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Everything posted by Wallybob

  1. I had some very nice Tigers I had some pretty tanks I had some fine Soldaten But Pseudo's soldiers stink I liked my sound stout Tigers I thought their armor keen But Pseudo's assholes shot them With Shermans close and mean Poor tankers listen to me With heavy hearts 'tis true With Pseudo look all around And kill the lousy Shermans Like the filthy Maggots they are.GGRRAARRRHHHFFHHRRGGGGGHHHHHH! I know this is not a good rhyme I know this is really bad But Pseudo is a wanker And Shermans' make me mad I have not had a turn that bad in a looooonnnngg while. GGRRAARRGGHH. Angry out loud.
  2. Hokay, Maggot. It really doesn't take a lot of skill to mash my poxy Italians into the sands. Ooohhhh, I am impressed. Matildas vs. 13/40's. Big whup. Italy. Against real Nazis. With real tanks. And real hangovers from duty-free gin. Enjoy. Turns out to all, and to all a Maggot infested night.
  3. 357 Beers. Get it? 357. I have an aggressive Beer number. Fear me. I will taunt you unmercifully until you surrender. Ask Axe or Goodale. I am the bloody Beerman! Rock on!
  4. Be damned scary if I did it! "Man's got to know his limitations" Dirty Harry Callahan. Arrgghhhhaaaaccckkkk! I need a severe drink for even contemplating that!
  5. Hi Mom, I want CMX2 to have Death Rays and Genetically altered Bunny Rabbits. Whatever they do is going to make us all have bad relationships with our significant others for some time once it comes out. Tomorrow would be ok by me.
  6. Turns out to all Maggots. Axe. Obstacles must always be covered by Direct or Indirect fire. In this case, it was both. Tonight my guys can read by the fires still burning in your TD's. Pseudo. Ya got my StuG. That was funny though. Robohn. You misbehaved in class. Prepare to die. Supe. I hate your sniper. But I still win. Aces. Do you now see the method of your execution? Stalin's Organ. Are you still alive? Or have you encountered a terminal hangover! Angry out lout. (that was for Goodale) I hate you all as much as you deserve, and look forward to killing you quickly and efficiently. Bwahaaahaaaaaaaaaaaa.
  7. MY GOD! I've been turned into a boat. Geez, I thought I had lost weight. Robohn: it just gets better. Sit up straight, do your homework. PAY ATTENTION! I am getting worked up to a frenzy! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  8. Yeah, I'll bite. Sending you an email to that effect in a minute. Soddy is a little too much into the 5th stage of Drunkeness.
  9. Except that this forum is the only one in which MasterGoodale is permitted to vent abuse on others. That is the one rule. Penguns seem to have a rules and structure fetish. Now that the spat in their area is gone, I expect them to go, leaving their empty popcorn boxes and Kleenex behind for someone else to clean up and burn with furious Molten TNT.
  10. Like the evil opposite of the energizer bunny. Still waiting! By the way, if you want to freak out young relatives at Easter time, here's a good trick. My wife and I are both active with the local Jaycees and we help run our annual Haunted House. We use fake blood there, made out of Caro syrup, red food coloring, and chocolate syrup. Here is what you do. Get your average hollow chocolate Easter bunny. Get a marinating syringe and fill that puppy up with fake blood, and seal the hole well. Just wait for that young rug rat to scream and never be quite the same at Easter. Bwahaahaa. All non-turn sending Gits are...well, gits.
  11. 1. Intimate sores 2. Single-wide Trailers 3. Redneck Cops 4. Unresponsive Government 5. Red Dirt 6. Stereotypes that look bad in TV 7. Bad Beer (the worst)[remember Billy Beer?] As much puss as a puss-munch could munch if a puss-munch could munch puss.
  12. They deserved the big Bite. Like my opponents. GGRRARRGGGHHHHH! I hope you all develop sores in intimate places! Grrrarrgghhh. Non-turn-non-TNT-chuckin' MAGGOTS
  13. I reccomend spreading caltrops liberally throughout the neighborhood. Especially in the yard of Mrs. Nimby. If you can't make them yourself, contact your local folk-art blacksmith. Most of them have mayhem in their hearts anyways, they just do artsy stuff because it is legal, and makes money.
  14. Hey, Axe, look out! Aces n 8s, you lose, slacker. Robohn, you gonna lose. Organ, maybe a draw. Smopium, LOSER. Bwahaahaaaaaaaaaaaa. Any others wanna join in?
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