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Everything posted by Vergeltungswaffe

  1. Which is why you don't want to take a chance with auto-resolve, which was mine....
  2. Great read Bigduke6. Last time I was there was many years before CM came out, but you helped me picture it.
  3. Fantastic cammo. Your talents are boundless. Shame the driver has an offensive butt.
  4. Salkin, Did you not read his answer to your question above?
  5. Love that twin pistol port. Loaders everywhere, rejoice, you can blaze away with 2 P-38's.
  6. Haven't played with one of those in forever, but that beauty will definitely warrant nuking an entire regiment in a large city.
  7. Agreed, Kh and WC, but the nice thing is, that our new WWII engine will have all the after the fact improvements and few to none of the initial bugs that SF will, and that makes me happy.
  8. There may have been a few testbed vehicles with the 100mm, but, since the 122mm was being produced in great numbers and HE was far more important at that stage of the war, there were some IS-1's built with the 85mm, but they quickly switched to only 122 armed versions.
  9. An entire Tiger battalion, composed of different versions. :cool:
  10. I envy the hell out of those of you who have the time participate in something like this. Any chance the maps will be released after the fact?
  11. I'm sure he won't mind. You, of all people, should NEVER have any negative feelings regarding modding. It might make you stop, or take a 5 minute break, or something else horrific. Great sahara gelb.
  12. You'll check tomorrow, like the well trained forumite you are, and you know it!
  13. Speaking of getting it real hard, I expect Madmatt to be visiting this thread soon.
  14. Always with the neg a tive waves, Moriarty...
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