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Everything posted by Hensworth

  1. As our national postal service is going through some social unrest at this juncture, my fellow countryman's trepidation is not wholly unwarranted. But fret ye not. I'm sure Madmatt will be sympathetic to your plight should your CD end up embedded in the skull of a picket fighting policeman.
  2. It sure brings home what a godawful monster the KT really was. The tracks alone reach up to that guy's head !
  3. To Section 4 : I'm getting a new comp (I'll finally be able not to see where I'm going in the fog !). Should anything go awry, you know what's up.
  4. Why did our thread get locked and not the "real" Nordics ???? This is sheer geographical discrimination !
  5. Treeburst Relax, it was a joke . Section4 Is anybody getting anything out of Shadow ? I sent him the setup 2 weeks ago (= 1/6 of allotted time wasted...) and 2 reminders since, but not a peep.
  6. Treeburst, take that Tourney Results link out of your sig please. I keep clicking it to see if any results are in yet...
  7. I always group my mortars under an HQ unit. A single mortar doesn't pack much of a punch, but when you've got 3 or 4 of them it's a different story. I usually pick 1 target for such a battery, have them expend all their ammo on it (which usually achieves excellent results, on an AT gun you can bet on a kill) and then scuttle them to the rear out of harm's way. In operations this is definitely the way to go IMHO, because you can do this again in every battle and keeping them safe is important. [ 11-27-2001: Message edited by: Sgt_Kelly ]</p>
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> Still no word from Shadow. Shadow, do you copy??? <hr></blockquote> Aah. I was wondering if I was the only one... Up and at 'em, soldier !
  9. Don't give too much away boys, some people ain't that far yet...
  10. This may be superfluous, but I'll say it all the same. Don't forget that what you see is an abstraction. So your entire platoon huddled in 3 foxholes represents in fact exactly what you describe : a line of foxholes with 2 or 3 men each. That's why you don't get 12 roasted corpses straight away when a shell lands smack into one of the foxholes.
  11. Could anybody fix me up with some nice desert mods ? I've never bothered with North Africa before, but since The Powers That Be have thrust it upon me now, and being the mod slut that I am...
  12. Treeburst When do you expect the first e-mails ? Can we start sending already just to let you know we're willing and able or would you rather we wait until you've got it all sorted out ?
  13. Feast your eyes on some of this. http://www.cidwebs.com/armorinscale/
  14. I have big problems with the 'gameyness' rules. Gamey to me is a person who will only play a very specific type of game, so he can use a trick he's perfected (usually incorporating some inherent game engine frailty) over and over again. Since the scenarios and the forces will be decided for us, I really don't think we'll be running into this kind of behaviour. What's mentioned here are all tactics that may work for or against you. They don't lend a consistent advantage to the player who uses them. Moreover, your opponent is free to do the same thing. Since he could'nt have picked his force specifically to make any of these tactics 'sure fire'. Numbers 2,3,4,5 and 6 all fall into this category. Number 1. Fair game to me. An opponent who torches a VL has to be pretty sure he's going to gain control of the other(s). If he pulls it off, more power to him. And what the hell is 7 all about ??? I'm not allowed to rush an enemy position ??? Number 8. Does anyone use the Endgame Randomizer ? I don't, but it might be an idea. Please, let's not confuse ingenuity, inventiveness and daring with playing gamey.
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> A better question might be why MGs never get decrewed in similar fashion (less often, certainly, but sometimes - bent tripod, busted mount, etc). <hr></blockquote> Exactly. Rather than damage, I think abandonment should be the main reason for mortars and MG's going out of action. Mortar crews react realistically : leaving their heavy equipment behind when running for cover. MG crews just move at a ridiculously slow speed until they're down to the last man, who then surrenders.
  16. "The many different units carry all kinds of weapons, each with their own ammunition." No ****. He obviously got to the bottom of this one. But CM is a tough nut to crack for your average reviewer. They try to rate it using classic criteria such as graphics, sound and gameplay (oh yes). I think many will agree with me that CM can hardly be described adequately in those terms. If he was confronted today with the unprecedented world of mods, scenariodesign, tournaments and campaigns, discussion forums and web sites that has sprung up around the game, I think he would sing a different tune.
  17. If there's still room, count me in. I've been looking for an excuse to write AAR's.
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> If the HT's crew is two people and the gunner gets whacked, the vehicle will still move around, tow guns, ferry squads, etc., but there'll be no one to pull the trigger on the MG. <hr></blockquote> I understand that. But why does the vehicle continue to be shown as shocked ? I believe this was not always the case. A shocked vehicle used to refuse to budge for a while, but when it got going again its status changed back to OK at the same time.
  19. I've finally managed to mess my BMP folder up beyond repair. After 3 hours it's finally starting to look like it was *pant*, *wheeze*. Only, I can't find my German uniforms anywhere ! <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> Produced & Compiled by Maximus Features the work of Andrew Fox, Scipio and Maximus himself. Heer, SS & FJ uniforms (and EXTRAS!) are included in the pack which you can now d/l (11.52 MB) at COMBAT MISSIONS. <hr></blockquote> I've searched Combat Missions top to bottom. Can't find it anymore. Anybody who can help ? [ 10-31-2001: Message edited by: Sgt_Kelly ]</p>
  20. I've posted it elsewhere but got no reply, so here it goes again. I noticed in a game with a lot of shocked halftracks that they remained shocked for the duration (50 odd turns). However, they promptly executed all movement orders, but of course couldn't fire anymore. Is this normal ?
  21. Is there anywhere a ready made collection of scenarios suitable for Human v. Human play ? I would second Big Dog's call for anyone interested in using scenario's for head to head to make use of the new facility at The Scenario Depot.
  22. I've come across one recently where the briefings were the wrong way around, so I had the novel experience of going into battle knowing what I would be facing but not what with.
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