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Posts posted by ParaBellum

  1. Originally posted by John Kettler:

    The Germans had lots of railway artillery, and it featured prominently in the initial Barbarossa attacks, being easy to mass.

    Lots of them?

    According to Feldgrau.com 21 were produced between 1939 and '45.

    What numbers do Chamberlain&Ellis give?

    BTW John, you're sure about the 280mm gun in CMBO?

    All I can find is the 240mm gun, which isn't a railroad gun.

    [ July 16, 2002, 04:51 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  2. Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

    ...I just want to see both sides have everyhting implemented, not like in CMBO where the allies have some things i think are pretty cool modeled(wich should be) yet the Germans have some key things missing from their arsenal. (best machinegun of the war way under modeled for one example)....

    So, you want to have everything implemented? OK,let's wait another two years for the release. I want horses, minedogs, field kitchens, the ability to cut barb wire, indirect fire for on-map arty...

    So you think the Allies have an advantage in CMBO? You might elaborate on that?

    And you know that the problem with current MG modelling concerns all MGs?

    [ July 16, 2002, 04:19 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  3. Gaylord, I'd recommend rather posting your questions in one thread than opening four sepearate threads within a few minutes.

    To your question:

    I'd rather doubt to see railguns in CMBB.

    These should be well out of CMBB's scope, which concentrates on tactical fighting.

    The famous 'Dora' 80cm gun for example had a maximum fire rate of three rounds per hour.

    For the typical 30 minutes CM game not THAT interesting.

    Interesting note: all in all the 'crew' of 'Dora' included (including two Flak Abteilungen) more than 4000 men, commanded by a General Major.

    [ July 16, 2002, 12:04 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  4. That's one of the reasons why I have so much respect for these guys.

    From the very beginning they made no promises, but rather told us "...we'll look into it, but there are more important things to do in our opinion...".

    And IMO they're right.

    Maybe it would've been easy for them to give in to this very popular request and leave other features THEY consider far more important (MGs anyone?) out.

    But they decided to stick to their agenda and have rather substance than eye-candy.

    I guess the problem is just to try to incorporate as many important features as possible.

    What is important? And what can be done with limited manpower and time?

    "Hey, you want better simulated MGs?"


    "You want relative spotting?


    "You want scantily clad female partisans?"

    "Of course!"


    In the games bizz I've seen so many broken promises...Hell! I've seen features advertized on game boxes that never actually made it into the game!

    BFC is an unusual exception in this bizz.


  5. *air sirens howling*

    "Mr.President, this is NORAD Strategic Air Command, General Freemont speaking. Our satelites just confirmed a leak in the Cesspool.

    They're spilling into the outerboards!

    The government is being evacuated as I speak. "

    "The Cesspool? Hell! I knew it would happen one day.

    OK, plaster the whole region with ICMBs! If they survive this we'll have to take plan B into account."

    "You mean Britney Spears?"

    "Yes. Prepare her to be dropped by a B-52."

    "Sir, this would be a rather extreme measure."

    "General, the fate of the civilized world is at stake! You have your orders."

    "Yes Sir!"

    [ July 16, 2002, 10:35 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  6. Welcome to the forum, Hawkeye.

    The Peng challenge a.k.a. the Cesspool?

    Well, it's actually a place where new CM players can find opponents for PBEM or TCP/IP games.

    The people there are famous for their hospitality and are always eager to have a polite conversation with what they call SSN's...

    Just ask nicely.


  7. Originally posted by Bruno Weiss:

    ...and the fact that, they didn't have CM. :D

    Lol! :D

    "Look, Sergeant, I know there's a Tiger on that hill. That's why I called you.

    So now you and Chuck take your Greyhounds, go full speed and flank that Tiger.

    Then you'll get him with a flank shot.

    At least one of you will survive.

    Any questions?"

    [ July 15, 2002, 06:30 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  8. Well, you have to consider that much of the Tiger's fame (in the eyes of the western allies) came from the north african battles of 42/43. At this time it was really kind of an invulnerable monster. Heavily armoured, with a powerful gun and experienced crews.

    The appearance of Tigers at that time really could inspire fear in allied troops.

    By 1944 this had already changed.

    The introduction of the 76mm and 17 pounder guns in allied tanks changed the situation. Since the Tiger's armour wasn't angled it became more and more vulnerable, especially to tungsten rounds.

    But a 75mm armed Sherman still would rather run away than fight a Tiger head-on.

    And you have to take into account that the average experience of allied tank crews were quite low in 1944 due to heavy losses in the african/italian campaign and (even more important) the need to train so many new crews for the enlargement of the army.

    [ July 15, 2002, 06:09 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  9. Thx Nekander, didn't see that.

    Very interesting stuff, thx for posting it.

    And rexford, I guess the pretty low hit chances you quote are due to 'all ammo types used'.

    When using 90mm APDS rounds at 500m vs a static tank the figure rises to 90 %.

    So I think for 350 yards you'd get an even higher percentage.

    I did a quick test to compare some figures to CM.

    For the 90mm the first hit propability in CM at 1000m vs a tank (Panther) is 33% for a regular crew and 38% for a veteran crew.

    The data given in the article for the 90mm (representative for the Korean war, including increased effectiveness of range-finders and fire control systems) gives a first hit probability vs a static, tank-sized target of 65%. Wow, looks like there had been quite some improvements since WW2.

    For the 76mm the first hit propability in CM at 1000m vs a Panther is 31% with a reg crew and 36% with a vet crew.

    This is quite higher than the figure given in the article (representative for WWII), which is 21%.

    So, the 76mm gun in CM seems somewhat too acurate compared to these data, while the CM 90mm obviously has a much worse performance than the 'Korean War 90mm'. Does anyone know what kind of improvements were done on the 90mm after WWII?

    [ July 15, 2002, 02:08 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  10. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    ...Q - But I want to find some reason to yell at CDV. OK, copy protection... I hate their copy protection!! What about that?...


    Well, sorry if you got that impression, but IMO that's not the point.

    As stated earlier two of my friends have problems with the CDV version of CMBO. I bought mine directly from you and don't have any problems.

    So I think being concerned about that is not whining or CDV bashing.

    Anyway, thx for taking the time to reply. I think we all know how hard you guys are working to give us a truely outstanding game.

    [ July 10, 2002, 04:53 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  11. Originally posted by illo:

    People never learn.

    Censorship goes on like in nazi era. :eek:

    Ridicilous. :D

    Illo, this is a very dumb post.

    It shows you know nothing about how these things work here in Germany. Some Nazi symbols are forbidden to be shown here in Germany, if not for historical/educational purpose. These include swastikas and SS-runes.

    You want to view a documentation or read a book about WW2?

    No problem, full of swastikas, no censorship at all.

    You want to parade through the streets with a swastika flag?

    No chance, buddy.

    Nazi symbols on toys? Sorry, computer games ARE toys. Again, no chance.

    And I fully agree with that, too.

    To compare present Germany's laws with the Nazi tyranny is, I said it before, dumb.

  12. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    ...What games to you know of that had SS runes or Totenkopf symbols in them? We honestly tried to find some sort of preceedent to show the ratings board that we were not the first. We also tried to find a game that clearly labled units as Waffen SS, but failed to find anything of that sort distributed in Germany (or by a German company). If you know of any, it would be good to about them....

    Steve, as I said in my post the inclusion of Waffen-SS units in CMBO as it is now, is not against german law. I don't see SS-runes or other Nazi symbols in the game.

    BTW Talon Soft's Western Front includes SS-units. I don't have Eastern Front right here but I'm pretty sure it includes SS-units, too. Both Eastern Front and Western Front were successful wargames here in Germany, just a look in my (german) manual shows SS-Panzergrenadiere, SS-Schützen, hell, they even have SS-cavalry! ;) And the Close Combat series, another very popular wargame here also inlcudes SS-units.

    These games never had any problem with our BPjS.

    Again to make it clear:

    Show SS-runes or swastikas in a computer game here in Germany and you're in trouble. The inclusion of these troops in a wargame that covers WWII and portrays them in a way that does not glorify SS or Nazi ideology is a different shoe.

    And to the 'sloppy translation', there was a thread some time ago on the CDV board where some kind souls tried to alter some of the more obvious errors with a hex editor.

    And I remember the uproar caused by CDV's copy protection when Sudden Strike came out. A lot of people couldn't play it on their machines and had to wait for a patch to fix this.

    Two of my friends who bought the CDV version of CMBO have problems running it on their DVD drives due to the copy protection mechanism.

    So, again I respect your decision from a business point of view but I remain a little cautious about CDV.

    BTW please don't take this as ungrateful whining but as concerns from a big supporter.

    [ July 10, 2002, 12:08 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  13. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:


    CDV is simply obeying German law and therefore should not be looked down upon for this....

    As I said before I respect your and CDV's decision but it's still not that clear to me.

    The inclusion of Waffen-SS units in CM is not against german law. Not as it is now, without the SS-runes and without glorifying the Waffen-SS in any way (Waffen-SS units in CM are not better than standard Heer units).

    I know of no wargame that got legal problems because of the inclusion of Waffen-SS units.

    A further problem for me is that the german translation of CMBO on some parts was rather sloppy. With this in mind I think I wait for CDV to surprise me in a positive way, otherwise I'll have to contact some US friends.

  14. Ugh, buying from CDV. I'm not too happy with that idea...

    But then BTS/BFC have stated that their cooperation works very well so far. And since I will support BFC (almost) whatever they do I guess that means buying from, well, CDV.

    But NO WAY I'm gonna buy the localized (german) version if it's again that badly translated as CMBO.

    I really hope they will offer both the 'original' version AND the german version here...

  15. I just killed Fluffy, my neighbour's cat. No more miaoooo at 3 AM...

    Then I painted the letters CMBB with her blood across the wall.

    Now I'm sitting in a pentagram with lit torches all around me and solemnly chant the telephone number of joey's pizza service.

    This I'll keep doing until CMBB is released.

    Or the bad men come and take me away.


    [ July 08, 2002, 07:37 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

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