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Posts posted by ParaBellum

  1. Actually CMBB is already finished and shipped.

    There was just a small bug in the new Micro$oft ebusiness software Madmat got cheap from a 'connection'.

    So the first batch of 50.000 copies with printed manuals, scale maps of the eastern front and miniatures of soviet/german tanks were accidently shipped to the main post office of the Kingdom of Bhutan, Himalaya.

    Now they're some logistic problems getting the stuff back since one of three Yaks of the Bhutan Royal mail service broke a leg and needs intensive medical care.

    Any complaints please send to:

    His Excellency Lyonpo Khandu Wangchuk

    Minister for Trade and Industry


    Royal Government of Bhutan

    Tashichho Dzong

    Thimphu, Bhutan

    Thank you for your attention.

  2. Maybe you're talking about the Maxim 1910 MG. This weapon sported a small protective shield and was mounted on two-wheel carriage.

    With this it weighted a whopping 66kg.

    Since the Maxim was one of the mainstay of soviet weaponry you can be rather sure that you'll see it in CMBB.

    Maxim M1910

    [ June 30, 2002, 04:39 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  3. Originally posted by JMcGuire:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />I'm targeting an enemy soldier 500m away, he's sitting against a tree, smoking a cigarette. No danger for me. Could I kill him cold-blooded?

    Cold blooded? What kind of soldier isn't willing to kill an enemy soldier? Once he becomes an enemy and picks up a gun, he's fair game, period. I don't care if he's visiting the latrine or sleeping...

    To even consider that one of our own soldiers might not kill an enemy soldier in a time of war is unfathomable to me.</font>

  4. Originally posted by Traject0ry:

    Perhaps they just do not take prisoners or are forced to rely on force in order to get the job done. You guys really need to wake up. There are very little rules in the war.

    But where do you draw the line? A single man who could endanger your platoon? Kill him.

    A village where someone shoots at your men? OK, order an airstirke!

    Reminds me of certain actions of German soldiers when fighting partisans. Take a few hostages and kill them if you don't get information.

    Hey, if it's for the mission...

    Sorry for the crude examples, but where do you actually draw the line? Is there any?

    I've been a soldier (thank god during peacetime), trained as a sniper/sharpshooter and I had lots of discussions with my comrades about these topic.

    I'm targeting an enemy soldier 500m away, he's sitting against a tree, smoking a cigarette. No danger for me. Could I kill him cold-blooded?

    I'm really glad I never was in a situation where I had to make such decisions.

  5. Originally posted by Lee:

    ParaBellum: Could you be a little more specific about the context of that quote?

    Sorry, Lee, but the author of the site didn't give much background on this one. It's only stated "He (Tex) also wrote:...".

    But still I disagree with you.

    The Kriegsvölkerrecht (international law of war) is quite clear in this case.

    Translated by me from german:

    II.1.) Military (combat) actions may directly only be used against armed enemy personal and military objects.

    V.1.) Civilians must not be attacked. They enjoy protection for their personal life, their honour, their family rights and religious beliefs. Under special protection are children, women and sick persons.

    I disagree that there are differences whether the civilians are "allies" or "enemies".

    Civilians are civilians. They are not armed and must not be attacked.

    What is the next step?

    On a patrol you make prisoners. They slow the advance, maybe endanger the mission. So, now what's to be done with them?

    The same as with the civilians you met that morning?

  6. Tools4fools, thx for the pics. The colours look a bit darker. Even the StuG looks really menacing. I remember that the camo especially on the StuG was, well, strange.

    As we said, a few of our modder should get a hand on it...

    Warphead, absolutely!

    And Lawyer, sounds very interesting but I doubt that I'll find the time for such a long trip.


    [ June 28, 2002, 09:37 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  7. Originally posted by Seanachai:


    Aaah! I knew it! You work in PR, don't you? :D

    Actually I found a pretty good, scientific way to calculate the release date of CMBB.

    OK, take a calculator and think about it.

    Think about T-34s, doodads, minedogs. Drink vodka. Then put your head in the freezer for at least two hours to simulate the harsh winter.

    Piss in your pants and eat soap to simulate the suffering of the soldiers.

    Then close your eyes and type 6 numbers into your calculator.

    Mine are:


    That's it. This is the scientifically prooved release date for CMBB. I hope I don't get into trouble with Madmatt for posting this.

    [ June 28, 2002, 09:25 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  8. I agree with you guys. War IS hell.

    There is a saying :"The first thing that dies in war is innocence."

    But some things in Tex' stories really give me chills...

    "Few men have lived the toughest parts of war. (for example)-being discovered by civilians while on patrol behind enemy lines, a soldier, right or wrong, does what he has to do, not to jeopardize the safety of the patrol."

    That sounds to me like killing unarmed, innocent people.

    Warcrimes anyone?

    [ June 27, 2002, 07:47 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  9. Originally posted by KnifeForkSpoon:


    I'm looking for more details about this operation...The book talks about a 30 mile advance in the first 24 hours. A furious "revolving battle" for the high ground around the village of Verkhne-Kumsky....

    Something like this?

    Action of 6.Panzerdivision around Verkhne Kumksy.

    Translated by me from german, so bear with me...

    ...The attack against Verkhne-Kumsky had to be executed by the I./Panzerregiment 11 alone, since the bridge over the river Aksai was destroyed after they crossed it.

    Still the village was captured until 12:00. When the bridge was repaired, the Kampfgruppe under the command of Oberst v.Hühnersdorff arrived in the early morning of December 14th and rolled into Verkhne-Kumsky. Leading -again- the II./Panzerregiment 11 under command of Major Dr.Bäke.

    The Red Army counterattacked on December 15th. Strong enemy tank forces were reported from Sogotskot and Dr. Bäke engaged them. The 6./Panzerregiment 11 was leading the attack, Oblt.Schreibert, their CO first made contact with the enemy.

    He reported: "At a distance of about 1000 m there was a group of 40 tanks; they were painted in white camo like ours, with black numbers on their turrets. The crews were outside their vehicles, obviously resting.

    We cautiously closed to about 600m. As the crews ran to their tanks, I was just able to shout 'Attention!' when already the commander's voice (Bäke) came over the radio: 'Russians. Open fire!'

    In the ensuing tank battle 36 enemy tanks were knocked out.

    On the whole day 43 enemy tanks were destroyed. They belonged to the soviet 3rd Tank Army that just entered the fight and a week earlier wasn't even in the area.

    On the morning of December 16th Oberst v.Hühnersdorff ordered the whole Panzerregiment 11 (with the exception of two companies under command of Major Löwe who were left behind in Verkhne-Kumsky) to move on. During the next hours about 300 enemy tanks appeared on the battlefield. About 100 German tanks opposed them. Until 11:00 the enemy had lost a large number of tanks.

    At this time Major Löwe called for help, since 20 to 30 enemy tanks were closing in on Verkhne Kumsky. At 11.10 he asked for permission to withdraw from the village. Oberst v.Hühnersdorff signaled back: 'Hold out, we're coming'

    Half an hour later a last signal from Major Löwe came through: 'Highest emergency! -Enemy in the village- Where is Bäke?'

    Oberst v.Hühnersdorff and Major Bäke discussed the situation briefly. Then the tank commanders were briefed on the situation: 'At maximum speed (drive) into Werkhne Kumsky! Relieving of the comrades without consideration of losses!'

    Major Bäke lead the tank group.

    Two companies that still had sufficient ammunition were leading, three others were following them. They were racing into the village like the storm, right into the center. There, the staff of I./Panzerregiment 11 was found. All officers were wounded. Burning tanks as far as the eye could see. Hauptmann Wild, commander of 4./Panzerregiment 11 and the remaining tanks of the 6./Panzerregiment 11 drove on to the eastern part of the village to rescue the wounded. After that the Kampfgruppe thrust to the south towards Saliwskij. 19 German tanks had been knocked out, five more had suffered technical problems. The enemy lost 23 tanks...

    From "Panzertechnik 39-45", F. Kurowski.

    [ June 26, 2002, 01:44 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  10. Originally posted by panzeranklopfgeraet:

    ...Parabellum, in the uhum...drug picture, the shadow under your nose gives you a slight resemblance to a certain WWII dictator. Maybe he was he on drugs too?


    Yes... If ever the guys in the "Contra'N" (a left wing scene bar in Mannheim where the beer on tuesdays is pretty cheap) see this pic I might be in trouble....

    But then I might get a free drink in the "blood&iron" comeradeship 'round the corner...


  11. Originally posted by DSS Barbarossa:

    I remember hearing that there was the 2nd Company (founded in 1939) as a part of the 9th Infantry Division of the Dutch Royal Army. One of their most successful missions was in 1942; they stole a German King Tiger tank and blew a German defense line to bits and pieces. One way believe they got their name the “Tiger” Company

    A King Tiger in 1942? I highly doubt that...

    [ June 23, 2002, 12:13 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  12. Marcus, glad to hear that.

    If there's one thing to rely on, it's the unreliability of the DB... ;)

    Kerry, after a coke, some beers in the Biergarten (man, THAT was a scary place... :D ) Tools4fools and me (a swiss, a german) ended up in an Irish Pub in Mannheim.

    Talk about Völkerverständigung...

  13. Originally posted by lcm1947:

    I've read few things on this forum that made me smile more then your following post Parabellum.


    I just set up a small test.

    An axis 5000 pts force as attacker in an assault QB with 200% bonus gets 26250 points.

    With this I bought 118 veteran Tigers.

    For the allies I bought a conscript british rifle platoon.

    And a PIAT team.

    Anyone want a PBEM?

    I prefer axis.


    That was very witty my friend. Thanks for the laugh this early in the morning. smile.gif

    Thx lcm1947, I do my best... :D
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