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Battlefront is now Slitherine Ă—


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Everything posted by Thermopylae

  1. All things considered Dad, the game is great. However this doesn't nessecarily affect your desicision, after all, its security your worried about, not the actual game. (tho if your a history or wargaming buff you may find yourself joining in.) Quite frankly, I've never knwon a more accessible or committed staff, nor have I ever had swift and carefree online purchase as CM. In addittion, BTS is working on CMBB, if thats any anti-scam proofing. If they were scam artists, I think with the internet being such a communicative place, that a) CM sales would have dropped to nothing, and the community certainly wouldn't be asking for a sequel.
  2. The primary complaint withlight stuff on fire as a barrier is the unrealistic result. The fire in real life would have a helluva good chance of spreading, especially in a crowded village with wooden buildings, untrimmed hedges and so forth...and by god you wouldn't want to be there when the fire spread.
  3. As to the attackers knwoing defensive positions, well then you have to incoporate defenders knowing attackers positions...its not bloody likely that they magically materialized at the CM jump off points without being observed by a dug in enemy with OPs....and of course pre-emptive defensive fires that the battalion commander would call at long range (especially Americans). But there have also been about 10 threads on the topic. i reccomend a search.
  4. Rune's operation, as mentioned above, is leaps and bounds beyond the pre-packed operation as far as history goes, and a dtermined britsh player can hold his own, if not his ground.
  5. Barbarossa was a a legendary german figure who built a gemrna empire and then went to attack (and take a slice out of) poland. he apparently had a great red beard too.
  6. The average infantryman would just get the hell out of the way...remember, the squad is not pinned to the exact center where its icon is. You can safely assume that all 12 men are not standing there in a neat row waiting to be run over. They are probably hiding in a ditch with a hand grenade that they're gonna try and roll under that tank.
  7. Mr. Gunner, The firepower rating of a given weapon represents its lethality at any given range. This includes accuracy and rate of fire. Thus rifles pretty much even out a fair rating over time, SMGs kick in to uselesness at anything but close range, but in there they kill easily, and squad light weapons generally provide a big ol chunk of FP at all ranges. Think of every point of firepower being put out as increasing the odds that the target in question will take casualties. Thus if you fire with a combined firepower of 218 thanks to short range and having some automatic weapons on hand, the target is more likely to take casualties, and more of them, than if you fired with only a combined FP of 87, which would be the equivalent of medium range fire from a typical squad. The MP44 is correctly represented in this game. As the first assualt rifle, it can pour out fire with decent accuracy and a limited sustained rate of fire. As such, it is useful out to ~125 meters, after which its accuracy fades, and it doesn't have the ammunition supply to to compensate by raking the area. Thus the firepower takes a sharp drop.
  8. The buildings is suppossedly collapsed, and they just wanted a cool effect for it, anyhow, be happy your troops bail from buildings now..once upon a time they just sat in em until the building dropped on top of em.
  9. Provided, of course, said company commander in said jeep isn't blown to bits or riddled with bullets...
  10. Of course the tpyical Nam action was just agressive patrolling...VC ambush US, US platoon takes 2-3 casualties, fires back for a few min, causes 1, and then turns the town, tree-line, etc into bbq with airstrikes and artillery.
  11. thats alot of support for two volksgrenadier platoons. Historic wise anyhow.
  12. Presenting the COLOSSAL BURGER home of the Juggernaut! Who among you unwashed masses could resist a towering 12 foot burger rolled out on wheels...Oh yes, the staff worship it in evangelical voices as it makes it stately procession throughout the restaraunt, crushing the puny little kids who bought mere "Clash of the Titans Happy Meals" (sound of those really loud banging african-esque drums, kinda like the SP music ..you know dan dan daaan daan daaan dan) It is accompanied by legions of fries, each one dressed in the style of a roman warrior....all the while the trumpets are blaring and fireworks are going off dnagerously near to the customers, and if they forgot to to tip, annihilating entire ranks of SUVs....Meanwhile an fresh altar is erected from the overturned booths and chairs, and a gigantic circle of flames is made to surround it through the expedient use of kerosene, and we sacrifice a live goat over he burger, drenching it with fresh blood and the "special sauce". In a finaly primalistic dance to the cow gods, we present the burger in all its splendor to the buying customer. As well as a keg of ale. Then they march down the red carpet receiveing praise from the paid praising types (who upon failinn their jobs are offered as human sacrifices at the great burger altar) where they can generally behave like kings That, my friends, is a business plan.
  13. There are some of you who probably believe that after a brief appearance, I, being in the common parlance a scum sucking newbie, would have disappeared and left your pool in peace. Be this from a sudden nausea attack, headache, cancer or other maldroit symptom induced by the words you write (they are associated with you lot, making them extremely volatile, and most likely contagious), you still expected me to quickly sod off. However, your pool is like chinese food, and despite regularly putting you to sleep, and consisting of components which are so disgusting that their mention will result in being crucified in various Middle eastern countries, it is still extremely tasty, as well as being quick and requiring no more effort than ringing up a delivery number. And just like that damned annoying customer that you have to deliver to 13.5 miles away who never tips you, I am here to stay. As we speak I have already engaged Mace in a duel thingy, and thus have already made inroads into your "impenetrable wall o cess".
  14. And despite the sudden nostalgia attack, I am still thriving, in all my glorious form. Meanwhile the various members of the cess pool continue to deplete this earth's resources through the act of living, without returning anything more valuable than a few tears over what has become of their "lovely" thread. Of course, having been reduced to hollow shells of their former selves (by their own admission mind you) they quickly got over such a tragic incident as their decline. Of course, by this claim, they pretend that maybe, once upon a time in a bulletin board far, far away, they were ever higher than the scum that they are today. Recognition of the fact that they have very rarely, if ever, been blessed by genius is not forthcoming due to their own deluded beliefs in the sanctity of their status as pool members. To say that they have declined is to say that they were once great, but nay, had they ever been great, they would not be poolers. Its also worth mentioning that ever since Mensch had his middle life crisis and ditched all his games, I have remained gameless. While I quickly sent a challenge and set up to Mace , he has not been speedy in returning it, and so I am forced to turn to others. Perhaps my fault has lain in attempting to challenge senior poolers, and as such I must extend a challenge to Leeo. Upon acceptance, the set up will be sent.
  15. Originally posted by Bauhaus <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Wake me when the talking piece of crap is done yapping through its sphincter <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Bad news on that...you'd damn well better be Rip Van Winkle, Because the chances of Lawyer shutting up any time soon are slim.
  16. Stalin's Organ (funny enough w/o a name change)you have managed to accentuate your own inherent lack brain power in pointing out Jd as an imbred. Remember, people like Stuka and Mensch, could not ever hope to breed, even with the likes of each other, which as I understand it is a common fantasy among the senior poolers. The end result is horrible genetic experiments that produce the likes of you and Jd.
  17. Jd, it should hardly be found surprising that you "didn't get it", as you have exhibited similiar problems comprehending things such as the alphabet, and breathing.
  18. Originally posted by Phillies Folly <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> My logic is not to be questioned! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> How could I presume to question something which so obviously does not exist?
  19. Originally posted byPhillies Phallus <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Begone or we will be forced to swat at you repeatedly with our Cesspool Idiot Swatter. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I should imagine I'd have no trouble getting past your so-called-idiot swatter, as you clearly managed to get in here without much effort.
  20. While I realize you are all drawn to my good looks and far superior intellect, probably in hopes of living out some perverted fantasy I dare not imagine, stop hitting on me.
  21. Mace! The challenge still stands! Though being the lazy swine that you are, I imagine you didn't bother to read all of page 9 (presumably because it would expend a bit of your ever-dwindling reserve of brain cells). You pick a setup and send it on over.
  22. Some people like to count on mines and wire to hold up an important piece of terrain, and leave lighter forces holding behind it say a MG and a toon without reserves near by...they'll be surprised as all hell when you push a rifle platoon or two plus the engineers through that gap. If your really lucky, they'll have relied on the obstacles alone.
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