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Everything posted by Subvet

  1. Axis & Allies has been available on the PC for a long time. Are you saying that they are coming out with a new version? I have the one that came out before and it is horrible! Typical Hasbro crap. So are they now making a new one? :confused: They should fix the old one first! I certainly won't buy another one. :mad:
  2. I LOVE the scout car mod. I have a request though. Can we get a complete mod without having to jump through the hoops? I'm not trying to be ungrateful or disrespectful here, I love the website and the fine work by the mod makers, but it just seems like it could be made to be easier.
  3. I downloaded it and tried to use it once. It was a real pain in the butt and I haven't touched it since. But there are those out there who I'm sure swear by it and love it to death. I'm not saying it's bad, it just isn't for me.
  4. Wolf's hi-contrast grass sounds like what you want. It isn't bad looking and shows elevations better than any other I've seen.
  5. In reality it is possible, but it takes a very heavy/long barrage to do it. Would you want to be the first foot soldier to have to cross it after the arty supposedly "cleared" it? :eek: In CM it is not possible.
  6. In reality it is possible, but it takes a very heavy/long barrage to do it. Would you want to be the first foot soldier to have to cross it after the arty supposedly "cleared" it? :eek: In CM it is not possible.
  7. For fun I went back to see who I was most unlike. I'm nothing like "Stonewall" Jackson or Napolean Bonaparte. Thanks Panzer Leader, this was fun.
  8. Lee for me. The only question I could have went either way on was the last one, and had I chosen the other option I would have been most like Grant.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: I'm with you, morse. Can't wait to get home and fire that one up!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah, on your new 19" monitor!!!
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DasBaron: It's hard to see anything coherently once units enter a building. Das Baron<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Did you realize that you can use hotkeys to make this easier? "Shift-O" makes building walls transparent or completely removes them if you like while the building is occupied. "Shift-R" romoves the roofs. Otherwise I'm not sure what you mean.
  11. I'm too lazy to go look around all the CM websites out there, but if you can't find it anywhere I can always e-mail it to you. It's only 510KB.
  12. I have a picture in The Encyclopedia of Weapons of World War II on page 211 that shows a crew wielding a PIAT. The caption says "Here the crew of a knocked-out British tank are covering their position armed with a PIAT until a recovery vehicle can arrive to retrieve the damaged vehicle. The men are from the 13/18th Hussars, and the location is near Mount Pincon, northern France, July 1944." Now I'm not suggesting that BTS arm bailed crews with PIATs of course. But to say that all crews should just head back toward the rear area as soon as their vehicle is disabled seems a bit extreme. I also don't think BTS intended this or why would they even let them be armed? Sure using crews to spring ambushes, find landmines, and charge machineguns is gamey. No question about that. I just don't think suggesting that everyone should do the other extreme is always correct or even historical. Louie the Toad, to answer your question I'd say that depends on what exactly your suggesting. If you are asking if it's ok to hide a group of vehicles on the backside of a hill and have a crew peek over the top of that hill to see what's coming then I don't have a problem with that. But if you are sending the crew forward to the next hill in advance of any infantry, all by themselves, then I'd say yes it's very gamey. Of course that's just my opinion which doesn't mean a heck of a lot in your games.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by General Forum: Congratulations. You will now get so much more enjoyment while reading the General Forum.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> LOL! I always wonder why people post things here that start with (OT). If you know it's off-topic then why do you post it here??? Panzer Leader?
  14. I agree, and I think I've posted saying that before on this forum. Wolf's grass is the best that I've ever seen for seeing differences in elevation. It's not bad to look at in general either.
  15. I think some of you guys have misunderstood coe's question (or I am). If I'm reading it right he is asking if a single vehicle made it from beginning to end, not a type of vehicle. I don't know the answer to that though. I do remember a show on the history channel that had an old Sherman tanker claiming that a German round went through a Sherman from front to back and into another one behind it. I don't know if it really happened or it was one of those statements made to drive home the point that the Shermans were very vulnerable to the big guns of the Germans.
  16. Ok you wiseguys, that picture of me is over 25 years old.
  17. Ok gunnergoz, it looks like my picture above shows up ok. So just get a free homestead account and upload your pics to it. Then just link to them in your posts here. By the way, I'm the one on the right.
  18. I'm testing my homestead website to see if that will work for you.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by -Havermeyer-: I believe I've had some tanks shoot AP at infantry targets when that's all they've got left to sling. Of course, it doesn't do anything. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> AP rounds can and will kill infantry. Not nearly as effective of HE of course, but it's better than nothing.
  20. Here is the latest review: "Come on. It is time to face reality. Yes, the AI of this game is superb--perhaps the best ever made--but the graphics look like they were done by a 6 year old, and adding mods doesn't improve them much. Because of the slow 3D engine and the turn taking play system, game play is horrible. When will people realize that 3D does not work well with strategy games? To make matters worse moving the camera is not near as fast and smooth as it is in Shogun, for example. My advice is, abandon the 3D view, hire a real graphic designer and switch for real time play. If this is done, I'll buy it. Until then, I'll just stick to Close Combat 4 and 5--they may be dated, but still rule the landscape." Some people just have their head up their ass. I have no problem with someone who doesn't like the game. Hey, different strokes for different folks. But saying the game is bad for the above reasons makes me think this guy is an idiot. I have my review posted there already. It got a 9.6 from me. I would suggest that everyone go put up a review on the site. Give it what you think it deserves; I'm not suggesting that people go flood it with 10's. Just give the game a fair review.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon: Happens often. Play people you know. Blacklist slackers. No need to go McCarthying guys and post a Hall of Shame. That's a bit of a lynching mentality. Just know who you play with and avoid the others. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's all fine and good if you have been around for awhile and have played enough people to play people you know and blacklist the slackers. It doesn't help much if you are fairly new to the world of multi-player CM though. I thikn it would be nice to have a list of reliable players.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: It has a special tri-color mesh guard prepared by mike8g.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I didn't think I recognized that one. Is that available anywhere?
  23. Yeah, I've found that Wolf's grass is the best when it comes to showing elevation. It's not the prettiest, but when you want the most functional as far as seeing the elevation changes, there is none better.
  24. I can't find this random battle generator. When going to the mindmagma/CM site I only see a txt file called find the hacker. Is this no longer around? I'd like to try it if it is still available.
  25. I've had the same experience as the others. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. When it does work it is usually very slow.
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