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Everything posted by Hensworth

  1. In my opinion it's rather the advantages of being IN a building that's overmodeled. Say you're defending a village. You're in one of the houses on the edge of town and you've got pretty much every available barrel pointing out into the surrounding countryside. As long as you can keep the enemy from getting into town, you're relatively safe. You can just keep blasting away at whatever sticks its head out of the bushes, safe in the knowledge you've got a few cases of ammo stacked up, whereas those poor sods outside are having to make do with the clips they've got on them (I know this is not modeled, but I'm just setting the scene). If however, during a lull in the firing you should hear the sound of boots on cobbles, or the tinkle of glass broken by a grenade, you know you're in trouble. The enemy have made it into town. Now you're practically blind and deaf. You don't know what's going on. If you abandon the outward facing windows, the guys waiting in the treeline will soon be up and running. If you keep at it, someone can sneak in and shoot you in the back. Most important of all : you can't see the guys who have made it right up to the wall of your building. This is the fatal flaw in CM : troops inside a house can keep firing at men standing outside right against the wall. So in fact the attackers are already at an unrealistic disadvantage in this regard. Another point is the amount of men you can get into a building. In CM, you can cram an entire platoon into a big building (not much cramming involved actually) and they will bring all their firepower to bear on anything approaching them. If you're going to find enough windows in one wall to have 36 guys firing out of, I suspect it would have to be a bigger building then the ones seen in CM. All in all, being inside already brings enough advantages as it is. I couldn't bear to watch a squad plod through a wall the way they struggle through bocage, getting decimated by defenders who shouldn't even be able to see them. And think of the horror of the 'less-than-right- angle-path'. Ever sent a squad through some bocage at an oblique angle ? You're lucky if you see them again before sundown. I wouldn't like to also have to go in and out of buildings at right angles all the time.
  2. I think CMMC players (I am unfortunately still not one of them) should be able to cast some light on this. There the long periods of relative inactivity are resolved outside of CM. It's only when 2 sides meet that the action gets fast and furious, which is probably realistic. Also, commanders are not encouraged to fight whatever the odds there, so you're less likely to have the 'you win narrowly or I win narrowly' effect that - say - QB players experience. Another factor is the relatively low ammo load that CM troops carry. There's no point in having day long engagements, because all the troops will end up with nothing left to shoot with. All the CM battles such as they are should really be seen as do or die missions, where you've been told to achieve the objective at all costs and in the allotted time. This gives you a sense of strategic imperative, but it doesn't give you the opportunity to decide that it's not worth it. Scenario design also plays an important part here. There are some scenarios where the briefing, the force composition and the initial positioning of the troops give you the feeling that the fight has been prepared. I.e. that all the painstaking and time-consuming stuff is already behind you.
  3. I took this post as a stand against the creeping evil of American cultural imperialism which besets our Old Continent, the true berth of western civilization. As such I wanted to voice my support for it. And now if you'll excuse me, I've got 542 taped Jerry Springer shows to get back to.
  4. To Ciks and CombinedArms : I can't get mail to either of you at the moment. Just so you know I'm not sitting twiddling my thumbs.
  5. I'm also off and running (or, as the case may be, crawling) with him.
  6. Please tell me where I can get that rutted road ! It looks great, but I have no idea where to get it.
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> It is just the other way round: when units lie (hide or supressed) behind a wall, they get 0% exposure. That is for smallarms, I don't know if that applies to HE as well, but certainly it is a datapoint. Don't waste ammo on units safely behind walls. <hr></blockquote> As stated, the PSW was firing ALONG the wall (i.e. was on the same side of the wall), not over it. Surely the 0% exposure does not work in all directions ?
  8. Being a citizen of a country renowned for its lack of national pride, I usually refrain from the expression of such sentiments. But I must protest vehemently against the perpetuation of a gross and criminal injustice : THE FRENCH FRY WAS INVENTED BY THE BELGIANS, NOT THE FRENCH !!! I believe the Americans to be the authors of this great injury, as they failed to note the crossing of the French border into Belgium. We were prepared to let it pass (along with so much else at the time) then, but not now !
  9. I recently had a PSW pump 20mm HE into a squad for well over 5 turns running, mostly because I had read somewhere of the 'devastating effect of the 20mm on troop morale'. The squad were hiding behind a wall in open ground (therefore stationary and near to the ground - which would maximize the effect of small calibre explosive shells, I presume) and taking the fire in the flank (i.e. not over the wall), with no noticeable effect. Eventually another squad came up and fired a few bursts at the AC. The crew bailed out and made a run for it.
  10. Looks like Dogface's position has been overrun. We're getting nothing but static on his line. Time to call in the reserves pronto, Treeburst. I think it's fair to say I'll be hardpushed to meet the deadline now, even though all my other games are over halfway or finished.
  11. Sounds like a good idea. If I recall correctly I got my copy within the week, so it looks like there's a spanner in the works somewhere.
  12. Thanks a bunch. Maybe you should advertise a bit more. I think it's a set well worth having.
  13. The 10 commandments of PBEM-ing : 1. Thou shalt not begin a PBEM game and not finish it. 2. Thou shalt not commit that which is considered gamey. 3. Thou shalt be patient with thine less experienced opponent. 4. Thou shalt not gloat at thine opponent's mishaps. 5. When thou asketh for surrender, thou shalt also offer a rematch. 6. Thou shalt play with regularity and discipline, and forewarn thine opponent of long periods of inactivity. 7. Thou shalt not reveal details from an action phase thine opponent hath not yet seen. 8. Thou shalt not give away thine own OOB, thus ruining the game for thine opponent, nor shalt thou let on how much thou knowest about thine opponent's force. 9. Thou shalt not play scenarios thou have played before. 10. Thou shalt be magnanimous both in victory and defeat.
  14. Calling Dogface21. I sent you file 005 ages ago, you're not gonna do a Shadow on me are you ?
  15. I have a similar problem. I've downloaded every conceivable set of BMP's for Fernando's German halftracks but none of them seem to contain the ones that CMMOS 3.0 expects. The icons stay disabled. Only the Ambush camo pattern and the winter versions will work. :confused:
  16. Just thought I'd repost this : The LOSERS should send the battle results to me (i.e. Treeburst). Make sure both your's and your opponent's forum nicknames are mentioned. Good Luck, gentlemen; and have fun! Remember, NO spoilers to this thread!! I've just finished my first fight and spent the better part of half an hour digging up how to report the result... [ 12-15-2001: Message edited by: Sgt_Kelly ]</p>
  17. Considering I haven't been able to reproduce the odd behaviour (probably too much incoming fire, but I'm not sufficiently obsessed to go fiddling around with this) and Jason's exhaustive coverage of the subject, I'm willing to let it go until such time as it costs me another platoon and I'll be back raving and ranting. (shuffles off stage mumbling to himself)
  18. I beg forgiveness for the rather amateuristic way in which I am going about this. Up until now I've mainly enjoyed the game tremendously without harping on about shortcomings which are inherent to a computer simulation. I've been playing against human opponents for ages and am not surprised to lose the odd unit through unpredictable behaviour or my own stupidity. I believe to have stumbled upon something though which cannot be explained by either. Before I waste your energies further, I'll try and setup a test to show what I mean.
  19. Treeburst, Could you possibly e-mail me the password for my game against Dogface21 ? I've changed comps since the start of the tournament and I forgot to get that password out of the mail before I decommissioned the old heap. Thx in advance.
  20. Alright. You guys are making this very difficult. I had a platoon of engineers move up to just below the edge of a small ridge, in some brush. They were not taking any fire as they were in defilade from the Krauts up ahead. Unfortunately they decided not to stop and take cover, like I had told them to, but continued OVER the crest of the ridge and into a galling fire. End of turn. In the next orders phase I see their morale is nothing worse than cautious, so I tell them to hit the deck and crawl back down the reverse slope. Instead, they continue walking straight into the enemy fire until they break. So you see I wasn't even expecting the brush to provide cover. I've used this defilade trick often. It works a treat behind walls for instance. As soon as something shoots at them, they can put their heads down and they're safe as houses. It works even in the open, but not in brush or wheat apparently.
  21. Well make up your mind Doug. You start by saying it's a known issue and then proceed to tell me I shouldn't move infantry into wheat or brush in the first place. I'm not talking about units breaking for the rear. That's perfectly acceptable. I'm talking about units with intact morale who can't be made to keep still.
  22. I did a search but nothing came up. Has anyone noticed that infantry under fire in wheat or brush tend to run towards the enemy ? I noticed it once in a game against the AI. This was long range fire and the wheat was the only cover around. No matter what I did, I could'nt keep my troops to sit still and shoot back. Even if you order them to withdraw, they will still crawl or run towards the direction where the fire is coming from. Now I've had it again in a PBEM, with disastrous results...
  23. Hey !!! There's life in the old section yet ! I think we can safely say that Shadow is a no show. I haven't received anything at all from him and neither has Ciks, he told me. I'm all for getting the replacement in ASAP.
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