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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Randy Mauldin

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Everything posted by Randy Mauldin

  1. I had the same thing happen to me about a year ago. I had installed quicktime to play a "Rugrats" game I had installed for my Granddaughter. The first time after that I cranked up CMBO I was quite shocked...
  2. I had ASL for years and it sat gathering dust on my game shelf. Never got past the first couple of scenarios. Never got into tanks or guns, just played infantry scenarios occationaly. Then a couple of years ago I decided I was tired of looking at it sitting there doing nothing so I got out Jim Stahlers Programmed Instruction Guide and buckled down to learn it. Learned how to move and fire Tanks, learned AT Guns, even tried to figure out the Off Board Artillery rules (IMHO the hardest part of the game). Anyway about the time I had a partial grasp of the game, along came CMBO and I haven't picked it up since. But having said that, I really did like ASL. I love rolling the dice and the feeling of, "All I need to do is roll 8 or less and this tanks history!" type of thing. The anticipation of the tumbling dice is something that is missing in computer games. I'll never forget debating with myself as I was facing down the front hull of a Panther tank with a bazooka, whether or not I should try to disable the beast with a deliberate immobilization or fire away and hope for a turret hit (I was facing the side of the turret). Deciding to go for broke I went for the turret and jumped for joy when I rolled them bones and they came up "snake eyes", a critical hit! I could almost see that Panther going up in flames! Like CMBO, I have a lot of fond memories of ASL. I guess to answer your question, buy if you can afford it....but I would recommend Jim Stahlers Programmed Instruction guide to learning the game. It takes some work, but it makes learning the game easier. From a purely gaming point of view, ASL like CMBO really is a great game.
  3. When I went to the site, the download icon was Xed out. Can't dl it. What gives?
  4. Just last night I saw a 20mm Flak hit a Sherman 14 times at a range of about 100m including some side shots and never caused a dent. It did get a track hit but did no damage. The Sherman seemed to not see him as he rambled in front of him. Another Sherman spotted him later and sent him to his final reward.
  5. What about trucks? I played a scenario once where it was raining and the only two roads leading into the town (where the VL's were) was mined. So I ordered everybody out of the trucks and drove them off the board.
  6. If you are worried about ordering with a credit card, I can understand that. I had the same reservations so I just wrote a check when I ordered. The game came within a couple of weeks. Best game investment I ever made.
  7. I started to review a scenario one time but really didn't feel qualified to do it based on just one playing. I rarely play a scenario more then once, since with FOW you already know all the surprises in the game. Do you guys play a scenario more than once to review it, or do you play it only one time and then review it?
  8. Have you guys ever had trouble giving the Withdraw command if the units in question are in good order? Every time I try to give it, with good order troops it won't allow it.
  9. Anyone remember the old TV series "Police Story"? It had different charactors each week and told an hour long story set in a police setting. Sometimes they might bring charactors back for another show or two but usually it was different from week to week. The same thing could be done in a war setting. Call it "War Story", or something like that. You could even expand it to other eras or wars, though I'd rather see it set in WWII all the time. Anyway, probably won't happen and if it did Hollywood would probably mess it up anyway. Thats why I don't watch much TV anymore. (Well that and CMBO!) ------------------ Randy aka Prairiedog
  10. I remember going to the theater to see this one. I thought it was the greatest movie I'd ever seen. Now I watch it for laughs. ------------------ Randy aka Prairiedog
  11. Due to a winter storm hitting Arkansas, I have been without power since Christmas Day. I'm back now but was wondering if the 1.1 beta has become an official upgrade or if it is still in beta form. ------------------ Randy aka Prairiedog
  12. When Gen. Omar Bradley asked a soldier if the bullets pierced the side of the armor of a HT he was in, he replied, "No sir; they just come in one side and rattle around a bit!" ------------------ Randy aka Prairiedog
  13. Everyone has their ideas about what makes a game great or not so great. For me it all comes down to excitement level. IMHO this is where Combat Mission really shines. Being on the edge of your seat as the movie plays out is a level of excitement unmatched in any other game. For some reason, for me, SPWAW just didn't have that. ------------------ Randy aka Prairiedog
  14. Yeah this happened to me too. We ended a TCP/IP session and when we resumed in PBEM I missed a turn. (Fortunatly I was getting waxed anyway, so it didnt matter!) ------------------ Randy aka Prairiedog
  15. Yeah I believe you are right. I did a search and I believe the rarity factor thing will be implented in CM2. Too bad it couldn't have made the cut in CMBO. Jarmo wrote: On the other hand amis and brits get plenty of cheap extras. American companies come with a load of mortars and MG's True. But have you noticed in like a 900 pt battle you can't buy a full American Company because you are limited to something like 400 points for infantry. You have to buy your platoons and all that other stuff separetly. (Unless you buy Green troops or something.) Sometimes you can do it, but I believe it cost more buying it that way. And you don't have a Company HQ unit since you can't buy one of those separately. ------------------ Randy aka Prairiedog
  16. A Rarity Factor could be toggled on or off at the discresion of the players. It sure beats asking your opponent, "hey don't buy Tigers okay?" It would in a clean and neat way put limits on your purchases without a lot of pre-set rules and conditions. ------------------ Randy aka Prairiedog
  17. Originally posted by :USERNAME:: Also, a platoon of shermans marched, in formation, buttoned up, towards me .. backwards. I had this happen to me too. I ordered a Sherman to reverse a little and to drive forward up a hill in Hunt mode. Instead it turned all the way around in place, then moved up the hill backwards. This was in V1.05 though, not the new beta. ------------------ Randy aka Prairiedog
  18. I played against the AI in a game where I spotted a FO for an artillary unit and sent a nearby squad towards him to send him to his final reward. However I didn't realize till afterwards that they were LOW ammo and they just moved over and sat down next to the guy. I screamed "I told you to kill him, not sit down and have tea with him!" It was pretty comical looking. ------------------ Randy aka Prairiedog
  19. I tend to agree that they are overpriced. And I understand that some vehicles have to be used differently than others. But I think the problem comes in by not having some sort of "Rarity Factor" involved in purchasing units. I like to buy my own units, whether that's realistic or not, but I should have some limitations on those purchases. I shouldn't be able to buy a Tiger or a Hetzer or a SMG squad whenever I want. I think some of the issues with German units being "too cheap" as opposed to Allied units would be overcome by a rarity factor. ------------------ Randy aka Prairiedog
  20. Well, Croda, I have downloaded the patch and would be willing to convert over, but I'm not sure I know how. I'm a little ignorant in this computer stuff. BTW I'm the Prairiedog guy you're playing. You know, the one you're blasting all to Hades? ------------------ Randy aka Prairiedog
  21. Okay I'm still confused. Again, forgive my ignorance... If I download the 1.1 patch won't it overwrite the 1.05 patch? I won't be able to save a file in the 1.05 version since it won't be there anymore, right? ------------------ Randy aka Prairiedog
  22. He,he, I can see it now... Diamondbacks game is starting, but Schilling is not warming up. Where is he? After a furious search, they find him in the clubhouse, crouched over his laptop, hollering at his Panther..."Shoot, dammit, shoot." Arizona manager Buck Showalter is not pleased... Especially since Bucky is not the Diamondbacks manager anymore..... Sorry, couldn't resist. ------------------ Randy aka Prairiedog
  23. Forgive my ignorance but.... If I'm currently playing a PBEM game with my 1.05 and I upgrade to the 1.1 patch, is my PBEM game not going to work anymore? Even if my opponent has the new upgrade? In other words, do I need to finish all my PBEM games before downloading this patch? ------------------ Randy aka Prairiedog
  24. Most likely it was hit by something that none of your troops saw. I've found that if that happens you won't see any yellow lines leading to the victim in question no matter how many times you replay the movie. I had a Sherman get brewed up once and never did see the shot. Obviously no one saw the shot except maybe the now dead crew. ------------------ Randy aka Prairiedog
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