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Posts posted by ParaBellum

  1. Originally posted by K_Tiger:

    Ich àbe gar keine `Ändy.....*schähm*.. ;)

    Isch 'abe gar keine Handy... *nicht wirklich schäm*

    OK, my phone number is on the way...

    [edited 'cause even a single line without spellchecker can be embarassing...]

    [ June 20, 2002, 12:44 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  2. Hehe, gut was los hier auf einmal... :D

    OK, K_Tiger, tools4fools, dann treffen wir uns am Samstag am Mannheimer Hbf.

    K_Tiger, direkt vor dem Hauptbahnhof ist schwierig, da kannst Du nämlich nicht mit dem Auto hinfahren.

    Am einfachsten ist wirklich die Hbf-Tiefgarage.

    Du fährst einfach zum Hbf, und wirst automatisch in die Tiefgarage geleitet.

    Frage Uhrzeit? 12Uhr, dann hätten wir ein Stündchen bis Sinsheim, sollte reichen.

  3. Originally posted by Dirtweasle:

    That is the strangest darn thing. I've seen the TacAI have problems with multiple threats up close, but never anything like that.

    Yes Kerry, I've been playing CMBO now for nearly two years, but this will be my all-time favourite...

    From now on I can always say:"Ah, that's nothing...I once had an M18 who targeted..."

    Hehehe...Yes, who's this Faller guy?

    Maybe Steve&Charles know him...

    Maybe they coded a little "special (in-)ability" into Sgt.Fallers AI...


    [ June 16, 2002, 04:32 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  4. Hm, some can see the pics, some can't. 'Guess it's time for a new pic hosting site.

    And yes, boy was I pissed.

    My opponent just mailed me that this was the last round of the Schreck team...

    Well, for the ones who can't see the pics, click the photo album link.

    This morning my neighbors gave me some queer looks when I met them.

    I guess if I had explained it to them ("see, there was this M18 tank destroyer firing at a german panzerschreck team and...") it wouldn't have changed anything at all...

  5. I got a new nomination for my dumbest bloke on the western front award.

    My favourite recipient thus far was Unteroffizier Hahman, who managed to miss a Sherman M4 with his Panther from a distance of 11 meters.

    On a clear day.

    But even this action fades into nothingness compared to what Sergeant Faller just did in a PBEM.

    Well, I'll let these pics do the talking...

    In the first one we have Sgt.Faller's M18 engage a german Panzerschreck team that already had fired a shot, missing him barely...


    Ah, what do we have here? Looks like Sgt.Faller got distracted somewhat. He decided a new threat needed to be dealt with at once!


    What could lead him to stop firing at an enemy AT team less than 100m away from his tank? A Tiger? An 88 flak? The Führer himself?



    Yes, an enemy infantry squad (reduced to three men, btw) at a distance of 1626 m!!!


    What happens next? Yeah, you know...


    My neighbors surely thought I just killed someone when they heard my cry...

    Edit: hmm, strange. I can't get my pics to show up here. I use lycos and never had that problem before...

    Go to

    photo album to see the pics.

    [ June 16, 2002, 11:50 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  6. Originally posted by Sarge Saunders:

    Where did you pentrate the Panthers?


    All of the shots ricocheted off the frontal glacis. Tungsten or not.

    Later some penetrated the front turret, knocking out two Panthers.

    After two minutes we had seven dead M10s and two dead Panthers...

    [ June 13, 2002, 02:21 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  7. Originally posted by Sarge Saunders:

    This is true to be sure. But I still wonder about my original question: "Will an allied tank EVER fire Tungsten at an unidentified enemy tank even after a ricochet?"


    Just did a quick test.

    Seven regular M10s against seven regular Panthers.

    Distance is around 800 meters, clear LOS.

    Three of the seven M10s decided to instantly use Tungsten rounds on the Panther(?)s, even with their first shot.

    So yes, allied tanks use Tungsten rounds at unindentified enemy tanks.

    Since I setup the test in May '45 all of the M10s had 5-8 Tungsten rounds, quite a lot of them.

    The quantity of Tungsten rounds surely influences the crew's decision to use them on unindentified tanks.

  8. Maybe the problem is that Tungsten rounds are actually less effective against highly sloped armour as on the Panther's front glacis.

    So, why waste Tungsten when you can't penetrate the armour anyway?

    If you hit the turret, normal AP will do the job, if the distance is not too big.

    If you hit the front glacis, well, Tugsten won't help you...

    And hey, anyone who engages a Panther frontally witch less than a Super Pershing deserves what you got... tongue.gif

  9. Ein guter Treffpunkt wäre der Hauptbahnhof.

    Mit dem Auto leicht zu erreichen (Mannheim Mitte bis Wasserturm, dann links zum HBf, ist alles ausgeschildert, sollte kein Problem sein).

    Wir könnten uns dort in der Tiefgarage am Eingang zum Bhf treffen, verfehlen kann man sich da eigentlich nicht, die Tiefgarage ist nicht sehr gross und hat auch nur ein Stockwerk.

  10. Panzerankopfgerät, na wunderbar!

    Und Deinen Schwiegervater kannst Du gerne mitbringen, ist bestimmt interessant mit ihm zu sprechen.

    Hammelburg? Da war ich doch auch 'mal ein paar Wochen...

    tools4fools, K_Tiger wollte mit dem Auto kommen, wenn wir ihn nett fragen macht er vieleicht einen Zwischenstopp in Mannheim.

    Wenn nicht, würde ich selber fahren, Du bist dann herzlich eingeladen.


    Ah, K_Tiger, gutes timing.. :D

    Würde mich freuen, wenn Du mich mitnehmen würdest!

    [ June 11, 2002, 10:07 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  11. Originally posted by panzeranklopfgeraet:

    Hi Guys,

    room for one more? I wouldn't mind seeing the museum again. I'll have to make the trip with the family, but they understand that I will most likely "disappear" for a couple of hours. Alright with y'all if I join you? Can you put up with an Ami for a few hours?



    You're welcome, Chris!

    The more the merrier.

    And Mike8g, nice flag! :D

  12. Originally posted by Warphead-:

    Wir sind ja nicht zum Spass hier! Nur Dinge in der Klasse von Weltuntergängen halten mich auf!

    P.S.: Wie kommst Du zu einer CMBB Flagge? :D

    Das ist die richtige Einstellung!

    Äh, in Ermangelung einer Flagge könnte ich ja auch das CMBO Handbuch schwenken...

  13. Oh...

    Kein Problem für mich, da die deutsche Elf ja sowieso:

    A.) Weltmeister wird

    B.) im Achtelfinale 'rausfliegt

    BTW sind diese "Anmeldungen" definitiv oder steh' ich am 22. alleine mit meiner CMBB Flagge vor dem Sinsheimer Museum?


    würde mich tatsächlich sehr freuen, wenn 4-5 deutsche CM-Spieler den Weg nach Sinsheim finden würden.

    [ June 08, 2002, 10:02 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  14. Michael I would like to contribute to that, since I havent't found anything like that so far on the net.

    I know one or two guys who are currently studying at Bundeswehr universities who are interested in this as well.

    'Guess with their help I could hopefully dig something out...

    And then I still got some friends in my old batallion who should be able to help me.

    Edited 'cause Micheal and Michael are too difficult at 3.30 am...

    [ June 08, 2002, 09:34 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  15. Thx for the link, Andreas. Indead, a nice change from the typical Elite-SS-Fallschirmjäger-Königstiger sites...

    My grandfather also served in the Leningrad region in 41/42 with the 4. Gebirgsjägerdivision.

    Michael, as far as I know (which isn't much BTW) there isn't a list showing the "Heimatstandorte" for german divisions.

    At least I didn't find any...

    Sometimes you'll stumble across information regarding this topic, e.g. the 371st Division from "the northern shore of lake constance" (A.Beevor, Stalingrad) or the 'Berlin 3rd Panzer Division', the 'Vienna 2nd Panzer Division'.

    I'm sure you know it already but

    feldgrau.com is often helpful in these issues.

    If anyone knows where to find such information, please post it here.

    [ June 08, 2002, 08:58 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  16. Originally posted by Sitting Duck:

    Please post some pictures for those of us that can't go!

    Hehe, sure!

    You'll see Warphead's Chicks&tanks, Mike8g and K_Tiger's Äppelwoi/Flens contest and me trying to leave the museum secretly with an AT gun...

    Scheer, no problem when you want to post some pics here.

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