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Everything posted by Wallybob

  1. No, that was not a triple post, it was the beer speaking to my mind. I was concerned about Jim's family, and my computer sucks. Yeah, thats' the ticket. It was my computer's fault. Just computer error. That was not the triple post you thought it was, there is nothing to see here, move along. "Hmmmmmmmmmm." Did my Jedi Mind trick work? Bugger. Gawd. I feel as low as Goody must on a regular basis. GGRRRgrgereregererrrgerrrrrrrrrrr, or some such nonsense.
  2. Gawd, I am at times an idjot [ September 10, 2003, 11:28 PM: Message edited by: Wallybob ]
  3. Jim, you sentimentally mental maggot! How is the spousal unit? My regrets for not asking sooner, but I frankly did not wish to intrude. By the way, Goodale sucks industrial quantities of insecticides.
  4. I have here 18 mice specifically trained over a long period of time to squeak in particular tones,for example, this one (Squeak) is B flat, and this one (Squeak) is A minor. I shall now play for you "The Bells of St. Mary's" (Grabs mallets and starts swinging at mice)
  5. Oh, the inhumanity of it all. Goody fought me to a draw. Me 54, he 46. AAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. The bastige. I feel...as if....I....(need?)...a rematch. And a shower now. Unclean. Grrr.
  6. Well, If I can't rely on the score at the bottom of the screen to indicate that I am indeed kicking Goodale's skanky butt, I have another method. He stopped sending turns. Bwahaahaa. Miller time.
  7. Hey Soddball, sorry to hear aboot the bidness thingy with partners? Kill 'em, collect insurance, frame Goodale for it. Win-win all round. Goodale, I have several good ideas for your sig. Mmmmmmmm. last check 60-36 Life is good.
  8. Let me get this straight. Goodale accuses me of being "gamey" a while back by purchasing Tigers. Look at the pic he recently posted. I guess he got game. Goody says he is going to win, after wiping my armor off the map. Why then is the current score 57% to 30 something. And, why is my armor still killing him. Some tracks are immobile, but they still have a whammy to offer. I heartily look forward to owning his sig, and look forward to recommendations from "the brood", whatever the heck that is. Please forward suggestions for MasterMoldMaggots sig to rohr@mindspring.com Bwahaahaa. Time for a beer.
  9. I am amazed. Goody actually sent me THREE game turns today. I can only assume that the rapture is tomorrow. Or I am in fact insane, dreaming wild delusions of turnage. Either way, I'm gonna own his sig soon.
  10. "Beer, it's not just for breakfast anymore". "Beer is reccomended by 10 out of 10 brewers in this country. Help the economy, buy beer". "Beer...it's like bread in a can".
  11. The Ben Franklin quote was my sig for a while. Another good one is "In wine there is truth, in beer there is strength, and in water there is disease" Wallybob
  12. HP 2800 Athelon, 2.08 GHz 512 MB SDRAM 120 GB hard drive 64 MB GeForce 4 video card 17" monitor DSL connection All this costs more money than my wife is happy with. Beating Goodale for his sig...Priceless!
  13. Goodarse, Send me the flipping turn, you cretin! I understand that you are reluctant, given the fact that I am torching your soldiers as fast as I can. I will have your sig. Bwahaahaahaa.
  14. Goodale, Any good redneck will tell you, the way to get rid of mice requires the use of a case of beer and a .30-06. Be sure that Mrs. Skunk-nads is not downrange. Go to a local home improvement store. Buy a butt-load of mouse/rat poison. Poison the F@#kers. Be sure that Mrs. Skunk-nads is not downrange. Pets too.
  15. This is a good idea. Although I have a very...imaginative...vocabulary, it still is poor manners to display rude language where minors might see it. What can I say, I'm a teacher.
  16. Soddball, turn out to ya. Goodale, I was just about to send out my turn (and such a lovely turn it is) when I noticed...crabgrass. Yeah, that's it. Crabgrass is overwhelming my lawn! I must deal with this by creating a home-made flamethrower and hosing off my yard to prevent the lastest yankee invasion of my beloved Alabama. I am so sorry, but you will have to wait until my next excuse...oops, sorry...you will have to wait until tommorow for the next turn. Wallybob exits room, muttering to himself, "the horror, the horror."
  17. Hey, Smope. If you are playing with Goodale, don't expect more than a turn every fortnight, with more time added for...well, a plethora of excuses. Even more delay is added if you are beating him. Note he stopped posting his win/loss average. Hmmmmmmm.
  18. Do we REALLY want an answer to that? Send the turn, maggot. Or else I shall taunt you a second ti-me.
  19. I understand now, Dr. Chandra. Oh, the huge manatee. {That is meant for the Goodale FAQ, not Goody-noturns' response.} [ August 06, 2003, 09:42 PM: Message edited by: Wallybob ]
  20. Hey! Goodale...promised...turns. Is he a non-turn-sending-maggot-breathing-pus-filled-mold-soiled-communist-tendancied-poorly-equipped-running-drip-soiled-diaper-not too-hip-stupid-git-yankee-twit-angry-nit-piece of-...stuff-said-enough-corpus-vile-pedo-phile-NON TURN-SENDING-brood-bashing-game-trashing-Mo-ron, or what. Seriously, It's what we have come to expect. When he sends a post, I have an urge to look at the bottom of my shoe to see if I have stepped into something nasty. Lady Remington indeed.
  21. Hey, BFC! Throw us some Frikkin' BONES! Taunt us! Screenshots, OMG commentary, somefink! Thank you for your consideration.
  22. Well, Dave H pretty well won our QB. The computer called it a draw, but truly, my forces were combat ineffective, and his were still advancing when time ran out. Had it been any longer, he'd have won, no doubt. My biggest problem was a gamble on poorly supported heavy armor. His crunchies got up close, and my 4 Tigers turned into Krispy Kritters. But they...did...make a good showing before they turned into smoke columns. Good Job Dave H....dangit! Edited because I at times am an idjot [ August 03, 2003, 02:42 PM: Message edited by: Wallybob ]
  23. I concur; basically we can describe your turn rate as "abominable". [/QB]</font>
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