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Joseph Porta

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Everything posted by Joseph Porta

  1. From what I am getting (no picture) it appears to be the red cross
  2. Pixelmaster; please get your 'pixel' moving and send me a turn ! Better get this over with before the deadline...
  3. If I remember correctly, there won't be a demo until at least the release date. Not sure if there will be one after that either - my memory isn't what it was If you search for 'demo' I'm sure you'll find the official word on it. Cheers !
  4. Madmatt - the sounds/effects you don't have time to implement : Any chance of seeing them in a later patch, or must we wait until the engine rewrite ?
  5. I've decided to take a break from my unequalled run of defeats vs my fellow human beings, and now I am looking for an operation to play against the AI, with me as defender, to restore my ego a bit Preferably of size Medium or smaller, as I tend to get lost in the bigger maps. (EDIT: The number of units is my problem, not the size of the maps.) Can anyone remember any good ops ? [ July 26, 2002, 07:13 PM: Message edited by: Joseph Porta ]
  6. Tries to read all the posts above, gets headache,quits Welcome to the best board on the internet ! We are all one happy family here. Oh, and be sure to download the CMHQ mods ( www.combatmission.com ) as they really make a difference to as how your game looks. Enjoy !
  7. Not completely true...I always lose ! Amen to that !
  8. Welcome Aboard ! And be sure to tell us what you think once you have tried the demo.
  9. Certainly ! Page 249 : " ...Den typiske Finske soldat, fryktet som djevelen selv og elsket som Gud. " Which literally translates to ; "...The typical Finnish soldier, feared like the devil himself and loved like God". Though I imagine that in your case the sig ought to be "The typical Finnish soldier, who charges head first into battle without hesitating" or something Cheers, Ali ! [ July 19, 2002, 02:41 PM: Message edited by: Joseph Porta ]
  10. I'll play both. Just give me a stalingrad operation.... :cool:
  11. Originally posted by Scheer: I hope Pixelmaster gets well. He wrote that he has been ill for some days. I didn't even get that message. Someone please 'nudge' him
  12. I bit 1€ if it comes with a free CMBB CD
  13. Nice work, and I think many will appreciate your efforts. However, Steve said that although they would not sue over such a fix, they can not promote it or officially accept it. That's why the padlocked one might descend on this thread any moment.
  14. Make that 599 other unit types, after Steve blew a fuse over the 'CDV-deal-whining' and had to drop one to reply
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