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Everything posted by Monty

  1. Same as Dr. Juzzy, ordered from BFC, waiting for the mailman now.... Monty
  2. I use stereo speakers. But as i told, the sounds and explosion graphics were back when i loaded an older movie ( one movie before) and the problem was again with the last movie. My opponent saw/heard the same problem. I have the movie files if bfc need them. Monty
  3. I'm playing the Line of Defense scenario (pbem) as allied. I had some incoming arty allready one or two turns, but in the last movie i saw something strange: I saw some shell impacts (craters) and small dust cloud (very short time), but i heard NO sound and saw NO explosion graphics. Im sure it was NO smoke shells because i asked my opponent. After i loaded the movie before this one, it was normal with sound and graphics. Then i loaded the last one again, and i heard no sound and did not saw explosions. btw my opponent also saw the no explosion graphic/no sound impacts of the shells ! Anybody had this "bug?" also ?? Monty
  4. Roger, i barely scratched the surface of all the CMBB possibilities. It doesn't help either i am a SLOW CM player ( i love to watch each turn several times from several levels) Im also playing pbem mainly so i have played not many battles but i loved them all very much and thats what count. Monty
  5. Awesome mod Andrew !! I'm one of the guys who always ask for weathered and/or dusty/muddy skins Monty
  6. In Band of Brothers i have seen them used to knock out enemy positions in houses(machineguns ) Its a pity we cant give targeting commands for rifle grenades in CM, or is the BOB example not realistic ? Monty
  7. Hi I assume you allready tried to alt/tab back to the desktop and back to the game ? Have you installed this windows "update" ? : hotfix nr. 328310 Check at the Software/change-delete menu. Monty
  8. My guess is you had too much boose last night hehehe If you use the printscreen button to make a screenshot, nothing is changed what you saw the moment you make the screenie. In any case i dont know and havent read about problems of this kind ! oh..did you try a reboot ? Take some hours to get some sleep Monty [ November 20, 2003, 07:13 AM: Message edited by: Monty ]
  9. Demo is downloaded !! CMAK pre-ordered Now gonna install CMAK (demo), im happy Monty [ November 19, 2003, 05:03 PM: Message edited by: Monty ]
  10. To check Direct X version: Start/Run Type: dxdiag or dxdiag.exe then hit ok and you get the Direc X diagnostic screens. Monty
  11. Hello - Monty - Welcome to CM forum, Greetings from the other Monty
  12. Mostly that is through, but i lost some tanks when i stopped shelling some AT guns because i thought those guns were knocked out, so if you can spare the shells, put some extra on suspected places is my advice. Monty [ November 17, 2003, 08:41 AM: Message edited by: Monty ]
  13. I have bad experiences with inf. or even tankhunter teams and hunting down tanks. My best unit for tankhunting is the flamethrower, they kill a tank without problems when they are hidden and dont move. (you need some luck the enemy tanks cross his path but you can estimate some spots where they are likely to pass...) Give an arc when enemy tank is closeby and lean backward to watch the mayham Needless to say those are suiside missions, the flamethrower team is dead within 1 minute normally Monty [ November 17, 2003, 07:44 AM: Message edited by: Monty ]
  14. Måkjager, i love the grey Pnz II you made !!! eh...but may i ask you a favour ? Could you possible make a muddy version please .... Monty
  15. Shure... indeed... yes ( as far as i know ) Though..with my new Pentium 4 2.8 with 800 mhz FB, loading dont take very long (sorry for bragging hehehe) Monty
  16. I have my new rig now It came default with 52.16 drivers, so i tried CMBB with those. Antialiasing at 4x, filtering at 4x Start without problems, for reading scenario text i need to alt tab/escape to desktop and back. So i keep these drivers, going to try Call of Duty first. Monty
  17. In my new monster rig i use a Geforce FX 5900. It came default with the 52.16 drivers ! I use now 4x AA with 4x filtering. CM starts without problems, for reading the text (scenario's) i have to use alt tab/escape 1x and back to CM. Also for password typing with pbem i need to alt/tab to desktop or typing blindly hehe Monty [ November 17, 2003, 08:59 AM: Message edited by: Monty ]
  18. Which drivers are you using NOW ? I think 30.82 are the best drivers for CM for your system. New drivers wont give a big performance increase, for that you need a faster cpu, more RAM and/or a better vid card. 44.03 did work ok with my Geforce 4 Ti 4400, but only with antialiasing OFF or at 4x. If i used 2x, CM did not load properly. I have bought now a Geforce FX 5900 and will try the 45.23 first. I dont think your Geforce 2 card need those new drivers but you can always benchmark and try those drivers to see if you get any performance increase. Benchmark programs: www.futuremark.com Monty [ November 11, 2003, 07:54 AM: Message edited by: Monty ]
  19. That is really strange indeed. You un-installed the old drivers via the install/uninstall menu right? Sometimes you need a program called Detonator RIP to get rid of some old pieces of the old drivers before you can install new drivers. Schrullenhaft wrote about it in a thread in this forum very recently. Browse throught some recent post to find it. Goodluck, Monty [ November 10, 2003, 08:02 AM: Message edited by: Monty ]
  20. Here you go: Click here These drivers work for CMBO ( try first with AA disabled ) Monty
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