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Posts posted by ParaBellum

  1. Had the same happening to a Panzerschreck team in a recent PBEM. It was a conscript Volkssturm team (yeah, exactly what I needed as my reinforcements...) and after panicking due to some rather heavy incoming fire he decided to load his weapon for quite some time. 12 turns, to be exact.

    I think that's ok. One of the team was dead/wounded, I guess he was scared to death sitting in that ditch listening to the sounds of enemy armour closing in...

    Maybe he thougth "Hmmm. Last time Franz fired this thing he got torn apart by a grenade 10 seconds later... I guess the British don't like it when we use this thingie... And anyway, what am I doing here in France in the middle of nowhere at 2 a.m. in the morning? Nobody told me that I'd have to single-handedly stop the bloody invasion!"

    [ July 27, 2002, 01:14 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  2. Originally posted by John Kettler:

    His way of describing the various vehicles and their capabilities is unique to say the least. I suggest the best approach is to enjoy the models and ignore the rest. Too bad he didn't enter the CMBB model contest.


    John Kettler

    I wouldn't want to live next-door to this guy but some of his models are pretty good. ;)

    Thx for posting the link, John.

    BTW read the description of the StuH42 for some interesting stuff about german soldiers and WWII. Scary.


    [ July 26, 2002, 01:10 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  3. Originally posted by Michael emrys:

    Heh. Reminds me of an incident about twenty years back. The Port of Astoria, Oregon, had a large concrete grain elevator that wasn't being used anymore and they wanted to develop the land for other uses. So they called in the demolition experts who carefully examined the building, placed their charges, and set them off on the appointed day. Big cloud of smoke and dust. The dust settled. There stood the grain elevator. Oops.

    Those guys aren't always so easy to bring down, even when you can place measured charges exactly where they should do the job.


    Hehehe.. Reminds me when they tried to blow up a building in my home town in Donaueschingen 10 years ago. It was the supply dump of the infantry regiment stationed there during WWII. They planted their explosives, pushed the trigger and BOOOM!! BIG detonation, lots of smoke- and the building was still standing...

    Only half of the basement was blown to bits, the whole building looked like the tower of Pisa... :D

    In Mannheim where I live now there are still some of the large WWII bunkers to be seen, it's just too expensive to blow them up.

    At first I didn't notice them until I asked someone what purpose these strange, tall buildings with these tiny windows served. Students dormitories maybe?

    Still pretty scary, after 50 years...

    [ July 26, 2002, 01:38 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  4. Originally posted by bulletproofest:

    P.S. can someone tell me how to change my signature?

    At the top of the page, under the "new topic", "reply" etc. there's a link "my profile".

    There you can change your sig.

    And if I were you I'd pray that Madmatt is in a forgiving mood...

    [ July 23, 2002, 11:41 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  5. *leans back and waits for inevitable*

    It's been quite some time since the last guy was banned. Ah, the good ol' times...

    Bulletproofest, your behaviour is not acceptable. Some people got annoyed by your off-topic postings and ridiculous claims. Don't blame others for their reaction towards you. And your insults are way off.

    You now have two posibilities:

    appologize and start over,

    or wait 'til Madmatt kicks you out.

    If you want to discuss CM and learn a lot about WW2, learn to behave.

    If you just want to stir trouble, leave.

  6. Originally posted by Aganemnon:

    Lastly, to ParaBellum... I am a Newbe. Nay, I’m lower then a Newbe for I do not yet own a copy of the game. But mark my words Sir, I live in CANADA, so you just bring those wet towels over and we’ll have a go around. BTW up here in the great white North, the land of igloos and uglies, we spell towels with one “L”. :D

    Agamemnon, from where I come we don't even spell them with an l at all... We call it Handtuch and everyone knows that canadian towels were inferior to german Handtücher during WWII.

    It's just a matter of optics and armour quality, the Canadians always neglected this with their standard models, ya know.

    The German InfanterieSturmHandtuch'44 was, as every grog here will admit, the best all-around towel of WW2.

    Even the german allies favoured the german towel over their domestic models.

    There are reports of finnish soldiers destroying T-34s and KV-Is with nothing but wet german towels, so be careful with your challenges, Sir!

    [ July 23, 2002, 12:11 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  7. Originally posted by MrSpkr:

    Steve, good question. I don't think this has been answered en detail before. That surely would give the player some interesting options.

    I think I recall something like this, since quite a some people complained that, for example, you can only mix regulars/vets, but not regulars/greens.

    Anyone knows some facts about this one?

    [ July 22, 2002, 02:11 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  8. You'll be able to import maps to the QB generator in CMBB. So yes, you will be able to create a map with flags and all and then play it as a QB.

    I don't quite understand your question regarding points.

    You can set the max points in QBs already in CMBO.

    BTW this has recently been asked and answered so I humbly suggest a search. ;)

    [edit: Lol wwb! :D ]

    [ July 22, 2002, 01:43 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  9. Forgiving? Na.

    Well, I always thought that this forum was indeed very kind to Newbies. That is, as long as they post their questions/observations in a polite, well-mannered tone, like Agamemnon did.

    With trolls there's another standard operations procedure..

    They will get humiliated, sent to Canada, beaten to death with wet towells and their liver eaten...

    With a glass of Chianti...


    [ July 22, 2002, 01:35 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  10. Hi Liebchen, one problem could be the very low percentage of free ressources on your system. 38% is quite low. You should close unnecessary programs before running CM, that should increase the performance quite a lot.

    For example my PC's free ressources after shutting down unnecessary stuff is something like 90%.

    Every program that runs while you play CM will eat memory and processing power and thus slow down CM, keep that in mind.

    [ July 18, 2002, 02:23 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  11. Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

    Parabellum, i did not mean that the modeling of Allied Machine guns could not be improved, I just was adding that under modeled machine guns in CMBO was more of an impact on the German side.

    The MG-42 sprayed significantly more lead into the air then any other allied machine gun, check your numbers per minuit, the numbers are right but the increase in rpm over the allied mg's is very significant.

    I think you confuse high ROF with lethality. The 1300-1400 rounds per minute for the MG42 is a theoretical figure.

    The MG42 was a very good weapon, no doubt. But as WWB already pointed out the success of the MG42 was based on many factors, the high ROF being not the most important. Cheap to produce, easy to handle, usable as light and heavy MG, light weight and reliability under all conditions.

    When I was trained on the MG3 we were instructed to fire 3-5 rounds when firing from bipod, longer bursts were considered a waste of ammo.

    On tripod we would fire 20-50 rounds but always had to take care of the barrels not overheating. After 150-200 rounds (longer bursts without breaks) we had to change the barrel.

    I once fired a modified MG3 (without the so-called "Nato-Bremse" =Nato break) that had a much higher ROF, comparable to the MG42 and I wasn't impressed too much. Very hard to control on a bipod. And after some firing on tripod the barrel became so hot it took a looong time to cool down again...

    [edit: hell, how did we come from railroad guns to MGs? Anyway...

    Thx again John, looks like I have to write a letter to Mr. Krupp, didn't find any production numbers... :( "Dear Mr.Krupp, I'm writing you...]

    [ July 17, 2002, 02:49 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  12. Hi Tom! Just did a quick test and yes, there seems to be a maximum number of ambushes allowed.

    The magical number seems to be 30.

    (tested in a 500pt QB)

    [edit: just tried the same with a 2000 pt QB, result is the same. Maximum of 30 ambush markers ]

    [edit 2nd: tried the same with a 5000pt QB, still the same... Guess we can take this as scientifically proven. :D ]

    You're welcome! smile.gif

    [ July 16, 2002, 10:51 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  13. Thx for the info, John, very interesting.

    I didn't take into account the captured french guns. I'm quite impressed with the production number for the 28cm K5(E)gun, though. 25 is quite a lot for such a heavy gun.

    To bugger you even more, do you have any info when and in what quantity (year/number of guns) the 28cm K5(E) was produced?

    [ July 16, 2002, 10:19 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  14. Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

    Parabellem, the MG-42 is not all machineguns for starters. That would be like saying that a Newport-17 is like a P-47. THe MG-42 was central to the German army on a tactical level and was feared by all who opposed it. Since this is a tactical based game then you have already discovered what i meant. The closest equilvelent i could think of is making the American VT arty not work right, and even that is'nt an equal enough comparison.

    Hm, I just checked the FP ratings for the MG42 on tripod, the US M1917 heavy MG and the british Vickers HMG.

    At 100m the MG 42 gets an FP of 125, the M1917 and the Vickers an FP of 76.

    So that's about 60% more firepower for the MG42. Doesn't seem too bad.

    So, in what way is the MG42 undermodelled in CM in a way the other MGs aren't?

    [ July 16, 2002, 05:43 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

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