view and zoom around every time you watch it. Also of course you get your freeze frame and reverse play : )
  15. I think active players are in various clubs now where scenario discussions etc get carried on - certainly true of BoB. And in its way SDII also disperses postings I do deplore the fact that the most visible forums,BF, are deadish.
  16. The benefits of misdirection by putting sandbag positions on map should not be under-rated : )
  17. Cunning - but then it would be a very rare occurrence that I would let the computer pick my units! Anyway cheating like that will only detract from the gaming experience as any win you would have would be not for being a better commander but simply a cheat. There are ways to cheat in CM but given it tends to prove "you" are a poor player has no benefit. I play in a club where winning is good but having a fun game is more important. : )
  18. The tank may have some instantly ready shells to hand so for a short period no problem. I would expect the gun crews to have a higher rate of fire generally as they have more room to move, the facility to pass shells to each other, and swop roles. Of course if there is any return fire then I would expect the ROF to drop off quite quickly. So the answer is - it depends : )
  19. My expectation is revitalised CMBB playing. Being in Band of Brothers with 256 players it is going to be a cinch to have an on-going campaign : ) Actually on reflection possibly two or three if people favour different periods of the war. MMMmmm could be a problem. Incidentally if anyone wishes to be sponsored into the club through the initial game by me ........ addys in the profile. Club here http://webandofbrothers.de/index.htm Friendly club rather than intense ladderish type. Because of that playing should be fun - and everyone is vetted pre-joining to cut drop-outs : )
  20. Congratulations on buying the best game out and playing a fellow human - it beats the AI hands down. There is a handy helper for PBEM play but I think you are best served learning the fundamentals as outlined by the other posters. If it helps I am happy to post little game turns to you and/or your friend to sort things out. My addy is in the profile. But you probably have already sorted it : )
  21. Large games work fine provided that they are primarily suited to tanks. Infantry has a lot of work arounds and problems in terms of of the game. For maximum realism I think the one minute order turn and a minute for playback prevent the over clever use of the system. Becuase of lack of time most of the force has to be given fairly simple orders. It does strike me it might be fun that a commander gives general orders working from his map to subordinates who individually move the[ir] companies of tanks and infantry. So the commander would receive reports from the company commanders and try to make sense of the information received. Off board artillery is his alone to allocate though the spotters would report to him only. Could be highly amusing - and also stressful for the people concerned. Company commanders probably ought to operate at level one at all times : ). Level three in church etc. So a touch of Iron man rules to add to the mix.
  22. Nice post. Putting into words and actuality vague suspicions I have harboured. Incidentally my favoured approach in games is to have random casualties to make everything a little more foggy and less calculable. In situations you have outlined if you cannot guarantee the value of enemy infantry inside the trenches is there a slight danger of spending more than their worth to take them? Secondly, in general, do random casualties make it more difficult to play.
  23. Which version have you got? The CDV was a pile of **** and always loaded badly - thats why so many people use the cracks. I believe I have two copies and would send you one but it is no gtee to load. Reaching into memory I vaguely think I copied the disk to HD to get around the clunky install. Perhaps worth looking back to when your version of CMBB came out because it was a hot topic on crappy installs
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