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Everything posted by Wallybob

  1. Kitty and Axe, I have got to wait until my current opponents (Mike and Smopium) agree to upgrade before I can send you moldy turns. AARRGGHHHLLLL Moldy TNT asap.
  2. CMAK if you please. I'd like a can of CMAK to open on ya. How can you tell when a redneck gets married? You can see tobacco spit trails down both sides of the pickup truck.
  3. AAAAARRRGGGGHHHHHH!! Snarker: AAAAARRRGGGHH with Molten streams of TNT, with little crunchy bits of Panzers on it! Mike: AAAAARRRGGGHH with a bit more AARRGGGHH! I HATE my I-talian (Expletive deleted)excuses for armor. I pity the fools who actually had to use them. Smopium: AAAAAARRGGGHH with some incoming TNT Kitty: AAAAARRRGGGHHHH with no turns in my inbox. AARRGGGHHH. Axe: AAAAAAARRGGGHH (and it is not talk like a pirate day, Sep 19th) I challenge you to another game. Goodale: AAAAAARRRGGGHHHH, come back to the forum so I can taunt you more often. Slacker.
  4. Hi Mom! Kitty, may I send you an Italian front PBEM? Snarker, "Hey Rocky! Watch me pull a 'zooka outa my (domesticated beast of burden)!" got to ya didn't it? 3 down from 5 my arse. You are on the run! Squeal like a pig for me! Mike, I-talian tanks suck marginally more than your early Brit stuff. Smopium, You have done well so far, but now you're going to have to die. So sorry. Thermopylae, it'd be nice if you ever said "oh, lets quit this game now, because I am to busy to send turns back". Maggot! CMBB!
  5. Ah, but the 2.5" version was available in the later part of WWII. That is what is was designed for. I'm a thinking late 1944, but I can't exactly tell ya when.
  6. It also depends on which model of 'Zooka is represented. I don't know for certain if BFC has different models or not, but I would guess so, given their attention to detail. Early 'zooks were 1.75", later 2.5". Look at regimental histories from Korea when our guys had the older ones and tried to take out PRK T34/85's. Bad Juju.
  7. A moldy night to all, and to all some semi-truck loads of Molten TNT, and bitter venom. Hey Rocky!
  8. I especially loved the turn where I nailed 5 (five) of his Mark III's at point-blank range with Grants. I believe all he had left at the end was 4 Infantry squads, and a...whole bunch...of tank crews running off and screaming something about "Molten TNT" and "Maggot"s. The game was originally fairly even, I thought. I even killed some of his stuff with a 2 pounder portee. Bwahaahaa! Do you want to know what his revenge is? a rematch with me as early war Italians. He stuck me with what can charitably be called trash cans with tracks. I relish the challenge! When I kill him, he will feel PAIN, the Mold slathered, slack jawed, Yankee MAGGGGGGOOOOTTTT! Angry Out Loud! :mad:
  9. Wow! Dave has his very own stalker-enemy! I'll bet Paula is Sooooooooo proud. Angry out Loud! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  10. As far as toasting of the M4A2. It burnt not primarily because of the fuel (duh, diesel), but like early M4s it was ammo storage. Wet storage (in jackets of antifreeze) later would reduce the "Ronson" effect a bit.
  11. Hope everybody had a good Christmas (or appropriate holiday season). Turns out later tonight to all, and to all a good maggot-infested, TNT slathered, Moldeaten night.
  12. I have really appreciated the mods. Snow, camo, whatever, they have improved to look of the game. My thanks to all those who have made the mods I use. A Toast "To Melba". Really, thanks guys.
  13. I have really appreciated the mods. Snow, camo, whatever, they have improved to look of the game. My thanks to all those who have made the mods I use. A Toast "To Melba". Really, thanks guys.
  14. Rudolph, the Prime Mover? Rudolph, the UberReindeer? Nope, just like floridation of the water supply, you've been suckered in. RED nose, get it? Rudolph is part of the International Communist Conspiracy. Jolly old Saint Nicklaus (Joe) wears RED, travels everywhere, and gives free s...tuff to all the little kiddies everywhere? Indoctrination of the youth. You don't have to work for a living, Papa Joe will give you everything you need. Yeah, that's the ticket. In short, I still haven't found just the right gift for my wife and I am Angry out Loud! Turns out Maggots, and to all a good game! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  15. Rudolph, the Prime Mover? Rudolph, the UberReindeer? Nope, just like floridation of the water supply, you've been suckered in. RED nose, get it? Rudolph is part of the International Communist Conspiracy. Jolly old Saint Nicklaus (Joe) wears RED, travels everywhere, and gives free s...tuff to all the little kiddies everywhere? Indoctrination of the youth. You don't have to work for a living, Papa Joe will give you everything you need. Yeah, that's the ticket. In short, I still haven't found just the right gift for my wife and I am Angry out Loud! Turns out Maggots, and to all a good game! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  16. I just sent you a email of Despair, Death, Doom, Destruction, and any other D-anged words I can think of. MAGGOT! I swear by the mold-encapsulated corpse of MasterGoodale I shall avenge this attack on Rednecks everywhere. To put it in the local dialect, "Ahm a gonna open a six-pack of whoopass on yo scrawny yankee-lovin' butt."
  17. I just sent you a email of Despair, Death, Doom, Destruction, and any other D-anged words I can think of. MAGGOT! I swear by the mold-encapsulated corpse of MasterGoodale I shall avenge this attack on Rednecks everywhere. To put it in the local dialect, "Ahm a gonna open a six-pack of whoopass on yo scrawny yankee-lovin' butt."
  18. Congrats Dave H. Snarker and Smopium, turns out in about 20 minutes or so, downloading some Debate stuff for my team. Axe, Send it maggot. :mad: :mad: Soddball, You haven't sent anything in a long while. Shall I repost your ages-ago turn, or just grumble? Bah, that was easy, I'll do both.
  19. Congrats Dave H. Snarker and Smopium, turns out in about 20 minutes or so, downloading some Debate stuff for my team. Axe, Send it maggot. :mad: :mad: Soddball, You haven't sent anything in a long while. Shall I repost your ages-ago turn, or just grumble? Bah, that was easy, I'll do both.
  20. Is Boggs a Lutheran? Outing myself as a History geek, Martin Luther in his writings used a lot of...well...Poo terminology. Throwing...stuff...at the Devil and such. Axe. It's a mother-beautiful game, and it's gonna be there. Snarker: Send me the heat, Maggot :mad: :mad: GRGRGRAHGRAHHRR!
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