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Everything posted by Gpig

  1. Yo! I have not done any testing on this, so I cannot speak with much authority on the matter. But . . . I was playing a scenario the other day, and I had some German Infantry ASSAULTING through a church. They were under command and perfectly healthy and fit. This was going to be thier first action of the battle. (There was a T-34 outside the church, near the end of their ASSAULT waypoint.) A different T-34, over 100 meters away, spotted my infantry running through the church and fired a round of Cannister at them. My ASSAULTING squad immediately went into PANIC mode. They lost 3 members of the squad and were infeffective for the rest of the battle. My questions are; 1) Doesn't Assualt give the best cover for attacking infantry? 2) Shouldn't churches provide very good cover against Cannister rounds? (I can just imagine the pellets of a cannister round bouncing off of a church wall.) 3) Has anyone else experienced Cannister rounds being equally effective no matter what type of terrain/cover you are in? I would have thought that a church would have saved any infantry inside from the effects of cannister. Just kind of wondering about it. Any observations you might have on the topic would be welcome. Thanks, Gpig
  2. Ok! Here is another example of what "could" be considered gamey play by some, but was actually ok in a weird way. I was playing a TOTALLY RANDOM (every QB paramater was spec'd as RANDOM) QB versus GravesRegistration last night. I got some weakened German Recon elements and set them up for a probe on the russian lines. I set them up behind a big hill, out in the open and out of LOS of the enemies side of the map. Well orders for turn one are to move up to the wooded hillside. Three platoons start moving out with MG's in overwatch. Suddenly, at about the 20 second mark a "light armor" contact comes racing along a road towards my side of the map. Sure enough, a light russkie armored car comes barrelling down the road and turns into the open ground and obviously sees all of my forces (a whole company) marching across the steppe. I couldn't believe it. My entire force "found-out." Axis of advance. Numbers. Equipment etc.. All beans spilled and slipped on. Next turn his armored car opens up on the whole company, and merrily strolls through the force, scattering them. One of my HMG's eventually takes out his car. Now I'm left perplexed. But I decide to just end the game because he's sniffed out my probe. Foiled it, you might say. At first I was a bit miffed, but quickly realized that it was actually pretty cool. Even though that armored car might NOT have had a radio, it still was an intel coup for the russian defenders. I surrendered, only because I didn't want to do 4 turns of tactical withdrawl off the map. I do think this could qualify as a "gamey jeep recon" for some people. But it was kind of fun for me to experience. It taught me a lesson (don't set up in the open, despite LOS issues) and was still kind of fun. Kind of too bad that the game had to end on turn 2, however. Whaddya all think? Gpig
  3. heh Yeah. It's funny really how when you put it all into perspective, regarding world wars . . . all the giant clashes of arms and explosions of sacrifice . . . it all comes down to guys fighting for their buddies. Kind of sweet and bitter in a way. Gpig
  4. I'll buy that for a dollar. It would seem at first glance that joining up with an "elite" unit would puff up a persons confidence. But once actually in amongst the members of the unit, the morale becomes much more of a personal thing. I suppose that if your parent unit was from Valhalla itself but your platoon leader looked like Marty Feldman though not as funny, your confidence might be shaken when put to the test. Gpig P.S. Would you say that there was a difference amongst the mental "make-up" of soilders between WWI and WWII? What I mean is that soilders might not have felt they were differences amongst units in WWI as they were all together in the "GREAT" war. THey were all marching for the homeland and with sense of honor and old-world dedication? Whereas in WWII, things had changed somewhat for the average soilder. It just seems that that old sense of overwhelming duty had dissapated somewhat from war to war. It had become more of a technical/professional act, rather than a test of ones loyalty and manhood. A right of passage or somefink. ?? Gpig
  5. Speaking of Rodmitsev's 13th Division . . . Wasn't that division practically completely destroyed (over and over) during the siege of Stalingrad? They made it across the Volga in the nick of time to aid the 62nd in the early days of the battle for stalingrad. But in doing so, they were smashed to pieces, no? Also, I wonder if a unit that gets such accolades, maintains a high "spirit" or morale amongst newcomers. For instance, if a green recruit got shipped to a vanilla infantry division with no former glory . . . would he perform less well than a similar recruit sent to a "famous" unit? A unit that has a valiant history, but has already been turned over (manpower-wise) two or three times? Kind of like Easy company, I guess. They had something like 200% casualties over the course of WWII, but still fielded a competent unit towards the end of the war. Hmmmm . . . Gpig
  6. That's strange, MikeyD. I've always been able to drive tanks under bridges (when there is a roadway under the bridge span). In CMBO AND CMBB. No problem. You've never been able to do that? It might have something to do with where you place the waypoints. I always place one waypoint infront of the bridge span, and one waypoint on the other side of the bridge span. Never right UNDER the bridge as it tends to get funky A.I. action that way. Gpig
  7. Hmmm. Interesting. You should search out the thread about su-122's reversing out of harms way from pzIV's. Someone will be able to help with search terms, soon. (It was a huge and much participated in thread.) It covers a lot of what you're talking about. But one thing that is different about your post is that the German vehicles don't seem to panic when faced with 122mm main guns. Only the Russian tanks seem to have a self preservation instinct. Interesting. Gpig
  8. Huh? Freaky? It should still allow you to play single player mode, but only as the side with the assault boats. Right? Is that still a problem? And you're welcome! Gpig
  9. I suppose it MIGHT have somthing to do with assault boats. Are there any assault boats in your op? It's just that the A.I. is NOT allowed to play with boaties, so you can only play those games as either the side with boats (though that option should still be available to you) or as a multi-player game. Hmmmmm. I don't know. I'm stumped. Sorry to be of little, if not NO help. Gpig
  10. I'd suggest opening a new thread about the turning issue, or emailing Madmatt with this one directly (with a link to this thread). That'll get thier attention. They may have stopped reading this thread for the moment. Gpig
  11. I guess I'd keep my armor in overwatch and move up my infantry towards the next objective. By overwatch, I mean keeping the mostest barrels pointing in the enemies direction with clear LOS. Then, I'd rush/advance/Assault a TEAM (one half of a split squad) into the next questionable area where the enemy might be lurking. If you've set your tanks up with good fields of fire to cover your infantry, then they should be able to lay a wallop on whatever enemy's heads pop up. Also, you can try RECON by FIRE. If you've got lots of HE chuckers you can blast SUSPECTED enemy locations for a turn and let your infantry observe. See who crawls out of the craters. THEN ATTACK!!!!! The best guns for rootin' out dug in infantry in woods would be the BIGGEST ones. Something like a Selfpropelled gun. 105mm. StuH. Su152. Have fun. Gpig
  12. kind of. But I found the demo scenarios cool. Search again with the keywords "Yelnia Stare" and (I forget the other ones). Someone will post with 'em. There must have been three thousand posts in two days about those three demo scenarios. You'll find 'em. Gpig EDIT: It's just that the demo scenarios do no justice to the quality of the game. They are cool, but the game is just so much better than the demo's would lead you to believe. Just go ahead and get the whole game, willya! Gpig [ January 13, 2003, 07:37 PM: Message edited by: Gpig ]
  13. Try setting an ARMORED COVERED ARC for your Tank hunter teams. This works great for me. Mostly, you don't have to do this with the Tank Hunter teams, but it sure helps. As for Pioneers, it would seem that you were just unlucky. I've seen them throw thier demo charges at tanks before but it is VERY rare. If they have Fausts they'll let loose with them first. I don't think that Demo charges are an ideal anti tank device. Hope that helps. Gpig
  14. Awesome! Will MG get to the church? All his other options are looking dismal! I was hoping his last T-26 might have put up more of a fight. I loved the charge of Beckers platoon. Gpig
  15. Thanks for trying, but still a no go. I can imagine though. I'm now floating above the page. A strange feeling throughout my limbs as I gaze down on your wonderful screen shots. I'm filled with a desire to play CM:BB. SCHIZM!! I'm back at my keyboard. I'm hungry. I feel like playing CMBB. I've got some nice visuals in my mind. Gpig
  16. Rats. Can't see 'em either. Broken pic icon for me. Maybe it has something to do with using Netscape. Silvio? Are you using Netscape? Gpig
  17. Welcome back, JasonC. Where yah been? Gpig
  18. No need to be all "rolly eyed" about it, Mr Eagle. I was reading your post, and having NOT played the operation in question was unhappy to discover the SPOILING info in your post. It's just a common courtesy to say SPOILER before spoiling. Rune was even very nice about telling you that. i.e. ". . . you MAY want to . . ." and "THANKS!!" Anyways, your apology is accepted. Gpig
  19. I played this scenario as the Germans, first. And got a TOTAL VICTORY versus the A.I. led russkies. I had so much fun that I played it again as the Russians, thinking it would be a much tougher battle. When the fight started, all of the German forces turned around and started heading away from me on turn one. Once my forces got within hearing range, I saw all of these sound contacts heading AWAY from me. HUH? I thought it might be just a fog of war thing, but I pushed forward a little faster, hoping to catch some germans in the behind. (The goal for the Russians in this battle is to EXIT all of your forces off the map, going through and destroying the Germans on the way.) Sure enough, once I had overtaken the Germans, they were mostly presenting their weaker backsides to my armor. Massacre ensued! Anyhoo. I was just wondering if any of you fine people would have a theory about why the Germans would turn ALL of their forces in the opposite direction on turn one of the scenario. (Towards my EXIT zone.) Any idear? Thanks, Gpig
  20. OMG! I love these well done AAR's. Thanks so much for putting this together! Ok. Now where is the rest of it? Gpig
  21. Heya Henk! Is this a CMBB battle? Or is it for CMBO? What are the forces involved and in what area does the fighting take place? Is it a simulation of Desert warfare? Is it from the Eastern front? (Did Rommel serve on the eastern front? I just don't know . . .) (peppering him w/questions. Pow pow pow!) Gpig
  22. Where in SamHECK is them damnable screenies and AAR's between MG and Para!?!?!? Waiting, waiting, waiting! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
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