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Posts posted by ParaBellum

  1. Originally posted by nocturnalkid:

    .. I was thinking it would be cool if in the full version of cmbb we could see some realistic recreations of the scenes that the russians came across when they liberated some of the camps..(auswitz in jan 1945) for instance.

    It would realy be cool if we could see some gruesume realistic scenes of the holocaust...

    IMO if you really think that seeing realistic scenes from concentration camps is "cool" you're sick. Seek help.

    Ah, and hi mom!

  2. Originally posted by deanco:

    All I can say is, once you have the full game and have played it for 2 or 3 monts, come back and we'll talk. I'm sure your comments will have some validity then. Until then, I really consider most (but not all) of the complaints here knee-jerk grogism.

    Well said!

    Some guys should print his out and stick it on their monitors, just in case...

    [edited 'cause I still can't quote...]

    [ September 03, 2002, 01:12 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  3. During a maneuver in France in '94 our mortars (120mm) fired at targets in front of our positions, about 1 km ahead of us. With the scope of my rifle I could see the explosions from the rounds very well and believe me, I never saw any shockwaves. My best friend served in an arty regiment and they made a video of one of their training shoots with their 155mm guns. Guess what?

    No shockwaves at all. But pretty big explosions and lots of dust kicking up.

    I detonated an AT-mine (9.7kg explosives) with a secondary 200g load. Almost 10kg of high explosive, guess what?

    No shockwave. Although you could feel the shockwave even through the armoured glass of the bunker window you couldn't see it. I'll never forget that. The mine detonated about 10m from the bunker window. It felt as if the whole bunker was swinging back and for half a second.

    And I've seen Leo 2s firing their 120mm guns at the range. Guess what? Never saw any shockwaves from the impact of the HE rounds.

    I like it how it is now, IMO more realistic, please keep it that way.

    [ September 03, 2002, 08:01 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  4. Kmead, the tutorial is IMO quite easy as the russians. The germans are weak and don't have HMGs or mortars. And your russians don't have to cover lots of open gound and are quite experienced (at least compared to the bunch of hamster you get to command in the Jelnia scenario). It gets a little bit more difficult in the Jelnia scenario, but it's still lots of fun, although one has to change his playing style a bit from CMBO.

    At least that was my experience.

  5. "Sandy, look what I got here!"

    "No, a COVERED ARC, Mr.Para!"

    "Yes, Sandy, a COVERED ARC! And not an ordinary COVERED ARC, no, it can be used against soft targets and armour, too!"

    "No, Mr.Para! That's amazing!"

    "Yes, Sandy, it is."

    "My god, my husband will LOVE it!"

    "Yes, Sandy, he will! And all your neigbours will envy you. So get yours before they do!

    "It's so cute, Mr.Para! But I'm sure it's expensive, isn't it?"

    "No at all, Sandy. This covered arc for SOFT and ARMOURED targets together with human wave and a bataillon of russian conscipts you can get for only 49$!"

    "49$? But, but that's even cheaper than a LAWNMOWER!"

    "Yes, Sandy, cheaper than a...lawnmower."

    "You're so wonderful, Mr.Para."

    "Yes I am, meet me in my wardrobe in 15 minutes."

    "Yes, Mr.Para, thank you."

  6. And remember: you can use the 'covered arc' command also for your tanks.

    You can now set a sector for the tank to observe while moving. Lets say you want to move your tank right forward but you also want it to give some attention to a patch of woods at 9 o'clock to provide some flank cover for the rest of your tanks. Simply draw a covered arc around that position and they will concentrate on that sector (and move the turret in that direction). Great for overwatch on the move.

    Or you know there's tank right behind that slope in front of you and you really don't want your tank to engage the panicked, half-dead HMG right behind you when the enemy tank reappears? Just use the covered arc.

    No more tanks advancing towards the enemy with their turrets pointing back...

  7. Already posted on a thread on the CMBO forum:

    Ooops, S P O I L E R










    Today I finished the Jelnia scenario playing the russians. I lost no tank and only about 100 casualties. German casualties were about 200+.

    I advanced one company very carefully on each of the flanks while advancing my T-34s in the centre, followed by 3 platoons of infantry. My mortars and Maxims targeted likely enemy positions while my infantry moved forward. In the centre my infantry got pinned by mortars and MG fire but my infantry on the flanks could move slowly forward. I used two platoons in overwatch positions and advanced one. This took quite some time but enemy infantry was spotted pretty fast and got supressed by the combined firepower of the T-34s, mortars, HMGs and the overwatch platoons.

    I followed my infantry platoons with company/bataillon HQs to rally broken squads and arrived in fairly good condition at my designated jump-off points.

    The actual charge using human wave cost me about 70-80% of my total casualties, but the german defense was broken and most enemy squads were destroyed, I even captured two HMG teams.

    The most important point IMO is to advance VERY carefully and allow enough time to rally broken squads and supress the enemy before assaulting. I started my assault at the MLR at about turn 16 and took the last flag at turn 23.

    Then the germans surrendered. Score was 81 to 19.

    [ September 02, 2002, 08:46 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  8. After playing the CMBB demo pretty extensively the last two days I played a bit CMBO today, still have some PBEMs going. And I've to say that I wished CMBO had the same camera system as CMBB.

    As with many other things, I think it boils down to personal taste.

    I especially like the new "6" view, gives a very good overview of the map. Always wanted something like that on the bigger CM maps.

    But then, I remember how people bitched about the new forum colours...


    PS: M.Bates I don't consider you "bitching".

  9. Originally posted by Ted:

    Has anybody had success in advancing on the Germans?

    Today I finished the Jelnia scenario playing the russians. I lost no tank and only about 100 casualties. German casualties were about 200+.

    I advanced one company very carefully on each of the flanks while advancing my T-34s in the centre, followed by 3 platoons of infantry. My mortars and Maxims targeted likely enemy positions while my infantry moved forward. In the centre my infantry got pinned by mortars and MG fire but my infantry on the flanks could move slowly forward. I used two platoons in overwatch positions and advanced one. This took quite some time but enemy infantry was spotted pretty fast and got supressed by the combined firepower of the T-34s, mortars, HMGs and the overwatch platoons.

    I followed my infantry platoons with company/bataillon HQs to rally broken squads and arrived in fairly good condition at my designated jump-off points.

    The actual charge using human wave cost me about 70-80% of my total casualties, but the german defense was broken and most enemy squads were destroyed, I even captured two HMG teams.

    The most important point IMO is to advance VERY carefully and allow enough time to rally broken squads and supress the enemy before assaulting. I started my assault at the MLR at about turn 16 and took the last flag at turn 23.

    Then the germans surrendered. Score was 81 to 19.

  10. Originally posted by Ted:

    Has anybody had success in advancing on the Germans?

    Today I finished the Jelnia scenario playing the russians. I lost no tank and only about 100 casualties. German casualties were about 200+.

    I advanced one company very carefully on each of the flanks while advancing my T-34s in the centre, followed by 3 platoons of infantry. My mortars and Maxims targeted likely enemy positions while my infantry moved forward. In the centre my infantry got pinned by mortars and MG fire but my infantry on the flanks could move slowly forward. I used two platoons in overwatch positions and advanced one. This took quite some time but enemy infantry was spotted pretty fast and got supressed by the combined firepower of the T-34s, mortars, HMGs and the overwatch platoons.

    I followed my infantry platoons with company/bataillon HQs to rally broken squads and arrived in fairly good condition at my designated jump-off points.

    The actual charge using human wave cost me about 70-80% of my total casualties, but the german defense was broken and most enemy squads were destroyed, I even captured two HMG teams.

    The most important point IMO is to advance VERY carefully and allow enough time to rally broken squads and supress the enemy before assaulting. I started my assault at the MLR at about turn 16 and took the last flag at turn 23.

    Then the germans surrendered. Score was 81 to 19.

  11. Originally posted by MrSpkr:























    Speaking of the KV-1s, did anyone else find it pretty dang useless in the Citadel scenario? As the Germans, I usually capped the thing within 20 seconds of its appearance on the field; as the Soviets, it last about 40 seconds from its hull down position.

    I thought these things were ubertanks or somefink . . .

    In the Kurskscenario I set up a nice ambush position with four AT guns and the two KVs. The KVs alone knocked out 3 PzIIIs and 2 PzIVs within 2 minutes. One of my KVs got a damaged gun, the other survived unscathed.

    I waited untill the main body of the german tanks (who had already suffered losses by AT guns, AT rifles and a lucky molotov cocktail hit) passed my KVs (hidden in the old river bed) and moved into the rear of the german tanks.

    These 7,6cm guns are not bad, two PzIV started burning right away. One PzIII exploded after the first hit.

  12. IMO the sounds in this demo are simply AMAZING!

    The screetching of the tank tracks, the MG bullets hitting the gound or bouncing off armour plates, the "Urrrrahhh!" of a human wave assault, The Maxim and the MG34 (my favourite), lots of new voice sounds, the gun sounds, the shattered glass sound of a molotov cocktail hitting a tank...

    Just played the Jelnia scenario again. Went down to level one view right behind an assaulted MG34 team.

    The sounds are so great I really got scared!

  13. To clarify: when I say the 3,7cm penetrates rear and flanks without problems I don't mean they slice through the armour like a hot knife through butter. Rather that you can expect them to do fine if you observe a few points.

    To knock out T-34s you need to

    a.) let them come close enough , less than 200m is good, even less better...

    b.) force the tanks to button up so that your guns remain unspotted longer. With the EFOW this is very important.

    c.) always try to get flank shots at 90°. I like to use the cover arc command to ensure the guns only shoot when they will kill the tanks with a high propability.

    d.) use narrow LOS for the AT guns. You really don't want six T-34s to open fire on your positions along with all the heavy weapons of the bataillon...

    I was actually a bit surprised how well the 3,7cm guns do against the T-34s. I usually need least 3 penetrations but if you manage to engage the T-34s one by one it can be done.

  14. Oh, I don't think the 3,7cm sucks that bad. I've already knocked out several T-34s with them. They penetrate the flanks and rear without problems and can penetrate the turret from the front if the distance isn't too great.

    They won't blow the T-34s up in a big explosion, but after a few holes in their tank the crew usually decides to leave their vehicle.

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