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Everything posted by Gpig

  1. It's gettin' close, me laddies (and ladies). I'd be interested in playing in another RUMBLE. (Multiplayer teams.) This time in CM:BB. Anyone wanna run one? (Starting out smallish, maybe.) I was wondering, would the RUMBLE suffer somewhat, now that armor has morale? AND platoon leaders? CM:BB tank crew won't truly behave in keeping with the PLAYERS morale. Instead they'll respond to orders depending on the A.I.'s morale I don't know. I think it'd still be fun. Whaddya think? Gpig
  2. Chill out, dudes. This game has all the selling features it needs. Gpig
  3. (sound of footfalls approaching) SLAP!!! (silly laughter) Shame on you for suggesting such a thing. Gpig
  4. Nice illustrations but they are all just redrawn from photographs. I think in instances like this I'd just prefer to see the original photos. Some of the illustrations are combinations of photos, stitched together by the artist. They are nice, but he could have just photocopied them for us. There is nothing wrong with the drawings, in fact they are fine examples of great draftmanship. I used to reproduce photos with my trusty HB pencil myself. But eventually, imagination provided the greatest images. Gpig
  5. Hmm. Sounds like a technical problem, now. I'd post your questions in the technical forum and see if someone can help you out there. Is your CAP-LOCK key on? ??? Just wonderin'. Gpig
  6. Hmmm. In regards to Intel., and also straying completely off topic . . Since the allies had such excellent intel on the Axis (what with having broken the German code) wouldn't you have thought that the top planners on the allied side pretty much felt assured of a final victory? Kind of like knowing what the enemy were going to do before they did it? Has there been a thread involving ULTRA that I could hasten too? Not wanting to derail this excellent thread. Gpig
  7. Yes please, this is all quite informative and simply excellent. If all of you grogs were up on a stage, I'd be down in the crowd holding a lighter above my head and wearing your 50 dollar T-shirt. Please do go on. Gpig
  8. Despite the subtle differences, you two (Andrew, Grisha) are saying the same thing. (In regards to Operational art vs Operations/strategy.) (Or at least meaning the same thing.) Gpig [ August 06, 2002, 01:56 PM: Message edited by: Gpig ]
  9. Make friends with a mechanic? Got some pictures you could share with us? I'd love to see your shermie. Gpig
  10. I once had a squad of german troopes riding back of a Pz IV when a cromwell nailed it. The Panzer brewed up and ALL 9 of my german troopers were killed outright. I NEVER send out troopers on tank-bank when there is a known threat about. At least not anymore. Gpig
  11. Hmmm. It's a little hard to decipher what the problem might be . . . but . . . Maybe the sharpshooter won't fire because he's sure to get creamed if he makes his position known to the enemy. (There is a tank parked 50m away?) Maybe the enemy is too close? Maybe he cannot affect the target you are trying to hit. (Buttoned up tank?) As to smoke, sharpshooters cannot use/shoot smoke. (I'm sure you know this, but that's what you seem to be asking.) Any unit that can utilize smoke has SMOKE as one of it's commands/orders. For a tank, just select smoke, and target a spot within LOS (just like the regular targetting tool) and let fly. If another threat appears, the tank may switch back to HE/AP before shooting any smoke. Also, make sure your units have "S" (smoke) rounds. (Another obvious one, I know.) Gpig
  12. FAN-freakin'-tastic!!! Can't wait. can't wait, can't wait . . . Love the pic of the soilder approaching the fence. Notice the blurred background. Nice stuff. Gpig
  13. Why don't you write up a program for us MACheads as well, while you're at it. I wish I had the time to play one of these out, it sounds like my cup ah tea. Good going, WRECK. Gpig
  14. Hee hee hee. This FORUM in the wrong hands could be used for untold acts of evil! Gpig
  15. Actually, I'd like to fly in the face of that "NO," with a reZOUNDing "YES!!!" And thank the BFC lords above. Gpig Sorry TRIPPS, I just had to spout out, since I love the fact that we'll be able to spot for mortar HT's with dismounted HQ units in CMBB. Makes my day/week/years.
  16. Hmmmm. Mud wasn't even modelled in Panzer General. One of the nice things about that battle in P.G. was (I know I know, I AM going on and on about PG) that the battle map had plenty of differing terrain types. Open steppe. Hills. Forests. Cities. I had a lot of fun shunting around my Experienced Tiger II units to deal with soviets breaking through all over the place. Plus placing dug in 88's on my flanks in strategic ground, to slow up the onslaught. Fun fun fun! The operation "Spring Awakening" could provide some interesting material for CM:BB scenarios and OP's I think. Unless it's all in the mud, of course. Gpig.
  17. Yup. THAT's the one. It was a tough fight to win in Panzer General, that's for sure. Especially since the Soviets attacked from the North into my flank. Thanks! Gpig
  18. Germany's last offensive in the East? I remember playing this fun battle in Panzer General. (Or maybe it was Allied General?) It took place somewhere South and East in an Eastern block country. Romania maybe? Bulgaria? There was all the latest German equipment but just too many Russians. What battle was this and when and where did it take place? I assume Panzer General was a pretty GENERAL game as far as historical accuracy goes, but . . . (The map had a couple of big lakes on it, and some serious moutains. Plus it was a two front endeavor.) Can anyone help me out? Thanks, Gpig
  19. My remaining three battles are all about to explode in giant pomegranete of splatter effects. UP till now we've been holding each other at arms length, sneaking in a jab here or there. My opponents are being extremely nice about my slow turn-around time. Gpig.
  20. R_Leete!! Stop that laughing and send me my TURN!!! Heh heh, I'va always wanted to say that. Gpig P.S. Remember, Task Force Rose? P.S.S. Or did we already finish that . . .?
  21. Pee'd my pants! Ahhhh! FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY!!! Heh heh. Hobbit houses. Propellors. Hope. That one was the best. Gpig
  22. I have time in my life for my family, my job and ONE computer game. (In that order.) It's a testimony to the quality of this game and the dedication of it's developers that CMBO is of such importance to me. Way to go, and BRAVO! SQUEEEEEEEEZE!! "pinch" SLAP!! (sorry 'bout that. Got carried away . . .) Gpig
  23. I'm really excited about the "save file from previous end of battle and add it to new battle" thingy. This way you could have linked scenarios with the same forces. (minus what you lost during the previous battle.) I wonder if you could link together OP's that way? Gonna be great, gonna be great. (hugs knees and rocks back and forth . . .) Gpig
  24. This isn't quite what you were asking about, but I'm interested in the Canadians in Normandy as well . . . I've been looking for some ideas for re-creating some Canadian Overlord (and beyond) battles and came across this article about a hitherto unkown unit (at least to me) of the British 6th Airborne. You can check it out at the Canadian Airborne Regiment home page http://members.tripod.com/TimothyCoderre/default.htm Look under "History." I've also included a snippet of the article below. I know there are no Canadian Airborne Troops in Combat Mission, but a cool scenario could be cooked up by either using the regular Canadian infantry and just "pretending" they're airborne troops, or using the British airborne troops (since the Canucks were equipped as and under command of the British 6th Airborne. I'm guessing the latter would be more "factual." But it'd be missing the Canadian flavour. (And thus missing the Airborne's firepower rating.) Anyways, I'm looking forward to someone verifying this info for me. Also, if anyone has any idea if the actions undertaken by these units were indeed of interest. (I suppose they could have been HO-HUM . . . ) Here is part of the article; While the Canadian parachutists completed their training in the United States, discussions were underway in England about the employment of this new unit. The Battalion would be part of the Canadian element in the United Kingdom, but under command and equipped as a British parachute battalion in the 6th Airborne Division. The Battalion's first taste of combat was the Normandy invasion. Late on June 5th, 1944 they took off with fifty aircraft carrying the troops and equipment heading for France. In addition to the troop's fighting equipment each man carried a knife, toggle rope, escape kit, with French currency, and two 24 ration packs totalling 70 pounds. Following a massive bombardment of the invasion area, the British forces were to land in the eastern sector on the beaches west of Ouistreham, their objective was Caen. The 6th Airborne Division's mission was to protect the left flank of the British sector. The First Canadian Parachute Battalion was to protect the flanks of the 3rd Brigade's operational area. Their tasks were as follows: - Secure and protect the 3rd Parachute Brigade DropZone by destruction of an enemy Headquarters at Varaville and any other enemy in the area; - Destroy bridge at Varaville by H plus two hours and cover demolition until relieved by 1 SS Bde (Special Service?) not before H plus five hours; - Destroy bridges at Robehomme by H plus two hours and cover demolition; - Cover move to and assault on battery (at Merville) by 9 Para Bn from interference from south; and - Seize and hold area road junction (where the 3rd Para HQ would be). Sounds interesting to me. Later Gpig P.S. there's also a cool article at the CAR homepage about the FSSF (FIrst Special Service Force), also known as the "Devil's Brigade." (Remember the movie?) [ July 24, 2002, 01:18 PM: Message edited by: Gpig ]
  25. Heh heh heh. I too, go unmodded. Completely bare-assed original CM. I bet if we started a thread asking who goes the way of the non-modded . . . there'd be quite a few. Gpig
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