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Posts posted by Vergeltungswaffe

  1. When people are shooting at one another at close range, there is not a lot of aiming going on, so hits aren't as prevalent as you might think. However, when one or the other squad decides they've had enough and gets up to run, you will see people who are no longer being shot at actually use the sights on their weapons.

    While playing last night, 3 squads of German infantry came across a single Soviet squad, and traded fire at very close range for about 40 seconds, at which time it became known that there were 9 of 11 men remaining in the Soviet squad. In the 41st second, the Commies decided they had had enough and jumped up to run. Within 9 seconds, 7 more casualties, versus the 2 that occurred in 40 seconds. I think this is excellent realism, personally.

  2. Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

    "Looks like it not only has to be the final file, but you must also copy the file into the Quick Battle Maps

    file in order for it to work."

    who knows a bit more about how to do this?

    is it documented in the manual anywhere?

    (pg #'s ?? :confused: )

    Please don't tell me to RTFM because I pre-ordered the game and I am STILL waiting for it. :(

    -tom w

    Page 162 talks a bit about it, specifically.

    You can either take the last auto-save from a completed qb, and copy it into the quick battle map folder, then import it with/without the exhausted/spent/out of ammo etc, units, or not, and continue the battle, though you will start back in the start zones depending on what type of scenario you choose.

    You can also generate a map in the editor, and assign forces (edited or not) which can then be imported into a quick battle to play with units that are "named" etc to make your own campaign.

  3. vils, campaigns come from the community.

    Look at some of these:



    and even a new one for CMBO:


    Don't be disappointed. Join a campaign.

    If all you want is to play one against the AI, you can do that too. Make, or autogenerate maps in the editor, select your units, edit/name them to your hearts content, and save them in the Quick Battle Maps folder and you can play against the AI in linked battle after battle.

  4. Originally posted by Swift:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Renaud:

    Good riddance to the shock wave bubbles. I prefer the current modeling.

    In my personal experience, I have never seen any wierd 'bubbles' when firing heavy ordnance or when observing artillery strikes. This includes 105mm and 120mm direct fire cannons, 155mm and 4.2" artillery strikes. The current effect is much more realistic than the CMBO bubbles. Also, the current tracer fire graphic is much more realistic (although concealed MG teams won't fire tracer for obvious reasons, that's simply a game convention). It is very much like what I remember from M16, M249, M60 and M2HB (.50) tracer fire.

    I wouldn't apply any patch which made a hardcoded change to bring back 'bubbles' or the old tracers.


    In the opening movie for cc1 or 2 there is fotage from bombs being dropped over a field and the shockwaves is clearly visible (and way cool)</font>
  5. Bruno, keep in mind that, because of EFOW, as long as you give the HQ a short cover arc so he won't fire, even though he isn't hidden, he won't be spotted except by someone who's too close anyway.

    I didn't like the change at first, but after playing the game a while, and thinking about it, it makes sense, and, more importantly, it works. I have yet to have an unhidden HQ get shot at by a unit that wasn't really close.

    Edited to say: Damn, Pvt Ryan beat me to it.

    [ September 30, 2002, 03:40 PM: Message edited by: Vergeltungswaffe ]

  6. They also have the occasional side benefit.

    In a quick battle as the Germans, I had one TH team following an assaulting platoon as I suspected a BT-7 to come into LOS as they moved. Long story short, no tank, but Soviet counterattack panics closest squad and kills one member of the TH team, but the remaining soldier used his MP-40 and ended up with 11(!) casualties caused. He even lived. Iron Cross 1st class for him.

  7. Just a couple of quick tips against Soviet armor in 41.

    First, mortars are your friend, along with any other arty or mg's to get them to button up. They can't see jack when they're buttoned.

    Second, shoot and scoot is your friend. Use pause to get your armor to pop out and fire at different times, from different areas and you will do fine.

  8. No, it did not. They are still mostly width.

    But the size settings seem to work a little better. You can play a small QB on what seems to me to be a bigger map if you select "large" than in CMBO. Plus the option to select a "huge" map is now possible.

    I was also looking forward to having a narrow, but deep map. But hey, you can import any map you want (other than an op map) in and play a QB on it, so the flexibility is there.

  9. Andreas,

    After some fiddling around with quick battles (to look and investigate, etc), the first two scenarios I played were Cemetary Hill and Gefechtsaufklaerungs. I like to do things chronologically, and yours were the two earliest scenarios (though there is a Soviet attack on 41-06-27, I believe).













    My experience with Gefechtsaufklaerungs was very similiar to what Andrew Hedges posted, though I did not have the HT on the road (from fear) but rather in the scattered trees on the left, to be able to fire on the left side of the village if need be. Late in the game, I brought it a little farther forward in the trees to gain LOS a bit further and the, until that moment, hidden 45mm ATG promptly popped it. Very nice placement of that evil little sucker.

    I think if the arty spotter is removed, it will make the German player a little less likely to sit back and pound away. All in all, an excellent scenario, like your Byte Battles.

    Now then, Cemetary Hill, which was the first scenario I played, since it has the earliest date, was a different matter. I realize that you designed it for TCP/IP but it looked good so I played it against the AI. I didn't even play by FTC rules (which I usually do vs. the AI) since I was just getting started and wanted to watch everything and learn about all the differences from CMBO firsthand.

    I thought, with the low light conditions (which was a great inclusion, btw) that I would set one platoon and the two MG34's up in a position that would allow me to suppress any threats that popped up while I sent the other platoon to the far right to lead the way for all the Pioneers and the flamethrowers to make the real assault.

    That turned out to be a bad plan. My demonstration drew some fire but not a whole lot. I became aware of the pillbox on the corner of the church but had a hard time getting any serious fire on it.

    Meanwhile, the platoon on the right had no difficulty getting into the woods but when I worked them toward the village, I could only get into the first house, and there was so much mortar fire (several 82's back there, as I found afterwards) that I could not get the Pioneers forward far enough to kick the defenders out and take possession of the flag location. Final result was a minor defeat! To the AI! While embarassing, it was very enjoyable as the CMBO AI only managed a couple of draws over the years, and those were while playing FTC style.

    It might prove pretty tough for the German player in TCP/IP, but I don't see any reason to change anything in this one. It played beautifully.

    Thanks for your continued good work, Andreas.


    [ September 26, 2002, 02:17 PM: Message edited by: Vergeltungswaffe ]

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