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Everything posted by Scipio

  1. Michael Dorosh, if some different people come up with the same problem frequently, and many people agree, then maybe there is indeed something wrong, and if maybe the number of those who disagree is small, then maybe the few people should at least request their point of view? Just a question, do think the CMBB scenarios are great and they are a good publicity? Rick614 I'm pretty sure that the CMBB demo scenarios are taken from the full version. What makes you believe that it would take more time and effort to select other scenarios?
  2. So you think it is impossible to make a scenario that can serve both parties - the long time CMBO players and the newbies?
  3. Michael, if you wouldn't know CMBO, what would it mean to you to know about the difference to it? It is nice that BTS has made a demo for all of us, but they better had saved their time an money, cause WE buy the game anyway. But I have doubts that the demo scenarios impress many people who are new to the game. A demo is made for publicity, to win customers, not to show what a great game it is to those who knows it already.
  4. Well, what is written in the christian bible: 'You don't need to heal the healthy' (or similar, I have no English bible) We buy the game anyway. It is true that we can see some of the new commands, but what does it mean for someone who is new to the game? Nothing.
  5. Well, after one week with the demo I have cooled down a bit. If I compare the CMBO and CMBB demo scenarios, I must say that the CMBB's start to be boring very fast. CMBO - 'Chance Encounter' and 'Valey of Trouble' were just good, simple battles with posibilities and lots of action. You just could see what a great game it is from the first moment you've started. CMBB - Nothing to expect from the tutorial of course, but the two others are just so one-sided and dry. In 'Citadel' you have nothing to do then see your tanks moving over the steppe as axis, waiting for contact, clobber the enemy, and drive on. There is no tactic needed, you always do the same. As Soviets you sit around, waiting for the Axis tanks to show up, try to make some hits and then sit around for another while. You have (except two tanks) no units you can move around, so in princip is the only challenge to make a good setup. In 'Yelnia', you just place your troops (as Axis) then sit arround, waiting for the Soviets to attack and hope that the 6 T-34 doesn't clobber all your troops before time. As Soviet, you just move your T-34 in position and kill everything that shows up. The Germans have (historical correct) nearly no chance against the 6 T-34, while it is on the other hand as Soviets a pain to move you infantry around. The unexperienced troops just run away each time someone shots (realitic, okay), so finally you only need to move your T-34 and your regular platoons. Well, the scenarios are maybe not really bad, but IMO they are just poor publicity. They show us some of the great new graphics, but they give us only a very limited view on the gameplay. To be true, if I wouldn't be a CM enthusiast already and would base my decission to buy the game on the fun I had with the scenarios in the demo, then I would think three times to buy the game, and possibly would be the answer still 'no'. In CMBO I was just addicted after three turns, and still like to make a match with the demo scenarios sometimes. Maybe it would be a good idea to add just something that show more bells and whistles. Something with more posibilities, so we can just experiment more with tactics. Just my five pence. [ September 08, 2002, 10:23 AM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  6. I guess the TH teams will work much better in city or any other well covered terrain. Open steppe is surely not the best place for them.
  7. Well, I managed twice to take out a PzIII with Molotow Cocktails. In both cases the tank was shown as knocked out, but the tanks wasn't burning. Maybe I caused a missunderstanding - the effect was correct, but just for a realistic touch the tank should start to burn.
  8. About the Panther was said that the engine starts to burn very fast.
  9. AFAIK, the Molotov Cocktail had only effect when thrown on the engine grill, so the engine starts to burn. (Don't ask me about differences between Soviet and German tanks here). The vision slits were another possible target, but more to hinder the tank then to knock it out. Open vehicels are obviously something completly different. [ September 06, 2002, 01:48 AM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  10. I just wonder - wouldn't it make sense if a tank always starts to burn when it is hit/KO by a molotow cocktail? At least in the demo it does not.
  11. I think the new way is much better! I can't say if it is more realistic or not. I even don't think that anyone here on this board can say this, except he was for several month on a WWII battlefield as tanker or AT crew himself. But at least it is now not that selfevident to win vs a few bigger tanks with a bunch of small guns/tanks with their higher ROF and simply outnumber the bigger tanks. CMBO often works this way: many fast small tanks with smaller guns means more mobility with a high firerate = more shells in the air = higher chance for a penetration, and 90% of all penetrations in CMBO means a KO/abandoned tank. If we assume that this was reality, than I wonder why the 'small tank' taktic was not the doctrine for all nations?
  12. Well, it is more difficult now, but if it is also more realistic, then I have no problem with it.
  13. Well, for me are the new things just that : NEW. I assume once I'm used to it, I won't have something else anymore. Except two things. The way how I move the camera with mouse. In the lower half of the screen in strafes, in the upper it rotates. Anyway, I think that is not a clear system, the old one was for me just better (especially because I usually ALWAYS rotate the camera). The dark color of shells is the other. It is now impossible to follow a shell. Maybe it is planned that way, if so, what is the sense? [ September 02, 2002, 04:13 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  14. Ah, I see. No, I have FSAA always deactivated. Never had a problem with Soviet crews, too.
  15. Here is another, well, not bug, but a misspelling in the German version. The unit names are shown as 1 Trupp, 2 Trupp, 3 FHZ etc. Correct would be 1. Trupp, 2. Trupp, 3. FHZ (=1st Troop, 2nd...) or even Trupp 1, Trupp 2, FHZ 3 (Troop 1...)
  16. Here's another one - in citadel, when tanks fire with machine guns on the crew of a knocked out gun, it still make the sound of bullets on metal.
  17. Another thing - I would excpect that a tank will always start to burn when it is knocked out by a Molotow cocktail. But this is not the case.
  18. Crew bug, too Windows XPpro, T-Bird 1000, Geforce-II GTS with Detonator 29.42 [ September 02, 2002, 08:37 AM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  19. I just wonder - is there any changes in the usage of infantry AT weapons, like Molotow cocktails etc? Can I now order to use them? If yes, how?
  20. You can in princip use all CMBO sounds if you have a wave editor. You must resample the sounds from 44.100 Hz to 22.050 Hz. The naming convention is (mostly) the same as in CMBO. I already changed all gun and explosion sounds. Not because the new ones are bad, it's just that I'm used to differ the weapons by their sound.
  21. Even under extreme FOW a can see after some time the exact model of a tank and the crew experience. IMO this is a bit to much info, especially the experience shouldn't be available.
  22. Download at Gamers Hall [ August 31, 2002, 06:21 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  23. I don't know what problems you guys have I'm already counting the hours
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