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Everything posted by Wallybob

  1. This guy sets up a scenario giving himself Gods' own Arty observer position, and a high speed avenue of approach that the good nazi's cannot set up in, or position AT and AP mines or roadblocks, or even dead gophers in to restrict mobility. Oh, yeah and it flanks my main line of defence. I taunt him. I shall smite his commie minons, or die gloriously for the Fatherland. I'd like to state that I would smack his ass, but the setup does appear to be a little biased. Ok, Gotta do it...I'll smack his ass. GRR, AARRGGHH, Molten TNT and all that other ****. How do I save screenshots so I can show to the world how F..'d up this thing is. See, taunting you again!
  2. ...poke... ...poke... ...bump. Still trying to get this file sent to me to work. I have v1.01. GRRR! Wait, that GRR felt good! Oh my God! I must regain control, or else my mind may very well SNAP and I will be forced to live my life....for ze thrill. (canned music in background fades)
  3. GGRale, I accept that challenge, will email you in a minute. Hope the cat is ok, but you aren't going to be! AARRGGHH, GGRR, Molten TNT and such to you.
  4. ...poke... ...poke... ...bump. Any "GRR"s or "Spewing gobs of Molten TNT" yet?
  5. I gather the consequences, as usual, will consist of a rather good deal of "ARR, GRR, GARG, Mad smiley, and ranting venom". No AARs of the PBEM he...said...he is playing with others. No screenshots of "TNT infested Maggots"-there's a real picture for you! Soddball, you have contained the beast. We thank you.
  6. Abbott, Our prayers and thoughts are with your family. [ November 26, 2002, 10:47 PM: Message edited by: Wallybob ]
  7. If simply out of the sheer curiosity. Sure. My info is above the little window here, for the listvolk challenged. I agree to a contest of GRRs and AARRGGHHs. You get the AARRGGHHs.
  8. ...poke... ...poke... Shh, be vewy vewy quiet, We're hunting goodales. While Jim is wrestling the Giant Anaconda, let me take the time to tell you about Mutual of Omaha's wide range of insurance programs... Any GGRs yet? Any Cheery Waffles lurking? Sit tight and watch the erruption.
  9. Yeah, it attaches itself to a shoe, but methinks it smells like poo. Ranting and raving poo. Big huge piles of stinking, rotting POO. Poo flavored poo. Poo smelling Poo. Crapulence. Poor tactically deprived poopulence
  10. Yeah, but did you hear my fishing rod scream while I was casting out for a bite? So far, nothing. But I am sure with a bit of patience I will hear "Grr" with the Jaws theme in the background. I look forward to it. Then I can kill it. And maybe get a community service award at the same time!
  11. Literary wit, we think not. Drooling madman, possibly. CMBB player, to be determined. I for one relish the prospect. The most recent poster child on the negative aspects of the internet, certainly. I shall now taunt MasterGoodale in his own unique dialect. AARGLEBURGLE!MEPS...GGGGGGGRRRRRRrrrrrrrr! GRR. (feel free to insert your favorite inadaquate sexual reference here)you MAGGOTS. (he also has a fondness for maggots somehow) Oh, well. Going to spend the rest of the night consuming barley-pop and playing the best game I know of.
  12. Well, what can I say...he has a way with words. Now all he has to to is use them intelligently. Besides, it is usually considered rude to shout. Silly me, I was worried about civil behavior with a namby boy. Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.
  13. Better ugh than "...duh...drool...whahunh..." Or does ugh simply represent 1. sexual harassment 2. physical labor 3. limited mental capacity 4. obscure dialect usually seen in Southern Alabama. (it's ok, I live here) 5. all of the above 6. ugh, I dunno...but BFC better fix somfink.
  14. Oh his Easter mod is coming out soon...storm bunnies or explosive easter eggs! No, the "It's got huge nasty fangs" or "That rabbit's dynamite"! But of course that would be most appropriate for Jagdpanzers.
  15. Look at the top of this post, and you will see a little note card thingy (profile). My email address should be listed there. Either way, it's rohr@mindspring.com
  16. 1. Demand is a rather strong word. Folks around here see that as a red flag waved at a big-assed bull. 2. Having read your previous posts, I think I understand that you really don't mean to be the flame-war poster child. In fact if you are looking for a PBEM I will be glad to soundly thrash you. 3. This game is a pretty danged good WWII tactical level sim/game. It ain't RTS, it ain't FPS. It is CMBO/CMBB. To quote from a local barbeque joint "Ain't nothin' like 'em nowhere". Accept that. 4. Accept that the moderators here have in fact put up with a goodly number of poo-poo heads, and are rather reluctant to squash you unnecessarily...but will do so if they feel it is justified. 5. relax, enjoy the mother-beautifull game.
  17. Oh my flipping jesuit-inspired gawd. I am drooling more than usual. OUTSTANDING. I want.
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