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Everything posted by Thermopylae

  1. My non-grog opinion was that their presence on the battlefield was a relative rarity...
  2. Actually, the yellow line means your spotte rhas become a target of sorts...
  3. Of course, tourney house run a rathe rpermamanent ladder, and there several, several player campaigns and tournaments out there. All for free too. But beware the ladder! The Uber SMGs and flamey bits!
  4. Well seanachia, i felt that the term had become too generally elitist, and that it shouldn't be useable only by Peng scum types, so like any good revisiosnist, i chnage dit and hoped people would pick up
  5. Don't be fooled into thin king this is the main CMBO board. No sir, this is merely the board for grogs and people who stillw ant to suggest things for CMBB. All the real topics (and a massive conflict known only as the Great Patritotic Onion War) are posted in the ::que theme music:: Ouuuuuuuuuttttter Boooooaaaaaarrrds....You'll visit soone enough just try not to say anything bad or good about any nation in the world, or the resulting forum ripple will shave a chunk out of the space time continum. Enjoy.
  6. I liked my "no argument historical random battle generator" proposal for CMBB. Players enter the size and type of conflict they'd like, the region, year, and preferre doppossing forces...and woosh a force within a company (give or take, above or under) or less of the initial size that ticks to historical OOBs is created, with some attrittion. Thus "Bn size, combined arms, heer vs guards, central russia, June 1943" could be selected, and a force would be created for each side to suit the conditions. you might get 2 veteran heer coys with a HMG platoon and AT guns versus an overstrengh russian regual guards BN with an attached T-34 platoon. Or you could get an attack that really was one to one (or less!) odds...it'd certainly get you out of the ok, theres 8 platoons, in this size game thats all he can ahve mentality.
  7. Well, hello pillar. haven't seen you in along, long time. Still up for that game?
  8. The arnhem one, has some...unique...adaptions of the arnhem bridge terrain to CM stuff.
  9. Of course, there is always that point where you make the call: Burn a platoon and a half for a chance to win at this route, or go around another way where it might or might not be any better? The 1.5 plts are your tank fees.
  10. Yes. Quite fun too. Just don't do the pre-packaged arnhem one.
  11. I must debate Gustav's claim, rather, it was seen that The Army officers responsible for the designing of the M26 believed it would be much enchancing to their careers should its mortality be ranked highly. Since the Pershing rarely saw armored combat an "A" could not be established, thus the M26A3, as it woud have been known after enough combat trials, never came to fruitatation. This also explains why it was considered unessecary to designate WHOOSH chances on these tanks.
  12. Interesting...I hadn't realized priests were all that common in the front lines. I remember that one was used in Remagen (I think) and the germans considered it a monstrosity. Seeing as how this had born special note from capyured german officers, I'd always thought they weren't too common on the front lines. Guess I was wrong.
  13. Just as a side note, SPGs en masse could very well be considered gamey. For instance a platoon of priests. Would you put 10% of your division's artillery directly into a tactical fight on te battalion level? Of course, one or two probably wouldn't be amiss.
  14. It sounds as if you are being overly hasty in your attack. As a rule of thumb, the first ten turns of the battle should be spent on reconnasaince, fire base establishment, and getting the infantry in jump off positions. Your infantry should not run across the map towards their assualt targets from start to finish either. You will need places to rest and regroup. And of course, pound the hell out of the enemy before you go in.
  15. The real trick of attacking an enemy with Americans is not jumping too it. Two platoons and an MG will outshoot a dug in gemran platoon by a long margin, and if you start throwing in arty/DFHE then pretty much all you have to do is wait two turns beyond the start of the supressive fire. Germans...kill enemy support weapons. Close with enemy in approved fashion. Kill him. Repeat. Commonwealth. Find an attack corridor hidden from most enemy supporting fires, bring up the specialists and flame/mortar/mmg,/95mm/whatever the hell out of a position, then occupy.
  16. Three dead friendlies and two dead enemies beats 1 dead friendly.
  17. Yea, looking at any accounts from infantry units on the east front, especially the Germans(don't know why?), you hear about how the heavy snow resulted in the muffling of hand grenades, light mortars, etc. This was apparently a Really Bad Thing when the action of the machinegun was frozen and you had to crack the ice on your mauser bolt.
  18. I have always always, always believed this to a massively gamey technique. Your men don't want to be in a burning village any more than your enemy's, so if you randomly light up your location, real fires with real soldiers would probably end with the attacker just advancing over the charred rubble you had to abandon.
  19. Alternatively, the bunch you find at CMHQ are typically less ladder minded.
  20. In the same spirit as an abandon Machinegun or AT gun command...and mortars do it well enough without prompting. Nice to see you back by the way Tiger.
  21. Thank you for spelling lose right! Everybody spells it loose, and its just annoying! Bwaaaahhhhh!!!
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