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Everything posted by Wallybob

  1. OH DEAR GOD! I will gladly be a Tank Commander, for whichever side MasterMoldAle is NOT on. I wish to be immortalized crunching him in my roadwheels. Or just for flinging Molten TNT on his smelly butt.
  2. What it boils down to is I am kicking his NON-TNT flinging, moldy, pustulent, goat-smelling, yankee ass. I replayed the scene where I took out his last T34 from point blank range over and over and over and over again. Then I drank a beer and watched it again. Then I watched my flamethrower make his nazis get their first taste of hades. (correction, second. Their first was being under the command of such a suckass commander.) Bwahaaaahaaaahaaa. The only way he could get beat more is for him to wear a Sherman pin at a Georgia picnic. Thermopylae: I need a turn Sgian Dubh: I think you sent somfink not quite right. Please retrans. Malakovski: That HURT! Goody: Get ready to be my bitch.
  3. Be better if you actually sent some fury. To paraphrase a country/western song, "Needs a little less talk and a lot more action". SEND the NEXT turn! GGGRRRRR, I'm gonna have to open a six-pack of whoopass on you. Don't worry, you'll love being my bitch!
  4. Flares, illum from burning vehicles or terrain at night, vehicles (live and dead) blocking LOS, turn one to end movie ability, a non gamey way to do horsies, er, cavalry, streamlined PBEM, a toggle for the old CMBO arty burst (I miss that). oh yeah, nekkid chicks on harleys too.
  5. GOODALE, you sorry piece of retarded dog excrement, you have NOT sent MY turn! Unless I hear something within 24 hours, I shall declare you my bitch (when you do send the turn, you will eventually be my bitch anyways, you soggy pus-filled, francophile, yankee scum.) I just hope the mold-infested rathole you consider a home will not further delay...yeah, right...any turns from you. I mock you. Sincerely, Wallybob. to you, SIR.
  6. Hey Goodale! Send me the danged turn. I just retransmitted my last turn to you which I had sent to you on the 12th. Sick houses, sick family...send the sick turn.
  7. Yeah, right. ISP problems. Riiigggghhhttt. I have enjoyed this PBEM game. I am learning more excuses that I thought possible. What would maggot lips look like anyways? I could take the lower moral path and say that it probably looks like Frau Goody, but that would be wrong. So I won't. I think maggot lips look like MasterGoodys troops 4 days after I have killed them. Yeeha. Later,
  8. Why do we want the thread back? I was enjoying you young farts talking. M60-A3, M1-IP,M1-A1, M1A1HA dumb arsed tanker here. 1-32 Armor, 4-67 Armor, 3AD Friedberg Germany 86-90. REMF Reserves longer later. My favorite story was about a friend who was a great guy, just a tanking-challenged LT. His gunner gave him all the commands for TT-VIII on 3x5 cards. Said "Sir, if you touch anything, I'll have to hurt you". Going downrange, my friend was just crossing his arms, reading the cards. When he got to the PC and troops "Fire and adjust" engagement, he said faster than I could try "Gunner, Heat, PC, Fire and adjust, Troops, Caliber .50, On the way, stoppage, stoppage, Gunner, Coax, Troops, Target, Cease Fire. OMG It was So funny to hear on the jump radio net. They got a good score on that engagement, too!
  9. Do not let Goody out! Keep this on the front! Rampaging GGRRs await us! Doom Awaits! Oh my God! I sound like a Frenchman! Oh the huge manatee! BUMP
  10. Well, I'm not a tech geek, but i would reccomend that you check that you have the most updated drivers for your stuff, and check the tech support forum. I welcome your return to the list. It had gotten quiet. When you get your act together, I will still be glad to hand you your butt on a platter.
  11. Yeah, any excuse will do in a storm. A storm induced by Goody's comlete self-immolation. He done ate his own TNT slathered words. "OOh, i'ts too bad to play" equals "OOh, I suck too badly at this to continue, so I will compensate for it by going GGRR at people" Send your turn. Now go away, or I will taunt you a second time.
  12. Page 2? What would Goodale say? GGRRGGRR or other such nonsense. Bump. ps. I'm still waiting for my turn with Goody.
  13. Dear MasterGoodale. Unless you get off of your (pick one)1.lazy, 2. sick, 3. moronic, 4. slacker non TNT chucking, 5. petulant (pick one)1. arse, 2. recliner, 3. beer keg, 4. female relative, 5. maggot I shall be forced to assume that you concede the PBEM game we have had. I have had no response since the 11th of this month. If life has intervened, I understand. Simply tell me that there has been a...delay of game. If not, I'M CALLING YOU A NON-TNT CHUCKIN', NON-TANKIN', FOOL! Sincerely, Your most humble opponent, Wallybob
  14. To quote some village idiot, "GGGRRRAARRRRRGGGGRRRR, What the #$%& is this thread doing on page 2 Maggots. I will rip your eyeballs out and do odd things with goats and Molten TNT (whatever that is)." Feel free to add frowny faces and GGRRs and more general ranting at your leisure and imagination. I am assuming, Unlike the Goodybier WHO HAS NOT RETURNED ANY TURNS SINCE THE 11th OF THIS MONTH, that you, dear reader, posess imagination.
  15. ...poke... ...poke... ...bump. Any GGRRs sighted? This threadd was sighted on page 2. AAARRGGHH.
  16. Oh, yeah.... GGRRRRRRR, AAARRRRGGGHHH. and other such stupid ranting.
  17. Truly, ain't no beer better than the one in your hand! As a homebrewer, I feel that the beer you can craft for yourself has to be best. It should be exactly what you want. After all, you made it! Seriously, the above links are good!
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