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Everything posted by Wallybob

  1. ...poke... ...poke... ...bump! Any GGGRRRRRR's out there? MasterMoldMaggot! Send the feckin' turn! Dave H, Yours will be back later tonight. I'ts gonna be close. Soddball, Where the heck are your guys, all I see is a burnt-out Stug, and some smoke rounds impacting near the big building. Sgian, hope you are alive Mal, I will get you a set-up.
  2. My bet is on 10 posts before MasterMold finds this one. DaveH, I'm gonna kick your butt!
  3. ...ahem... YOU ARE ALL A BUNCH OF MMMMAAAAGGGOOOTTTSSSS! Non-turn sending, TNT-slathered, mold encrusted, ant-bit (you can see who is the focus of the rant), smeg-heads,I hate you all except for the ones who I am beating, and I hate YOU MORE! GGRRRRRRGRGRGRGRGR! Your mothers were all hampsters (explains Hampstertruupen), and your fathers smelt like MOLD. ...thank you.
  4. I wish to fit in neither with you...or your wife. I just want you to return a turn so's I can finish whipping your yankee butt with my "gamey tactics". Your sig is mine...soon.
  5. But if the sights "are" damaged, you can't use COAX MG. Think. It uses the same sight unit. Bow/AA MG's, ok.
  6. Oh dear, Goodale has cloned himself? Rawr?? It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
  7. I guess I am the gamey one. We (Goodytwoshooo's and I) have a QB game. 2000 points. He bought a buttload (see image of Foreign Legion types) of Infantry and about 30 M-17 HT's. I chose a platoon of Tigers. For when you care enough to send the very best. He is unhappy with my choice. AWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I am so sorry to disappoint MistressMoldyPuss by not choosing recruit infantry and a bunch of Kubelwagons or such. Just picture Goodale in that one scene from "Deliverance". Hey Goodale, SQUEAL LIKE A PIG FOR ME!!!!!!!!!
  8. Twat did you say? So sorry, I am too busy already kicking your maggoty arse all over the place. Pity about that M-17...you sure could use it in a little bit. And the KV-flamer. And the Churchills.... Actually, I am re-watching the last turn movie, and drinking a beer...and Lord, how I am laughing! The only regret I will have about owning you, bitch, is that I really don't want you. I guess I will accept the best offer someone gives me, and trade your skanky ass for a case of cheap beer. Cheap because you wouldn't go for much on the forum. People would be too afraid of catching something moldy, and wobbly bits dropping off.
  9. I have jump boots and black berets older than you! Bwahaaahaaaaaaaaaa Send me a QB setup. Human choice, meeting engagement. Unless you wish to go after Goodale of the Mold himself. Young Punks. I now know how my first Sergeant Major thought.
  10. Mrs. MG -- "Are you still at that damn computer?!?!?" MG -- {in a whiny voice} Just another minute, please sweetie? I can't find the new thread. Remember, it's the one they named after me? Please, I have so little going for me. Mrs. MG -- Oh for the love of...there it is you idiot!! Now, I told you to scrub away more of that mold!! And if I get one more ant bite while I'm sleeping, you're cut off for good!!!! MG -- Cut off from what? [/QB]</font>
  11. I say 12 posts. He will be drawn to it like a, well, like a maggot to cow dung. He can't help it. He will also make some silly-assed excuse about why it took him so long to find it.
  12. Well, I just enjoyed BEATING Goodale on a scenario HE designed. He refused to deign being my bitch because he...claims...we were just playtesting his scenario. Right. Hundreds of Moldy Russians lined up to surrender, when faced with my overwhelming ability to kick their puny, yankee butts. BwaHaaHaaahaaahaaahaaahaaaaaaa.
  13. Well, here goes. Cornelius Ryan, A Bridge Too Far The Longest Day The Last Battle Whittaker, B. Rhineland Raus, Gerhard Panzers on the Eastern Front Forgot the authors name Soldat Cooper, Belton Deathtraps
  14. HEY, SMEGHEAD(GOODALE) Send me the next turn! I can't wait to finish kicking your butt, so I can kick it again in a rematch. BwaHaahaahaa.
  15. 1. I will willingly take up the gauntlet and smack you with it. QB or Scenario, your choice. 2. Agreed, our wishes and prayers are with Jim and his wife. Al Bundy quote "Give me beer or give me death."
  16. Gosh, Goody, you sure are in a good mood today! Please send the turn so I can finish kicking your yankee butt. Upchucking daughters notwithstanding. Bwahaaaaaaaa.
  17. But our pointless drivel can be amusing, whereas what you spout out is...pointed...from your nether regions, and is spewing over us with...disgust. Truly.
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