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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. Kanonier Reichmann, Since I sent out the scoresheet (November 30th), I have received only four game results. ROW II will be scored a week from tomorrow in any case, as I already have enough results for a good median for the finalists. To All, The first post to this thread now contains the frequently updated list of players (and the newbies) for ROW III. If you sent me a "signup" email, you can check your status there. ROW newbies will be given all remaining slots on December 10th. Vets have only about 50 hours to claim a slot. We had one withdrawal from the Newbie list, and a few new signups. I will update the list again on Monday morning (GMT-6). Treeburst155 out.
  2. a1steaks, Yes, you are number 9 on the list of vets already admitted. WineCape, I will paste the list into my first post so it can be found more easily. Treeburst155 out.
  3. a bump for the slackers who browse the forum while at work. Treeburst155 out.
  4. OK then, it's time to take an inventory of incomplete games. My goal here is to catch any finished, but unreported games. Below are the games I do NOT have scores for. If you see your name below, AND you lost the game, please send me the final score. If the game is in progress, then Fight On!! Emilville Exit Boris vs John Kettler Tero vs Fate Ted vs Cpt_T White4 vs Sgt Gold mPisi vs Tom Norton JJelinek vs Hobo Mike8g vs WadePM Easy V vs Bertram Lab Rats In Norway Tero vs Boris John Kettler vs Fate Ted vs Mikeydz mPisi vs White4 Sgt Gold vs Tom Norton Hobo vs Saport Mike8g vs Cuzn North Of Epron Boris vs Fate John Kettler vs Tero Mikeydz vs Cpt T a1steaks vs Ted White4 vs Tom Norton Sgt Gold vs mPisi JJelinek vs Saport Cuzn vs WadePM Easy V vs Jack Trap Beretram vs Michael Reddy I have 14 game results for "Emilville Exit", 15 results for "Lab Rats In Norway", and 12 results for "North Of Epron". These are enough to score the prize eligible sections, but it would be nice to get a few more, especially for "North Of Epron". Having said that, the ROW II Finals will be scored on Sunday, December 15th, no matter what. Enjoy your games. There's no need to rush. Just make sure you have reported all your losses to date. Thanks!! Treeburst155 out.
  5. Boo, Your ignorance is showing again. Let me educate you. Draft Enforcement Squads have a firepower rating of 379 at 3 meters (long, electrified, sharp sticks). Mere press gangs on the other hand have an FP rating of only 183.4569 at that range. The Chairwomen of the Joint Chiefs discontinued the press gang program back in Decembruary of the year of our Peng, 3317. Squire Treeburst155 out.
  6. Cesspool Tournament Of Winos Update: It seems the Draft Enforcement Squads had a fairly productive day yesterday, having doubled the size of the One True Army. Cowardly evaders were snatched from alleys, seedy bars, rescue missions, and from under bridges throughout The Land. The Joint Chairwomen of The Joint Chiefs of Staff, Persephone and Emma, will have plenty to work with when deciding who fights whom. The winos listed below have been coerced into active duty. Speedy, Yeknod, Mr Peng, Lars, Boo Radley, Leeo, Noba, ChrisL, Panzer Leader, Nidan1, Mike, MrSpkr, Seanachai, and OGSF If you wish to avoid the unpleasant and SOBERING experience commonly associated with a visit from the Draft Enforcement Squads, you need to email me at the address in my profile. Subject: "Cesspool, your forum name". In the body: type anything you want. I won't read it anyway, and even if I did I wouldn't reply. Even if I replied, it would just be to tell you to Sod Off, and even if you did THAT I would still hate you. Now, put down the cheap wine, walk over to the nice man in uniform holding the sharp stick, and show him your draft card. Things will go easier for you that way. Treeburst155, Squire to Senior Knight More-Arty, Defender of Lost Causes
  7. I wanna see that in MY games, against my opponents! Why hasn't that happened to me yet?! BFC, make this feature happen more often or somefink! Treeburst155 out.
  8. You're welcome, Emma. You Ladies can even change your minds on the matchups several times if you want. Feel free to drive the participants crazy for awhile. I will post the final list of draftees in about a week. After that, the baton will be passed to you and Persephone. Have fun with it! Squire Treeburst155 out.
  9. Cpl Carrot, When you drink WineCape's goods, you are not drinking. You are savoring the Nectar of the Gods. Treeburst155 out.
  10. Excellent! As the dark and cold of winter descends upon the Nordic states, the combatants once again take up arms from the the comfort of their homes. Thanks for the scenario reviews/AARs. I hope Nabla sees them. I will make sure he does. If there are no objections we will resolve the Nordic Championship among you three with three CMBB QBs. The schedule will be: Mattias vs Tuomas Tuomas vs Ari Ari vs Mattias All players play the other two one time. All players play each side one time (Allies on the left). Arrange any type/size of QB you want. Negotiate your own games. There are many custom maps available for QBs at this time if you want to use them. The highest total score for the three games wins the wine. The deadline for game completion is before the snow melts in Helsinki. Any objections to this plan? Treeburst155 out.
  11. Cpl Carrot, I'm glad you're in because you're reliable, and because I'm very interested in the Holien/Carrot match. Treeburst155 out.
  12. Subject to the approval of the Pool Potentates, the following method will be used to determine the matches for the Cesspool Tournament of Winos: Persephone and Emma will determine who plays whom. As a backup, should the fine Ladies of the Pool choose not to accept this "responsibility", the matches will be arranged by The Justicar. Treeburst155, Squire to Senior Knight More-Arty, Defender of Lost Causes.
  13. LOL! Now that's what I like to hear. Treeburst155 out.
  14. Wow! He gave us a couple HUGE scenarios. I like HUGE scenarios. Thanks!! Treeburst155 out.
  15. Cpl Carrot is IN!! Excellent! Those victimized by Wreck in ROW I will make up a single group. Considering the abuse Wreck inflicted on them, this group could actually be called a "support group". So it is written, Juha "UberFinn" Ahoniemi will once again take on five fine US players at once. Below are the ROW I results of "The Wrecked" section for Enoch: #We_Cant_Wait TabPub 35 Zalewski 60 Gaspari 56 Travisano 44 Juha 40 Rohde 51 Enoch 26 Dickens 74 #Duel_At_Dompaire Zalewski 45 Rohde 51 TabPub 31 Travisano 64 Gaspari 29 Dickens 71 Juha 41 Enoch 59 #Sounds_In_Night Enoch 45 Zalewski 55 Dickens 87 Travisano 13 Rohde 58 TabPub 42 Juha 56 Gaspari 38 #Resolve_At_Ranville Zalewski 37 Gaspari 54 Travisano 35 Juha 56 Rohde 18 Enoch 82 Dickens 84 TabPub 16 #Real_Guts Travisano 27 Zalewski 63 Rohde 37 Gaspari 51 Dickens 71 Juha 29 Enoch 57 TabPub 43 #High_Cost Zalewski 24 Dickens 76 Rohde 36 Travisano 50 Enoch 31 Gaspari 63 Juha 40 TabPub 60 #Crisis_At_Kommerscheidt Zalewski 40 Juha 49 Travisano 54 Enoch 40 Rohde 26 Dickens 74 TabPub 50 Gaspari 50 Treeburst155 out.
  16. Panzer Bleacher, You are NOT IN until you pass the intelligence test described in the post you just quoted. Give it a try, lad. Work on the problem. You just might get into the tourney. Squire Treeburst155 out.
  17. Panzer Leader, You're absolutely bonkers!! You actually want a SERIOUS competition here? Read my post at the bottom of page two, if you're able. The games are simply material for the real contest, the AARs. BTW, excessive arty would be boring IMO. Perhaps other voters would feel the same way. Do you see what I'm getting at here? If you want to play in a SERIOUS tournament there's a Beets & Turnips thing going on the outer boards. You MIGHT get in if you sign up now. Squire Treeburst155 out.
  18. There is no tournament for you, Panzer Bleeder. Only those of marginally sound mind and body have been drafted. You will be put to work in the war materiel manufacturing plants sweeping the floors. Squire Treeburst155 out.
  19. Cesspool Tournament Of Winos Update The following personnel have acknowledged their draft notices: Speedy, Yeknod, Mr Peng, Lars, Leeo, Noba, and Boo Radley. See the last post on Page 2 if you wish to answer your call to active MBT duty. One Pooligan has volunteered to make custom maps for this tournament. The maps will be...um...Cesspoolesque in nature. He/She shall remain nameless so the tourney participants can attempt to identify the mapmaker. Correct ID of the individual who created the map you fought on MIGHT get you more votes in the end. It's just another thing for the Voters to consider. Don't you DARE burn that draft card!! Report for duty today! The Mutha Beautiful Thread already hates you. Don't make us kill you. Treeburst155, Squire to Senior Knight More-Arty, Defender of Lost Causes [ December 04, 2002, 10:13 AM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  20. Redwolf, So you're saying the situation is difficult to reproduce; but happens often enough in-game for it to be an issue. Hmmmm... I recently had a Russian AA gun fire at a StuG while the gun was pointed up at a plane overhead. Not until several rounds hit the StuG did the gun lower to aim at it. This would be very difficult to reproduce. It also won't happen very often. If I can reproduce the ISU behaviour discussed in these threads with my own scenario, I will then try different (but very similar) vehicles in the exact same situation. I will test hundreds of times too. If I can't reproduce the questionable ISU behaviour after seriously trying to do so, I will treat it like the AA gun example above. IOW, nothing worth spending more time on. Treeburst155 out.
  21. The fact that the ISU, and maybe its' "class" behave differently in a situation than a PzIV means nothing. We cannot say one "class" of vehicles exhibits bad TacAI behaviour by comparing that behaviour to another class of vehicles. EDIT: Inconsistent TacAI behaviour from vehicle class to vehicle class is to be expected. Inconsistent behaviour among vehicles of very similar characteristics (the same class) might mean something. Treeburst155 out. [ December 03, 2002, 11:53 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
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