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Posts posted by ParaBellum

  1. Hi wbs.

    The battle is, in fact kind of historical.

    It tries to recreate the fighting in the "airborne corridor" where the XXXth corps battled through scratch german units to relieve the Paras in Eindhoven, Nijmegen and, finally Arnheim.

    The germans get a mixture of security forces and later a few Panzers and motorized infantry.

    The US get the usual mix of Shermans and infantry ín HTs or trucks with air and arty support.

    Non-historic means that I didn't use exact map data or OOBs but rather tried to capture the "feeling" of the "hell's highway" battles.

    McAuliffe thx. smile.gif

    I think it's quite interesting so far, so if you want to take a look, I'd gladly send you the file.

  2. Hi, for my "Clear and hold scenario" I need someone to help me playtesting it.

    The battle is a non-historic engagement influenced be the Arnheim operation in September 1944.

    The US player must break through the german lines and at the same time defend the encircled Paras' positions until relieved.

    The Germans have to block the US advance 'till their reinforcements arrive to destroy the Paras and secure the bridge.

    Scenario is 35 turns with around 2500 pts for the germans and 3700 for ths US.

    I'd appreciate anyone willing to test it.


  3. Of course there are dogs in CMBB!

    AFAIK every nation will get a special type of dog.

    The russians will get the famous Vodkashock dogs. They are ferocious fighters, but they are deaf and blind and thus a little difficult to control in battle...

    The germans will get the Panzerhund MkV, an armoured heavy assault dog equipped with a 38cm grenade and multiple rocket launchers on his back. They will usually collapse after a few meters regardles of terrain before even seing a target...

    The italians will get the fast Calzone reconaissance dog. Most of the time he wonders what he's doing in russia and needs lots of attention when homesick, which happens quite a lot...

    The finnish troops field the Japaukämäkiläki commando dog. It can fly, is invisible and one bite with his poisenous fangs kills instantly. If he pisses against a T34, they instantly explode...

    [ March 13, 2002, 09:08 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  4. Lol! :D

    For a second I thought I listened to a live performance of the famous Leningrad Cowboys. They're from finland and proud to be the worst rock'n'roll band on earth.

    I once saw them live in concert and will never forget their version of "Katyuscha"... :D

    And they're not bad at all!

    Maybe someone even saw the movie about them by Auri Kaurismäki (sp?)?

    [ March 13, 2002, 08:00 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  5. The problem was that the crew was busy engaging a panicked mortar crew 600m away...

    Question: You are manning a 50mm PaK and two guys are running towards your position.

    Do you

    a.) try to engage the two with your gun?

    b.) grab your rifle and open fire with small arms?

    c.) wait 'till they knock out your gun, then open fire with small arms?

    I really would like to see gun crews defend themself with small arms when engaged in close combat, rather than trying to turn around their 88 FlaK to fire at some bad guys 10m behind them...

    [ March 12, 2002, 10:07 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  6. Originally posted by ciks:

    Strange thing is that the gun looks very much knocked out already in the first screenshot, as the gun elevation is way too low.

    Did the Pak ran out of HE, btw, as they were looking at the zook for 5 secs?

    Nope, the gun wasn't knocked out. The gun elevation was so low because it engaged the bazooka team at this extremely close distance. Notice the little crater just behind the 'zook team in the second pic? The gun fired 1 or 2 seconds before the 'zook team.

    At first I didn't notice that the gun was knocked out since the barrel didn't "drop" 'cause it was already on maximum depression.

    I saw a little explosion, then the crew opened fire.

    For a moment I thought that the gun crew killed the frenchies with their pistols while still manning the gun!

  7. So you finally found out that you can give orders to captures crews? What did you to 'till now? Shoot them? :D

    I usually move captured enemies to the rear to guard with not-so-important units like bailed out crews or mortars.

    If you leave them in the combat zone two things can happen: if none of your units are nearby your enemy can recapture them, or they can still be killed. Since captured enemies give you more points than dead ones, you should try to keep them alive.

    Unless you have some personal grudge against that certain Tiger crew, of course...

    And no, you won't loose points when you move them off the map. Correct me if I'm wrong.

  8. Originally posted by wwb_99:

    Actually, many VS put up vicious defenses in the closing months of the war in eastern Germany. A lot of those guys learned the trade well on the West Front in WWI, and had not forgotten too much.


    Yep, some of the members of the Volkssturm were vets of WW1. The biggest problem though was the lack of trained leaders. Since the Volkssturm was organized by the NSDAP and not by the army this meant that for the leaders political reliability was often more important than military knowledge.

    Guderian gives a good example when he describes how his old comrade General Wietersheim had to serve in a Volkssturm company commanded by a party official with no military training at all...

    So many Volkssturm units were simply "verheizt", thrown away in useless fashion without any tactical benefit.

    I remember when a friend of my uncle told me how he and a few other kids, 15 years old, where each given a Panzerfaust to stop Patton's army.

    They marched out of the town, led by a 65 year old ex-NCO, a WW1 vet. When out of sight he ordered them to throw their Weapons into the nearby lake and go back to their mothers. They strongly protested until he slapped one of them and took away his Faust.

    A week later the war was over.

  9. Nope, so regular Volkssturm units will fight just as, say a regular Waffen-SS unit.

    But don't confuse the Volkssturm which consisted of usually untrained kids and old men with the Volksgrenadier units that were standard Heer formations in the last months of the war.

    As for Volkssturm in QBs, I think that they only should be bought as conscripts/greens.

    To achieve a regular or better status a unit had to be thorougly trained and competently led, which surely excludes the Volkssturm units.

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