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Everything posted by -Havermeyer-

  1. There was a thread prior to the release of CMBB that applied some faux lighting effects to CMBO armor textures to give them "weight/depth". Where did this idea go, and is anyone contemplating doing something similar for CMBB? As I recall, I liked it.
  2. You bought becase we don't like Grog Dorosh, right?
  3. Hubba Hubba (Whooo... that should get my post history up to a number sufficient to warrant the adoration of Grog Dorosh. Granted they are but shades of the sheer mass created by a heavy weight like JasonC.)
  4. Oh, and it is so kinky looking up my post history. Is that akin to asking me out?
  5. I add no value. I live only to read your posts. You are my hero.
  6. Uhh... no Serach. WAFFEN SS WAFFEN SS WAFFEN SS. Or was that waffle ss... Whatever.
  7. CMBO weened me from the campaign "hook." I no longer feel I need to hunt the seas for the entire war racking up tonnage (or shooting down planes, or whatever the "hook" is in campaign type simulators to keep you playing). That is the remarkable thing about this game. I'm content to play set pieces without the baggage associated with nuturing some fictitious fellow along. And I was a sucker for those things. I played games that had become cabbage over time just because I had created such a stud commander (fighter jock, whatever). BUT they didn't keep my interest as long as this game has (and CMBO, while stunning, is cabbage relative to the eye candy of other games that don't share it's intent). Honestly, whenever you try to broaden the appeal of something, you begin to appeal to a more and more unsavory sort. I prefer this targeted game, and am comfortably ensconced in this niche.
  8. Well, you have to type a sequence of keys (email me and I'll give them to you), then look behind the factory next to the abandoned stug near the sewer entrance, rotate the screen 30 degrees to the right, slide left 20m and grab the potion. Do this, and it will really improve your view of the game.
  9. The writing needs to be a little clearer. I can't quite read Grog Dorosh's name on the stone.
  10. Running win98. Have windows problem. The RAR extract didn't work either with this other problem. Rather than reinstalling windows I believe I will give the piece the heave ho.
  11. Thanks. Kernel and 32 looked scary to me. The word registry was mentioned and other type nasties. I'm going to reinstall the operating system and see what happens. But first I'll do the RAR thingy. Let you know how it works out. Thanks.
  12. What, are you trying to drive us even more crazy with this freakin game?
  13. Get the above message after attempting to open the installer. Downloading latest directx as I type. But should I presume my computer is missing this kernel32.dll? I'll hunt for it as well in the meantime. Just wanna make sure this is because I'm a dork...
  14. Just curious if, for that inaugural game of CMBB, people will tilt back a "front" specific beverage? I've got a bottle of vodka that's been sitting in the freezer for 2+ years unopened. Might have to hit it playing a Stalingrad TCP battle... ...given that, it's looking like it will be a rough night in the Havermeyer household-- what with the CMBB, the drunkeness and the AC down to 55 F for that first game on the banks of a freezing Volga... ...make it rough night for the neighborhood, what with the CMBB, the drunkeness, the AC down and me slinging Molotov cocktails at the neighbor's Subaru...
  15. This thread smells like some kind of seanacho gambit to create an unending string of future threads eerily reminiscent of that putrescent peng thread that litters the cmbo boards...
  16. I'm not MadMatt, but I play one in the bathroom... ...otherwise, I think its a good idea.
  17. Excellent point. I will use the intervening period to NOT read this forum, and close out at as many CMBO games as I can. I doan wanna know nuthing till the full game is out.
  18. So why should Grog Dorosh get the dimensions on the sly? I demand public information on this vital issue! I have a delectable splash screen incorporating screen shots from Anna Nicole Smith's new TV show I wanna build!
  19. That is very nice. Look forward to your work in CMBB. You have heard of it, haven't you?
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