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Randy Mauldin

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Everything posted by Randy Mauldin

  1. I'm kinda hard on war movies because if they don't get it right historically then it sometimes ruins the whole picture for me. That being said I really was blown away with "Saving Private Ryan". Someone mentioned earlier about Rangers (who landed at Omaha) looking for a paratrooper (who as we know landed behind Utah) and I remember thinking about that the first time I saw the movie. But it was a very good movie. "Darbys Rangers" was another good movie as was the movie Croda mentioned "The Best Years Of Our Lives". "A Bridge Too Far" was good too. I wish someone would do a movie on another of Cornelius Ryans books, "The Last Battle" as well as a remake of "The Battle Of The Bulge". I think the Bulge is a good subject for a movie and the fictious one made in 1964 is good only for laughs. ------------------ It wasn't MY company..It was the Armys' or so they told me.
  2. I liked Stephen Ambrose's "Citizen Soldiers" which is right down CMs alley. Cornelius Ryans, "A Bridge Too Far", "The Longest Day", and "The Last Battle" are all good too. BTW wwb_99, "The Longest Day" is about D-Day not the Battle of Britain. ------------------ It wasn't MY company..It was the Armys' or so they told me.
  3. Oops...sorry about the double post....thought the first one didn't take. ------------------ It wasn't MY company..It was the Armys' or so they told me.
  4. Assuming that England and Russia were either conquered or neutral, from where could the US either launch an invasion of Germany or base bombers with which they could have dropped the atomic bomb on Germany? I thought the arguement was over wheather the USA or Germany would have won in a straight up fight, not specifically how it could be accomplished. You could argue all day over that one. ------------------ It wasn't MY company..It was the Armys' or so they told me.
  5. Assuming that England and Russia were either conquered or neutral, from where could the US either launch an invasion of Germany or base bombers with which they could have dropped the atomic bomb on Germany? I thougt the question was whether the USA or Germany would win in a straight up fight, not specifically how it could be accomplished. You could argue that till the cows come home. This discussion seems to be going nowhere. ------------------ It wasn't MY company..It was the Armys' or so they told me.
  6. In a QB I played last night the Americans occupied a building right underneath a VF with a squad but the flag didn't change on the next turn because the building in question was behind my lines (I believe). I think you have to have a certain majority presence in the area to get a flag to change. ------------------ It wasn't MY company..It was the Armys' or so they told me.
  7. Someone earlier said the reason most people like to play the Germans is because they like to win. ScoutPL hit the nail on the head when he stated that quite often in CM the Allies are the underdogs. So all this talk about how the Germans are to be admired because they were the underdogs, doesnt wash in CM. Someone else said they admired the Germans because they were defending their homeland. Well the defence of their homeland wouldn't have been nessacary if they hadn't started the war in the first place! And as far as the Germans being cool because they are the "bad guys" that's funny. The German people may have been mislead but no one goes to war unless they believe they are right in the eyes of God or their own form of diety. No one goes to war saying "we're going to be the bad guys here". But I'm not here to flame anyones opinion, you bought the game-play who you like for whatever reason you like. I've been playing wargames for over 30 years now, and I've always wondered about this facination with the Germans too. I've played with guys who absolutly refused to play anybody but the Germans. I simply quit playing them. I've always felt that to be good at any wargame you have to be able to win with either side. You can't say you are good at CM if all you do is play one side or the other. You must be able to overcome the weaknesses of you nationality you are playing and play on its strengths. I guess I'm different from most wargamers because I really think that the most interesting army in WWII was the Americans. Obviously part of that is because I myself am an American but these men and women who had lived thru the depression, and then fought a world war (along with their allies), how the whole country came together, just facinates me. Its a time in history that will probably never be repeated (thanks goodness) again. P.S. The Americans uniforms ARE cool. And the Sherman tank is not ugly. Not too ugly anyway....okay its ugly but it works...when its not on fire......when there are a bunch of them around.....and no Tigers...... ------------------ It wasn't MY company..It was the Armys' or so they told me.
  8. Speaking of split-squads, do full squads only sight in one direction when they arent moving? Would it do any good to split a squad and have one sighting in one direction and the other in the opposite direction? ------------------ It wasn't MY company..It was the Armys' or so they told me.
  9. I sent a check and got a confirmation e-mail from them. I got my game about a week and a half to two weeks from the time I ordered it (early Sept).
  10. But you're not taking into acount identification. How does that tank know for sure those infantrymen are a "Small Caliber Mortar Team"? They might have a Bazooka nearby or something. I would think that with no other targets in sight, anybody with a different colored uniform on would be considered a threat. ------------------ It wasn't MY company..It was the Armys' or so they told me.
  11. I wish whenever I play against the Germans they would miss like that. They never seem to miss. ------------------ It wasn't MY company..It was the Armys' or so they told me.
  12. 46, married, father of two, grandfather of three. Love this game ------------------ It wasn't MY company..It was the Armys' or so they told me.
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