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Posts posted by ParaBellum

  1. When I was in the Bundeswehr we once had manoeuvres with the german-french brigade in France in Camp Mourmelon in the Verdun region.

    Once when I came back from the woods where our camp was, I asked my staff sergeant what the plastic flags meant I saw next to my personal toilet area...

    He told me that these flags were markers for WW1 shells and grenades and that I better be carefull where to sh*** here...

    Since there were so many duds lying around the french simply couldn't destroy them all.

    Needless to say from then on I got VERY careful in choosing where to relieve myself...

    Once I was on patrol in some woods when we found some human bones.

    We didn't touch them but informed the french authorities so that 80 years after these horrible battles the remains of that soldier could be burried on a cemetery among with his comrades.

    After you've seen the countless rows of crosses and the "bone house" near Douaumont you loose your interest in battlefield tourism...

    [ February 21, 2002, 01:31 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  2. One of my all-time favourites is a quote by General Halder, the army chief of staff from mid-July 1941.

    Translated from german:

    "One can now already say that the task of the Heer of destroying the mass of the russian army west of Düna and Dnjepr is accomplished.

    It's no exaggeration when I state that the russian campaign was won within 14 days..."

    A classic.

    [ February 19, 2002, 08:47 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  3. Originally posted by medlinke:

    Some features are a dynamic battlefield seen in 3rd person 3d with buildings and

    units to scale, your troops report battlefield situations to you and they

    might not be accurate and other interesting innovations...

    A wargame in 3d? A mixture of turn-based and real-time?? Come on, get real!

    I'm sure if such a small company with only two employees would ever finish such a product nobody would buy it...

    After all we all know how "the industry" works...


    Do you really think two people can achieve what the big companies can't do?


    [ February 18, 2002, 11:12 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  4. Actually british tanks are not that bad. Take a Firefly with the 17pdr gun for example. You need something to kill Panthers and Tigers? Here it is.

    Or need some armour? Try a Churchill VII. No more worries about 75mm Pak.

    Or some fast Daimler armoured cars with their 40mm gun with high ROF, very handy when dealing with Pz IVs!

    The tank you you mention is the Churchill AVRE. IIRC it was designed to destroy bunkers with its hollow charge shells.

    The low muzzle velocity is because it's more like a giant PIAT than a tank gun.

    A quick search with "AVRE" should give you more details on that one.

    [ February 18, 2002, 11:41 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  5. Originally posted by JAK:

    It seems that if a tiger could take that much damage (and this has happened multiple times) that a tiger in CM:BO is just a shadow of its true self. If you get a hit on a tiger with a 76mm AT gun it is a sure kill and that is made suspect by the amount of 76.2mm AT rounds absorbed by the Tigers mentioned here. My question is, if the T-34 originally mounted a 76mm gun and couldn't usually hope to kill a Tiger with that and the 85mm upgrade still wasn't exactly enough than how could the 57mm and 75mm 76mm AT/Tank guns hope in any way to kill a Tiger in real life as easily as they do in CM:BO? I think there are some serious discrepencys here and hopefully its not to late to fix them for CM:BB.

    JAK just because two guns have the same caliber doesn't mean they offer the same performance. The russian 76mm and the US 76mm are not the same guns.

    The russian 7,62L41 gun of the T34 had a muzzle velocity of 625m/s. At 500m it penetrated 75mm of 30° sloped armour.

    The US 76mm guns had a muzzle velocity of 793m/s. It penetrated 89mm of 30° sloped armour.

    With HVAP (Tungsten) rounds the US 76mm penetrated 169mm of 30° sloped armour.

    So your asumption that the Tiger in CMBO is "just a shadow of itself" isn't true.

    The performance of the russian 7,62cm gun is comparable to the US 75mm gun of the "vanilla" Shermans.

    Take 10 Shermans with 75mm guns, place them 1000m away form a Tiger and see what happens.

    Same results if the distance is much shorter.

    You'll see countless shots bounce off the Tiger's armour and many dead Shermans...

    [ February 17, 2002, 12:19 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  6. In "Die deutsche Panzertruppe" by Jentz is an interesting account about a Tiger.

    On Februar 10th 1943 a battle group with some Tigers attacked a state farm near Sserernikovo.

    The tank commander after the battle counted 227 hits by AT rifles, 14 hits by 5,7cm and 4,5cm Pak and 11 hits by 7,62cm Pak and a close quarter attack with explosives.

    The tracks and wheels had been heavily damaged, the gun had been knocked out and the engine caught fire which could be put out quickly.

    With all these damages the Tiger still managed to advance for another 60km.

    It was concluded that the Tiger tank provides outstanding protection for the crew even under heavy fire.

  7. When talking about buildings, you have to differ a little bit. What does a light building in CM represent? It's just a wooden shack, a humble abode.

    I've seen movies from WW2 eastern front where a single hit by an 88mm caused wooden houses to literally explode.

    It's quite different with stone buildings or large buildings. They can absorb more damage and can protect the infantry better.

    And never forget, a house standing in the middle of a field isn't a very good place to be when enemy armour comes by...

    I once saw a wooden building under fire by a Bundeswehr Marder. After 5 minutes of firing the hut was reduced to rubble. And the Marder carries only a 20mm gun.

    Many players knock down every building with good LOS. It's a sound tactic especially when you got some support tanks with 105mm guns that will shred the buildings in no time.

    When playing less experienced players you can usually count on them placing their FO in the tall building on the only hill...


  8. Since you play Germans, your fighter-bomber was equipped with a pair of 500 pnd bombs. Only allied planes may carry rockets.

    Both pack quite a punch. If they hit something, which seems the case in your current game... :D

    Unfortunately there is no way to see the kills, the only thing you can do is after the battle look at the map, look for two BIG craters with lots of dead infantry markers and knocked out vehicles around them...

  9. Originally posted by Tiger:

    I'd like to see ai tank commanders in CMBB unbutton sometimes after being forced to button, like if they're not fired upon for 2 turns or so maybe and if they haven't taken a casaulty.


    A few weeks before I asked exactly this question, because especially for the AI, which never unbuttons its AFVs it's a big disadvantage.

    BTS replied that the way the AI handles this will be changed in CMBB.

  10. Hi Scheer, no problems here.

    When I tried to send you an email, your address gets automatically imported to my email program (outlook express in my case) where I can send you a mail.

    You have to use a program like the netscape messenger or outlook express to use this option.

    Hope that helps

    [ February 11, 2002, 08:39 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

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