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Posts posted by ParaBellum

  1. tools4fools, you're welcome!

    K_Tiger just emailed me that he could also make it both on 15th and 22nd, so I would propose to make the trip on June, 22nd.

    Any suggestions on what time we should meet?

    Again, just to start with something, how about 3 pm, 15 Uhr Mannheimer Standardzeit.

    The museum is opened 'til 7pm, so we should have more than enough time.

    BTW I guess it's time for some reconaissance in the Sinsheim region concerning Biergärten...

    [ June 06, 2002, 10:37 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  2. Ok, so far we got three guys interested. Mike8g, Warphead and K_Tiger. And me, that's four.

    For me also both the 15th and 22nd would be OK.

    K_Tiger, that's OK for you, too?

    Since my car finally gave up last month I planned to go to Sinheim by rail. But hey, if someone manages to stop by in Mannheim, I wouldn't be too unhappy. smile.gif

    And Kerry, sorry, no digicam here...

    But I'm sure someone will bring along one.

    [ June 06, 2002, 09:42 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  3. Ooops, of course, Munster! It's been a few years since I've been there. And it's even farther away than Münster...


    Just something to start with, how about June 15th (saturday), about 1 1/2 weeks from now.

    To early? Comments?

    And Warphead, in what kind of museum did you get your tripper? :D

    [ June 05, 2002, 02:52 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  4. Hi Scheer, thx.

    Actually I've already been to the Panzermuseum in Münster before. Great variety of tanks, more than in Sinsheim, yep. But then, in Sinsheim are also planes, cars and other stuff, and most important, it's not so far away from where I live (Mannheim) ;) .

    Münster is about 350km, so it's quite some trip.

    If some people rather want to visit Münster, I think we could do this also.

    But I think for the guys from southern Germany Sinsheim would be a good start.

    Interesting stuff, not too far away.

    Well, we'll see if there's interest at all...

    edited because Münster is not the same as Munster, redface.gif and that one is about 500km from Mannheim. A bit distant for a saturday afternoon trip...

    [ June 05, 2002, 02:56 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  5. For a long time now I wanted to visit the Technik Museum in Sinsheim.

    Technik Museum Sinsheim

    Watch all these vehicles we see in CM in real life! Panthers, Shermans, etc...

    So, I thought about doing this together with other Combat Mission addicts.

    Since the museum is in Germany, about 120km south of Frankfurt and about 80 km north-west of Stuttgart I guess it mostly appeals to german CM fans, although of course everyone is invited to join.

    The museum is pretty easy to reach, either by car or by train.

    So, anyone interested in a trip to the museum, maybe on a Saturday afternoon, combined with a little visit to a nice Biergarten afterwards for some (not so) groggy talk?

    [ June 05, 2002, 10:15 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  6. As BTS, oops, I mean BFC have said, they're working hard to give us truely great game. A bone thrown in more often? Sure, why not.

    But then, knowing this board a bit we all know that just posting a pic won't do.

    Soon the questions will rattle them like a Mg42 an immobile hamster.

    "Hey! I don't like the colour of that brush left of the T-34!"

    "The shape of the crosses on the graveyard seems odd to me!" (real question, btw)

    "Is there a fuzzy little creature hidden in these rubble pics?" (real question, btw)

    "On the rear of that romanian tankette I count 132 bolts. According to Dumbo, 1965 "Tanks and Teens, Vol.II there should be only 131..."

    And to all these posts BFC will have to answer, otherwise they're an evil company that doesn't care for us...

    Lots of time and effort for such a small company.

    As Dan said, I'd rather have another fancy vehicle to blow up then a few preview pics.

    If any other company would give away so few about a new game, I'd probably loose interest.

    But then, there's simply no game that kept me playing it nearly everyday for two years now!

    And I'm playing computer games now for more than 15 years...

    So, stop your whining, bear it like a hamster...ah, man that you are!

  7. As Panzerwerfer said, that's out of the scope of CM. With most CM battles lasting only 30-60 minutes the chance of a breakdown would be pretty small.

    You can simulate this in scenarios, where your forces or reinforcements miss some vehicles.

    Just mention in the briefing that the Panther platoon seems to have some technical problems and only place three (or one, if you're truely evil) on the map...

  8. Originally posted by Nac4:

    ...Perhaps I should have taken a few breaths prior to writing and posed a question rather than a statement. Admittedly that would have been more productive...


    Since I first had a look at this BBS over two years ago I was always astonished about BTS' willingness to discuss certain aspects of CM, listen to others and explain their point of view.

    When certain questions were asked for the threehundredst time, I was often surprised how calmly they reacted...

    Your post came along very rude, since in effect you told BTS that they didn't care for their customers wishes.

    No wonder that their answer came a little harsh, too...

    Originally posted by Nac4:

    ...Though again I feel that without an Operational overlay it is incomplete and thus faulted...

    Well, that's your opinion. I have absolutely no problem with this and enjoy CM every day.

    Would I like to see some 'campaign style' gameplay in CM? Sure, why not.

    But then, I'd like to see an end to absolute spotting, better arty modelling, horses, motorcycles, tanks exploding and turrets getting knocked off...

    And since BTS' repeatedly said that an operational layer for CM would be very hard to implement I'd rather see some other features.

  9. Took the low countries and France and invaded great Britain! :D

    I took London, got a message that the english government retreated to Manchester and then the scenario ended.

    Looks like Operation Sealion was a winner!

    [ May 20, 2002, 10:00 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  10. Originally posted by Skipper:

    I wonder, if anyone has similar figures for the whole vehicles park of that division (it's safe to guess that Tigers were priority #1 to evacuate and fix).

    4 july 1943:

    PzIII : 59

    Pz IVs : 5

    Pz IVl : 42

    Pz VI : 11

    Bef.Pz : 8

    StuGs : 28 => 153 tanks

    8 july 1943:

    PzIII : 52

    Pz IVs : 7

    Pz IVl : 28

    Pz VI : 5

    Bef.Pz : 7

    StuGs : 13 => 112 tanks

    9 july 1943:

    PzIII : 47

    Pz IVs : 7

    Pz IVl : 20

    Pz VI : 2

    Bef.Pz : 5

    StuGs : 12 => 93 tanks

    10 july 1943:

    PzIII : 48

    Pz IVs : 7

    Pz IVl : 21

    Pz VI : 2

    Bef.Pz : 5

    StuGs : 21 => 104 tanks

    11 july 1943:

    PzIII : 54

    Pz IVs : 4

    Pz IVl : 26

    Pz VI : 10

    Bef.Pz : 7

    StuGs : 20 => 121 tanks

    13 july 1943:

    PzIII : 32

    Pz IVs : 3

    Pz IVl : 14

    Pz VI : 0

    Bef.Pz : 5

    StuGs : 20 => 74 tanks

    15 july 1943:

    PzIII : 28

    Pz IVs : 3

    Pz IVl : 17

    Pz VI : 7

    Bef.Pz : 6

    StuGs : 20 => 81 tanks

    16 july 1943:

    PzIII : 30

    Pz IVs : 4

    Pz IVl : 23

    Pz VI : 9

    Bef.Pz : 7

    StuGs : 20 => 93 tanks

    From Glantz, "The Battle of Kursk"

    He uses the "Tagesmeldungen" (daily reports) of the various divisions and corps to determine the armour strenth.

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