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Posts posted by ParaBellum

  1. Originally posted by *Captain Foobar*:

    I have tried this suggestion, and it appears that you must hold down alt-shift WHILE pressing escape.

    At least on my machine, it does not "toggle" the escape button as a single function button.

    I am attempting to do this from the main screen. Am I doing something wrong, or does it only function as I have described?

    You're right.

    In the title screen and in the different menu screens you have to press "alt-shift-esc", but once in the game you can minimize the game with "esc" only.

    [edit: IF you have previously pressed "alt-shift-."]

    [ September 04, 2002, 09:32 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  2. Originally posted by Fred:

    ...if you say german memoirs are biased (and you are right, I guess), why do you think russian accounts are not biased?

    I never said that. Among the books in my bookshelf are works by Carell (yes!), Panzermeyer, Guderian, Mannstein, etc... and many works by non-german writers as well.

    My main point is that you should never rely on one source when judging complex topics.

    What Carell depicts in his "stirring, emotional and immensely personal view" (Glantz) books may well be completely different than what a soviet officer has to say about the same issue, or an american historican who researched that topic after the war.

    Take all the information you can get, think about it, and then draw your own conclusions.

    [edit: ah, the art of quoting...]

    [ September 04, 2002, 07:07 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  3. Originally posted by Fred:

    ...maybe we read different books...esp. Operation Barbarossa showed a very neutral point of view, as the author showed the russion point of view in more than one instance.

    Maybe we read the same books with a different point of view.

    And if you think "Barbarossa" was written from a neutral point of view, well...

    maybe then "Signal" was written from a "neutral" point of view, too.

    Among the first books I've read about WWII were some of "Carell's" books. Why? Simply because the way he portrays Germany's (the german soldiers') behaviour during WWII is exactly the way most Germans want them to be, which means you'll find a lot of Carrel's books everywhere and many other books quote from him.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't want to bash you, but if you base your knowledge about the german role in WWII mainly on (german) general's memoirs and Carell's books there's much to discover for you.

    [ September 04, 2002, 06:34 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  4. (Windows version) Press Alt-shift-; (i.e. Alt- : ) and this will reactivate the ESC key ability to switch to the desktop (in case you prefer ESC to alt-tab for this purpose).

    From the "new feature" list...

    [edit: ubb posted a frikkin' smiley on its own...]

    [ September 04, 2002, 06:18 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  5. Originally posted by Fred:

    IMO Obersturmbannführer Schmidt (or "Carell", the alias he used for his books) isn't a serious historican. It seems that his work in the ministry of propaganda during WWII pretty much helped him to write his books...

    His books IMO are just slightly above the level of the "Landser-Heftchen". Nice to read, but that's it.

    It's always the same stereotype, especially in his "Barbarossa" book: it was a "clean" war, mass murder was only commited by the russians, the heroic germans fought a justified war, the SS was just an "elite" formation, etc...

    In 1992 he still insisted that the german attack on the USSR was a "pre-emptive war".

    PS: my grandfather, who fought as a Gebirgsjäger in Greece, Kreta, USSR and Italy really despised "Carell" as an autor of books.

    [ September 04, 2002, 06:12 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  6. Originally posted by Tim S:

    ...If we loose 500 Russians do we care as we did when we lost just a squad of the 101st or the Desert Rats? After all (in our minds eye) it could be our fathers or grand fathers we are looking after in those front lines!...

    I play with conscript russians in CMBB the same way I played with conscript germans, americans or poles in CMBO. I even care more for my poor russian conscripts because I know that they have to face deadly MGs and extreme FOW and will break and panic soon if I don't plan accordingly.
  7. Ok, this is strange. I just posted a new topic and now it's gone! Vanished, disappeard! Never saw this happening before.

    Well, 2nd try.

    Since in CMBB we'll hear many new languages and sound files, I start with providing a translation of the german wav files of the CMBB demo.

    Some might not be 100% accurate because some terms are hard to translate, but you'll get the point.

    If someone wants to post them on their site, feel free to do so.

    00030000 "Ziel ausgemacht, Feuer!" = "Target sighted, fire!"

    00030001 "Schütze, Feindziel, Angriff!" = "Soldier, enemy target, attack!"

    00030010 "Achtung Pak, Richtschütze Feuer!" = "Attention AT gun (crew), gunner open fire!"

    00030200 "Schütze, Feindgruppen, Feuer!" = "Soldier, enemy infantry groups, fire!"

    00030201 "Neues Ziel, feindliche Infanterie, Feuer!" = "New target, enemy infantry, fire!"

    00030300 "Lade Panzerbrechend, feuer frei!" = "Load AP, open fire!"

    00030301 "Schütze, feuer frei auf Feindpanzer!" = "Soldier, open fire on enemy tanks!"

    00030500 "Feindkontankt!" = "Enemy contact!"

    00030501 "Feindliche Einheit, Feuer!" = "Enemy unit, fire!"

    00030600 "Pak, Feuer!" = "AT gun, fire!"

    00030700 "Feindliche Schützen voraus, Feuer frei!" = "Enemy soldiers ahead, open fire!"

    00030701 "Feindschützen, Feuer! = "Enemy soldiers, fire!"

    00030800 "Feindlicher Panzer, Feuer!" = "Enemy tank, fire!"

    00030801 "Feindpanzer voraus, Feuer!" = "Enemy tank ahead, fire!"

    00031000 "Volltreffer, Ziel vernichtet!" = "Dead hit, target destroyed!"

    00031001 "Ziel tot!" = "target dead!"

    00031100 "Guter Schuss, der brennt aus!" = " Good shot, he's burning!"

    00031001 "Das war's, der brennt aus!" = "That's it, he's burning!"

    00031200 "Nochmal feuern!" = "Fire again!"

    00031201 "Noch'n Schuss!" = "One more shot!"

    00031300 "Nachladen!" = "Reload!"

    00031301 same as above

    00031400 "Feuer einstellen!" = "Cease fire!"

    00031401 "Ab jetzt Munition sparen!" = "From now on conserve ammo!"

    00031402 "Nur noch auf Befehl feuern!" = " Only fire on order!"

    00031403 "Munition sparen!" = "Conserve ammo!"

    00031500 "Wirf mir Munition her!" = "Throw me some ammo!"

    00031501 "Mein Magazin ist leer!" = "My clip is empty!"

    00031600 "Feindbeschuss!" = " Enemy fire!"

    00031601 "Handgranate!" = "Handgrenade!"

    00031700 "Volle Deckung!" = "(take) full cover!"

    00031701 same as above

    00031800 "Ich bin verwundet!" = " I'm wounded!"

    00031801 "Hilfe, ich bin getroffen!" = "Help, I'm hit!"

    00031802 "Oh Gott!"= "Oh god!"

    00031803 "Hilfe, hilfe!" = "Help, help!"

    00031804 "Sani, Sani!" = "Medic, medic!"

    00031805 "Ich bin verwundet!" = "I'm wounded!"

    00032000 "Deckung!" = "(Take) cover!"

    00032001 "Verdammt!" = "Damned!"

    00032002 "Volle Deckung!" = "(take) full cover!"

    00032003 "Unten bleiben!" = "stay prone!"

    00032004 "Achtung, unten bleiben!" = "Attention, stay prone!"

    00032100 "Wir werden alle sterben!" = "We're all gonna die!"

    00032101 "Wir sind umzingelt!" = "We're surrounded!"

    00032102 same as above

    00032103 "Los, alle raus hier!" = "Come on, let's get out of here!"

    00032200 "Bei mir sammeln!" = "Rally here!"

    00032201 "Kämpft fürs Vaterland!" = "Fight for the fatherland!"

    00032202 "Steht auf und kämpft!" = "Get up and fight!"

    00032203 "Kämpft, Ihr Feiglinge!" = "Fight, you cowards!"

    00032300 "Feindeinheiten voraus!" = "Enemy units ahead!"

    00032301 "Feind voraus, halt!" = "Enemy ahead, stop!"

    00032400 "Achtung, feindliche Infanterie!" = "Attention, enemy infantry!"

    00032401 "Kontakt, Feindinfanterie!" = "Contact, enemy infantry!"

    00032500 "Feindpak gesichtet!" = "Enemy AT gun sighted!"

    00032501 "Pak voraus!" = "AT gun ahead!"

    00032600 "Da hinten sind Feindpanzer!" = "Back there are enemy tanks!"

    00032601 "Panzerfahrzeug voraus!" = "Armoured fighting vehicle ahead!"

    00032900 "Gebt auf oder Ihr seid tot!" = "Surrender or you'll be dead!"

    00032901 "Waffen fallen lassen, ergebt Euch!" = "Drop your weapons, surrender!"

    00033000 "Nicht schiessen Kamerad, Kamerad!" = "Don't shoot comrade, comrade!"

    00033001 "Wir ergeben uns!" = "We surrender!"

    00033100 "Ah (Ja?), Waffe klemmt!" = "Ah, weapon jammed!"

    00033200 "Rohr gewechselt!" = "Barrel changed!"

    00033300 "Machen Sie Meldung, Gefreiter!" = "Report, private!"

    00033301 "Die Flanken absichern!" = "Secure the flanks!"

    00033302 "Leise jetzt!" = "Silence, now!"

    00033303 "Jawohl!" = "Yes, Sir!"

    00033304 "Aufpassen!" = "Stay alert!"

    00033500 "Nahkampf!" = "Close combat!"

    00033501 same as above

    00033600 "Steigt auf!" = "Embark (vehicle!"

    00033700 "Alle absitzen!" = "All, disembark!"

    00033800 "Vorwärts, und die Augen offen halten!" = "Advance, and keep your eyes open!"

    00033801 "Ausschau halten!" = "Keep observing!"

    00033802 "Beobachten!" = "Observe!"

    00033900 "Schneller, Leute!" = " Faster, guys!"

    00033901 "Vorwärts, vorwärts!" = "Move on, move on!"

    00033902 "Sprung auf, los los los!" = "Get up, go go go!"

    00033903 "Los geht's Soldat!" = "Move on, soldier!"

    00034000 "Angriff!" = "Attack!"

    00034001 "Und los!" = "Go!"

    00034100 "Vorwärts, anfahren!" = "Advance! (vehicles)"

    00034101 "Vorwärts marsch!" = "Advance!"

    00034101 "Auf geht's!" = "Come on!"

    00034200 "Rückwärts, los, rückwärts!" "Reverse, come on, reverse!"

    00034202 "Zieht Euch zurück!" = "Withdraw!"

    00034300 "Los, los!" = "Go, go!"

    00034301 "Weiter, weiter!" = "Move on, move on!"

    00034302 "Vorwärts, vorwärts, Männer!" = "Move on, move on, men!"

    PS: Warphead, some of the voices sound very familiar... ;)

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