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Posts posted by ParaBellum

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Brian:

    And, out of a matter of interest, whats the minimum arming range for a German WWII HE round of that calibre?

    (hint, I think you'll find its a bit further than 5 metres...)<hr></blockquote>

    Well possible. But since it is not modelled in CM...

    Just area targeted a house 5m away from a 150mm inf gun. They didn't hesitate for a second to blow themself up...

  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CombatGeneral:

    Also, i just played a night fight , and when I sent in two companies into a small town , they were up against maybe a company of germans, and all but two squads routed, whats up with that? they were british airborne, tough sob's.<hr></blockquote>

    Yeah, you're right. The modelling of infantry combat in this game is crap.

    I can only recommend to stop playing CM and start playing some serious WW2 sim.

    Just head over to day of defeat, I'm sure you will be very comfortable with a comunity that matches your vast knowledge of military science, fine manners and polite behaviour.

    Goodbye, you'll be missed...


  3. Not bad, maybe I'm buying it when it's finished...

    Just kidding! :D

    A W E S O M E !!!

    Especially the line with the T-34s cruising through the wheatfields! And the factories! And ski units! And the new commands! And the more realistic Arty!

    Did I already mention this is awesome?

    [ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]</p>

  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lindan:

    Watch your tongue, and be careful who you call a 'kraut'! People on this board, including me, had to endure you blatant stupidity, non-existent education and questionable views regarding the world as a whole and especially WWII, for a very long time now. You would be better off if you started to think before you write about topics you don't understand.


    Hey, Lindan!

    Read my mind, didn't you?

  5. Aaaargh! Not again. The dreaded swastika debate...

    Just a few days before there was the same stuff on the Il2 forum.

    As already pointed out the laws here in Germany forbids the use of the Swastika in a non-historical, non-eductional context.

    As CM is per definition still a "game" it was BTS decision to not implement them in order to get no legal problems. Thanks to the open architecture of CM it's quite easy to modidy BMPs, so if you want a "historical" flag, download one.

    If you want to write a book about the history of a Panzer division and include pictures of Swastikas in it, no problem. If you watch a WW2 movie with swastikas in it, no problem.

    Actually, I just a read a mag that contained no less than 10 swastikas in different articles about WW2 and neo-nacism.

    Many guys, especially the non-europeans (ahem...) don't understand the purposes of these laws. I've heard so much BS about this topic ("the germans want to hide their history, oh my god! my personal freedom is attacked, CENSORSHIP"! yaddayaddayadda...

    Games like Return to castle W. are modified by the publisher if they are to be sold in Germany. In RTCW you're not fighting against Nazis, but against the "clan of the wolfs" and Heinrich Höller...

    If you think that's strange, look at "Giants".

    In the US version of this game the naked godess Delphi got a shirt so as not to trouble american sentiments...

    Here, no swastikas, there, no boobs. Strange world, isn't it?


    [ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]</p>

  6. Ok I just did a test to try this out.

    A german 81mm spotter in a building with LOS to some woods. I targeted the woods, waited 'till the shells started falling then run back to a spot without LOS to the target area.

    I noticed two things:

    1.) Once the spotter started to run the spread of the shells impacting the ground became much wider, like firing without LOS.

    2.) When I tried to retarget the woods I got the no-LOS-line and the countdown for the arty to react doubled just as usual when targeting areas out of LOS.

    So, I don't see any bugs here.

    Question: You did get the green targeting line even though your target was out of LOS? Never seen that before.

    [ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]</p>

  7. Well, it all depends on the situation.

    You're holding a VL and still have some usuable forces left? Continue the game.

    Are your forces reduced to a handful of panicked squads hiding in the corners of the map? Surrender.

    I recall a TCP/IP game against 109Gustav (correct me if I'm wrong).

    We played a battle with me being Brits attacking his Germans. He played extremely well, inflicting heavy losses on my infantry. I finally pushed him back using brute force (e.g. heavy arty and Churchill VIIs) rather than clever tactics.

    When he asked for a ceasefire I agreed, although one or two VLs where now virtually undefended and I only had to advance to them.

    We both knew that, so no need to carry on.

    After all, it's not about winning or losing, it's about having a great time with great guys.

  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Brian:

    Perhaps you should take the matter up with Mr.Guderian? Afterall, he was writing from German sources. He was also a veteran of that war and had served with many of the staff officers who had planned the various operations during WWI.<hr></blockquote>

    Still don't agree with you. Although i respect Guderian very much and have read most of his publications i think he's wrong in this aspect.

    Maybe Guderian, always looking for cases in which the infantry wasn't able to achieve breakthroughs in order to underline the need for tank divisions was a little biased here.

    Falkenhayn mentioned that he didn't see a possibility to achieve a decisive breakthrough on the western front since the numerical advantage of the allies was already too big (150:119 Divisions).

    And, when looking back at the allied attacks of 1915 he saw that even with a numerical advantage those attacks ended only with terrible losses for the attacker.

    His plan for the Verdun offensive was to use a lot of arty but only a small force of infantry (10 Divisions). The infantry should capture the heights at Verdun IN FRONT OF the fortress so that the arty could shell the city and the fortresses. For the french high command there were only 2 options. Give up Verdun or try to recapture the dominating hills with (expected) horrible losses. He wanted to attack sharp and briefly and then use the advantages of defensive warfare to "bleed out" the french troops.

    Source: Office for military science (Germany)

    [ 12-14-2001: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]</p>

  9. The numbers seem to start at the back of the turret with "0" and then continue clockwise to 360 (?).

    Look at "90" which is at the exact left o fthe turret.

    Why they painted it that way I cannot say. Perhaps the TC had problems with battlefield navigation.

    "Gunner, T 34 at 1000m at...ah, left of us-wait...a little bit more to the left... no, more right...no, a little bit more... yeah, that's the one..."

    So the crew just painted kind of a compass onto their tank... :D

  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Brian:

    Unfortunately, you're wrong. Having just finished rereading Guderian's "Actung Panzer" he makes the point that in reality, the Germans made a post-ipso facto justification for Verdun. In reality, Falkenhayne sought a breakthrough initially at Verdun. It was not until he was checked, that he change the justification for events to that of supposedly having planned an attritional battle from the beginning.<hr></blockquote>

    I don't agree with you here, Brian. When I visited Verdun in 1993 the french historican who led us told us that the German army could've taken Verdun by concentrating on certain areas in the early stages of the battle.

    This was not done because of Falkenhayn's plan of Verdun as a "Blutmühle" (literally "bloodmill", meatgrinder)for the french army. When I visited Verdun a year later with the german-french brigade french officers told me the same.

    Why should someonce enforce a breakthrough in one the most fortified areas of that time?

    [ 12-14-2001: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]</p>

  11. If you want more realistic casualty rates, try and play with green/conscript troops.

    While regular/veteran troops will often suffer heavy losses without retreating, green/conscript troops will panik and run home often after 1 or 2 casualties.

    When using low quality troops you have to concentrate much more on covering fire or using smoke to conceal movement. No more "frontal assaults" over 300m of open terrain...

    And MG positions are getting quite tough to overcome since they can rout enemy squads pretty quickly.

  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Rommel22:

    Well I don't, but my dog does!<hr></blockquote>

    So you personally, ahem, "trained" him?


    My girlfriend just glanced over my shoulder to see what i was doing.

    Now she has such strange look in her eyes...

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