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Everything posted by Subvet

  1. Click on the "chat/play" button on the left side of the main page, or just go here: http://www.tournamenthouse.com/CMChat.htm Then wait for the little button that says "Load Chat Client" to appear in a white field (for some reason this has been taking a long time to appear lately, so be patient). Click on that button and you will be taken to the chat. Enter a name for yourself. Then just tell the people there you are looking for a ladder game. That's all there is to it! ------------------ Craiger All your victory flag are belong to me
  2. I thought ghost said "Boo!" ------------------ Craiger All your victory flag are belong to me
  3. I find the site to be very easy to use, very well setup and operated by a fellow who really cares about what he is doing. I thoroughly enjoy the opponents I play there. For my time it is the best ladder site going. A gaming site well built by gamers, for ALL gamers who want to use it. I was going to write a big long reply, but Abbott summed it up nicely with the above. Personally, I don't usually pick what most people would consider "gamey" forces. I've only used the super heavy tanks once in a game against a human opponent. That being said, if my opponent wants to use them I have no problem with that. I also don't mind letting the computer pick our forces. ------------------ Craiger All your victory flag are belong to me
  4. Get ZoneAlarm. It's free, and arguably as good or better than Black Ice. I won't connect to the internet from my computers without it up and running. ------------------ Craiger All your victory flag are belong to me
  5. The last game I played the axis took 60% casualties and the allies took 69% casualties. One german vehicle took out 51 infantry, captured 1 guy, knocked out a Super Pershing, M4A3(76)W, and a Hellcat by itself. That AFV was certainly the only reason the germans were able to pull out a draw. ------------------ Craiger All your victory flag are belong to me
  6. Well Flipper, your "whine and bitch" is like walking into McD's and throwing a fit when they wouldn't give you a wopper. No **** sherlock. This wasn't a historic tournament; like Homba said, it was an IP free-for-all. That being said, most of the people I played picked their forces very reasonably. Personally the only time I think I could be accused of a crazy purchase was the last game, and that was just a fun experiment on my part. It was the last game of the tourney, and I wasn't playing for #1, so I picked forces that I have never used before. It sounds to me like you got your ass handed to you, couldn't handle it, and quit. That doesn't surprise me at all since that is exactly what happened when we played back in January. ------------------ Craiger All your victory flag are belong to me
  7. Well, here is the final standings as far as I can tell: 1st place: Swamp 2nd place: 3 way tie - Labappel, Subvet, Atlas 3rd place: 4 way tie - Panzerdude, von_Lucke, von_Schalburg, GravesRegistration Nobody was close to Swamp. He ended up with 16 points, and the nearest competitors ended up with 12. ------------------ Craiger All your victory flag are belong to me
  8. I hear ya Bozza. For those that want to know more, see what ZDNet has to say about it here: http://netscape.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/news/0,4586,2695851,00.html Or go to the source here: http://www.sub7files.com/ ------------------ Craiger All your victory flag are belong to me
  9. I'd like to get this too if possible. Send it to: custmcom@bellsouth.net TIA ------------------ Craiger All your victory flag are belong to me
  10. I've seen this bug, but it has been rare for me [knock on wood]. I don't know of anything you can do to prevent it from happening. Hopefully it will be fixed in the future. ------------------ Craiger All your victory flag are belong to me
  11. On the subject of trojans: have you guys heard about the latest version of the "subseven" trojan? Man this thing is going to be nasty! It will make these other trojans look a walk in the park. ------------------ Craiger All your victory flag are belong to me [This message has been edited by Subvet (edited 03-17-2001).]
  12. Any chance we can see a list with the final standings. I know swamp won; and I believe that Labappel, Atlas, and I tied for second. Is that correct? What were the final standings for everyone? ------------------ Craiger All your victory flag are belong to me
  13. I wasn't going to respond to the gun debate part of this thread, as I wanted it to stay on topic, but I just have to respond to this. I don't own a gun myself, but I can't justify what you said there in any way. Are you telling me that if someone breaks into your house, steals your gun, and commits a crime with it you should be held responsible??? Where is the logic in that? It is one thing if you supply a criminal with a weapon that you should know he will probably use to commit a crime, but this is totally different. I mean, would you hold a car owner responsible if someone steals his car and uses it to run someone over? ------------------ Craiger All your victory flag are belong to me
  14. Here is a picture of me (I'm on the right): Ok, it's 26 or 27 years old, but it's me! ------------------ Craiger All your victory flag are belong to me [This message has been edited by Subvet (edited 03-15-2001).]
  15. I normally use the Wespe and not the Hummel, but last night I bought a couple of Hummels for the tourney game. They were both taken out before they fired a shot or moved an inch by my opponents airforce using their machineguns. Of course the Wespe is just as easy for aircraft to take out. Open topped AFV's vs. aircraft is not a good situation to be in, lol. I like the low cost AFV's, and buy them instead of "ubertanks." Until last night I had never even bought a Tiger or Panther for use against a human opponent, let alone the super heavyweights. Normally I buy cheap vehicles for AT and cheap vehicles for AP. This means I'll buy the M8 HMC or Priest along with M10's, Jacksons, or Hellcats instead of that Super Pershing. I'm not sure this is the best way to do it, but I have had pretty good success with it. ------------------ Craiger All your victory flag are belong to me
  16. While I'm not in a hurry for my daughter to grow up (she's 21 months now) it will be nice to have an opponent in the house to play CM against! Maybe I should start making up some flash cards with pictures of WW2 tanks on them to get her started. ------------------ Craiger All your victory flag are belong to me
  17. Stefan, there are many oportunities for bottlenecks. The players connection, the route of the internet, the servers connection, and the actual server and player hardware. Having played a massively multiplayer on-line game for over three years, I've experienced at least four of the above problems. However in the last year lag wasn't nearly the problem it was before. Lag of more than about 500ms was a rarity. ------------------ Craiger All your victory flag are belong to me
  18. I bought Enemy at the Gates from Amazon last year. I had checked it out from the library and read it as a kid soon after playing Squad Leader for the first time. I found out about it because it was quoted many times in the Squad Leader game manual. Anyway, it was a book I always wanted to buy, so last year I did. If anyone is interested in buying Enemy at the Gates: The Battle for Stalingrad, it is being sold at http://www.alibris.com/ right now. The book has been out of print for quite awhile, so it is normally a bit hard to find. The prices for this book range from $19.50 to $77.00 at that web site depending on condition and whether it is soft cover or hard cover. To help ease the cost you can use a coupon though for $15 off $30; just enter the code "AMX2001" when you check out. ------------------ Craiger All your victory flag are belong to me
  19. Steve thanks alot for the reply. You pretty much confirmed what I had suspected, but it is nice to get the official word on it. I never had a beef with the moving vehicle situations, as I understood why that happened and also understood the limitations that caused it. My only problem was the vehicles seeing through the buildings, and you said you are passing that along to Charles, so I'm satisfied. Thanks again. ------------------ Craiger All your victory flag are belong to me
  20. Or maybe it's just a bug they don't want to have to tackle so it has become a feature? Is it ok to purposely use this bug/feature in a game against an opponent, or is that exploiting a loophole? Is it one more topic that should have to be discussed and agreed upon before the start of a game? ------------------ Craiger All your victory flag are belong to me
  21. My question is: should a hunter be able to have LOS and LOF to a deer through the wall of his blind? I think there is a bug here somewhere. ------------------ Craiger All your victory flag are belong to me
  22. Wow, I was just trying to decide on my next video card, but that makes up my mind. No way am I buying a Radeon now. Thanks for the heads-up guys. ------------------ Craiger All your victory flag are belong to me
  23. There may be a problem related to movement, but that isn't the only one involving LOS/LOF through buildings. I've been able to place vehicles during setup that can trace LOS through buildings. Obviously movement wasn't a factor in this case. There may be multiple bugs here. ------------------ Craiger All your victory flag are belong to me
  24. Strat, it sounds to me like you have a poor connection to the internet. I have seen times of lag when the internet is having problems on my route to a server, but it isn't the norm. I think there are enough Quake players that show that the lag isn't that bad for most of us most of the time. If I had a consistant 5 second ping time I'd be on the phone to my ISP, I can guarantee that. I'd put internet lag far down on the list of things WW2OL will have to worry about. ------------------ Craiger All your victory flag are belong to me
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